HOT TOYS QS 1/4 Darth Vader (pic courtesy Seanxlong)

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Everyone on this forum and others keeps saying its from ROTS, but if you look at the saber, it's not. Also when I was at the booth at Celebration it was very clear that this was only a rushed mock up. I doubt it will be ROTS when time comes for release.

I am sure there will be plenty of changes made to make it OT.

Actually the saber was a dead give away it was ROTS. Look at the control box. Has a bunch of triangles.
Hot Toys helped me decide. I was wondering whether to stay with a further collection of PF or switch to HT 1/4. Vader from HT is the ROTS so with Boba Fett will look silly. Sideshow PF is not perfect, the two statues have things that do not fit me, but they are consistent and together they will present a lot better.

So long as you don't need poseability. I assume the HT 1/4 scale are actual "action figures"...?
We all know the cape will suck on this as HT for some reason can't do a scaled cape very well. Regardless, I'm into the SS PF more as it's OT vs PT and well, I think they handled the piece better.

I'm still interested to see pics of this when it comes out, but I imagine it's also going to be more expensive than the Sideshow piece.
Actually no. That's the ESB Poster helmet and suit. It went out on tour and is currently owned by a fan in Australia. The helmet came out of the same mold as the eFX and that mold was molded off the screen used ANH helmet.

Huh, never knew that pic was of a copy from the rick baker mold and not the original screen used one. Learn something new every day. But the point I was trying to make remains - in that that helmet is the ANH style and not the (screen used) ESB style.

Oh, and what a lucky Australian!
I may actually have to pass on this figure if it is indeed the ROTS version. I just couldn't buy it knowing they would eventually release an ESB version. Not sure why they did this Vader in the first place, but hey it's not my company.

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He looks was to stocky in my opinion.

This may have been mentioned already but Hot Toys has to build light functions into the lightsaber. If you are going to do it.. do it right!

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I don't understand all the hate for Episode III Vader. This version is my personal favorite, its the most refined Darth Vader design. Dont get me wrong, I like the look in ESB and ROTJ as well, not so much of the Red Eyed ANH though. I know there are lots of you guys that are complaining about what version it is and dogging it, and will still end up with it on the shelf. Lets run the numbers shall we? Original Trilogy Vader has 3 1/6 Scale representations, The Mythos Statue, 2 1/4 scale Premium Format figures, and the Cinemaquette. Complain away, but there are lots of options and alternatives for this. I cant wait for the full reveal and PO!
Vader is Vader to me. I love the character. I'm not the type of fan who notices every single minute detail difference throughout each episode, or a fan who swears his loyalty to just one version. It's Darth Vader!! If this is the only way I'm gonna get a quarter scale figure of him, then I will happily spend my money to have this! :vader
I would love to see a 1/6 Anakin from ROTS. Madame Tussauds have a new display with a lifesize wax statue of him and it looks badass.
It's a shame this is the prequel Vader. I will be happy to order an 1/4 OT Vader. Maybe they'll change it to that.
I don't think enough people know the difference for it to be an issue. I consider myself a huge SW fan but couldn't tell you the differences. Vader aficionados are a small subset of collectors.

I would love to see a 1/6 Anakin from ROTS. Madame Tussauds have a new display with a lifesize wax statue of him and it looks badass.

He was supposed to be the follow-up to Bespin Luke but I guess HT getting the fully fledged license changed their plans.
Oh I know that but it would have been a googly eyed DX. Now that the DX line is dead dead dead we can have it in the MMS line. I also need a 1/6 ROTS Kenobi. That look is instantly iconic and exactly what I imagined a young Kenobi to look like.