Hot Toys Resident Evil 5 Jill Valentine!!!

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@kardiel. The eyes are different.


Seeing that comparison just now washes away all (if any) sadness I had about the sculpt. From that distance which is how I'll mostly be seeing it (not zoomed i super close) makes the likeness seem a lot more Jill. looking forward to this figure.
Seeing that comparison just now washes away all (if any) sadness I had about the sculpt. From that distance which is how I'll mostly be seeing it (not zoomed i super close) makes the likeness seem a lot more Jill. looking forward to this figure.

Same here. Still not 100% but acceptable. I can't wait for this figure!
after seeing this figure at the con it was really nice. Although the sculpt never bothered me, the only thing that bugs me (which I realize is character design) is that she just looks too generic.
What! Jill announced before Black widow but Black widow release first.
I wouldn't pray for changes. Look what happened to poor Black Widow.
I actually think this sculpt is acceptable, I'll just think of it as RE:Revelations Jill instead of RE5 Jill :p
I was always cool with the Jill headsculpt. I think all this pray for changes stuff might be for the worse. I mean Blackwidow b4 looks passeable,but now...just downright terrible.
The body and hair on BW look terrible but the face imo looks just as good as the protos or even slightly better. That's the thing I want changed on Jill is her face but I'm am satisfied if this is the final product.
As requested, here are some pics of Jill from the display at this year's Ani-Com convention in Hong Kong:



OMG Thank you a billion Viper!!!!! Those pics are awesome!!! Best detailed pics of her so far. Glad to see it looks like she has standard plastic arms. Face could use more detail and lips could be a little bigger but I'm happy overall I suppose.
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