1/6 Hot Toys Speculation Thread - Avengers 4

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Off topic, but the 4K Blu-ray Steelbook is up for preorder at Best Buy in case anyone is into Steelbooks. I’m guessing this will sell out.

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So, uh, is it fair game yet to talk about who else might be announced over time that they haven't teased yet, now that the movie's out? (in spoilers, obviously)

Everybody shows up, of course, but I'm not at all convinced they're going to remake (or make for the first time) dusted characters, especially since none of them that I recall have a costume change. Chunky whatever-mark-he-was War Machine and Rescue will almost certainly get made because they're armors, Thor probably has a fairly decent chance, as does Professor Hulk, and I could see them doing an updated Stealth Cap, maybe even a short-hair Captain Marvel since she did indeed end up looking so drastically different from her solo. But aside from them sometime down the line, anybody else seems like a much slimmer chance. If they didn't make a Mantis for Guardians 2 or an Okoye for BP (which could still happen, I guess), etc, they're probably not going to make them for a movie where they appear for ~45 seconds.
After seeing the movie last night, pretty safe bet on saying, there will not be a Thor figure. If fact, I anticipate only 1 more figure to be released. Maybe an additional depending on how fancy they want to be.
After seeing the movie last night, pretty safe bet on saying, there will not be a Thor figure. If fact, I anticipate only 1 more figure to be released. Maybe an additional depending on how fancy they want to be.

Well it wouldn’t be the first tine that they produce figures for characters that were on screen for a few seconds, ala House Protocol suits.

I’ll like to see an Okoye figure, given that she’s now appeared in three movies.
Just got back from watching it, some tired 4 in the morning thoughts and heavy spoilers:

Overall I really loved it, got teary in some parts. I think it wrapped nicely up a lot of characters stories. A lot of what happened is what I thought would and what others have said. Tony Stark sacrifices himself by snapping Thanos and his armies away, in the end killing himself also, with a very nice touching scene with Peter reminiscent of Infinity War. It's a lovely end to Tony's arc, and it's great that it pretty much centres around Tony and Steve. Steve finally gets his dance and kiss. He wields Mjolnir and Stormbreaker and kicks ****ing ass. He's great in this, everyone will want Cap from this film, this is THE Cap! There's a monumental great shot of Steve with his broken shield and heavily beaten up standing by himself confronting Thanos and his huge army. Professor Hulk has previously snapped everyone back into existence after they get all the infinity stones and at this moment a lot of portals open up and all who were lost flood in creating the Avengers army. We finally get Cap saying Avengers assemble!

Steve comes back to Falcon and Bucky as an old man. Not sure if he is staying in the future as an old man now as an advisory role, I think the idea is that he lived his life with Peggy, then came back to present time. He passes the shield to Falcon.

Thor -- my sort of favourite character. I get what they're doing with him and where they're going. He's been weakened heavily in this film and is the comedic relief. He's got zero power he did have pretty much. He's a visual pun as well as with his dialogue. And it does work. But I can't help but feel his character has been hard done by. On the flip side I do like his new character, sort of torn by it. Him wielding both Mjolnir and Stormbreaker should have been more epic, we should have seen him wreac havoc but he's nothing like he is in Ragnarok or Infinity War.

Black Widow :'(

Some people do remain dead in this film. Doctor Strange was wasted in a hilariously bad way.

A lot of the film feels like a long Ant Man film. But overall the tone, and pacing is great. Does not really feel like three hours.

The end battle is pretty epic.

Overall I think a lot of people are going to be very very happy. I imagine some people will be disappointed also, it does have its pits and isn't a perfect film. But as a culmination it wraps all the films up very nicely.

Captain Marvel I'm happy is barely in it, but when she is just gives off arrogance. Her power level... I don't understand it. She just flies through big ass ships and beats everyone down pretty much. Unbelievable that they weakened Thor so much and have this character as super powerful.

There's an all female shot in the end battle, which although lovely and badass... comes across as political and took me out of the film personally. In two minds about it, didn't feel natural.

But now it just feels like any problem they have in the future films they can always just time travel and fix things.

The whole time travel stuff I'm sure makes sense, but it all flew over my head.

Overall, can't wait to see it again. Late night musings, some opinions may change the more I think about it and see. As I type I'm more interested in this Thor, I just need to get over they I loved the character how he was and who he was become to an extent, but now they're all in with a very new portrayal - and I do like it's a culmination of all the parts that broke him as a person. They take the idea and run with it.

You and I feel very similarly. There are people going gaga over this film. I enjoyed it but there are some things that didn't feel right to me. Thor was one. The female avenger thing was another. I get it, but you explained it perfectly. It wasn't natural.
War Buster? No idea what that is. Only buster suit in the film are the one that Bruce was in form Infinity War at the beginning fo the film. War Machine is in the one revealed by Hot Toys for most of the film which I think a lot of people consider lesser than his IW version. Thne at the end of the film when Thanos' ship arrives at the Avengers HQ and blows everything up WM gets stuck under all the rubble and detonates the suit to get out. Then somehow when he's out and back on the ground he's in a new extremely bulky and ugly looking suit reminiscent of the Iron Patriot.

I mean I really dislike WM as a character in the MCU and think his armours look trash, so I'm probably bias, but the IP type bulky one look bloody awful. Any fan of WM will be disappointed by his suits in this film. IW is probably the superior version, if he even has one at all.

I totally agree about WM as well. I ordered Mark 4 after seeing this
Put my preorders in for Cap and Iron Man. They will be THE versions of the characters and should def have their "extra" accessories. Can't wait. I'm down for Thor (he was awesome) and then I'm probably good. They are the big 3 for sure and will epitomize the MCU for me in my collection. So glad I waited until the end of this Infinity Storyline to buy versions of these characters. I knew I'd regret it and need these Endgame versions if I went and got Civil War Cap or Avengers 1 IM. I only want 1 of each in my collection, and these are it.

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After seeing the movie last night, pretty safe bet on saying, there will not be a Thor figure. If fact, I anticipate only 1 more figure to be released. Maybe an additional depending on how fancy they want to be.

Oh man, I really hope they make a Thor from the Third Act!
Oh man, I really hope they make a Thor from the Third Act!

Doesn't he slim down a bit when he powers up? Maybe they work that angle lol. Lebowski Thor was great, but in battle I'd prefer he weren't so fat. It was hard to tell as the fight was happening but I thought he lost some beer belly. Could be wrong.

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