Hot Toys ROTJ Emperor Palpatine

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I really doused the hood heavily with hairspray, and have been shaping it, absolutely no bleed at all coming off of it ...


I know that this is going to take several rounds to get it exactly the way I want it, but I can already see a difference, with the puffiness being taken out of it

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This shot reminds me of those strange moments we always see in a supernatural or horror flick :rotfl

This made me laugh. He looks like an old man in a convalescent home getting a sponge bath from a cute nurse.
Holy moly! I shopped together that image for a thread at least 10 years ago. Forgot all about it. :rotfl
I almost dare not to ask, but where did you find that?

I was in fact looking for an even older photo of Sideshow Palpatine with naked body, posed by a member in a hilarious "sexy" pose, couldn't find that, but this pooped up.
It looks like a similar material to that used for the Kylo Ren figure. I don't recall any bleeding from that one.

There's no skin colored sculpt that it could bleed onto in that case though, but that's promising that nothing came out on a wash. Seems like that should alleviate some concerns. Maybe the undergarments are more likely to leave marks on the arms.
Ouch.... 55 other scalpers watching.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Is it really that hard to get hold of Hot Toys figures outside of EU/US? I'd think it was easier and cheaper in Asia then other places.. those prices are R E T A R D E D
Is it really that hard to get hold of Hot Toys figures outside of EU/US? I'd think it was easier and cheaper in Asia then other places.. those prices are R E T A R D E D

Sorry im not usually one to bring up controversy. I just hate that word and it’s misuse.

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This figure is just a headsculpt with a robe. Someone surely can come up with a proper custom robe
I think the robe looks fine. Doesn’t appear to be that off anyways to my eye.

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