Hot Toys - TDK - TWO-FACE / Harvey Dent PHOTO Thread

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Looks nice but how much of the strap is actually on his hand!? Kinda looks like he's balancing the bag by the strap with only two finger tips. :lol

It's kinda wedged in between fingers lol, his open hand doesn't really hold it too well. :p Need to futz with it or try some different hands I think.

Yeah, I like the bag, but it seems a bit small in scale....maybe it's just the photo.

It looks better from other angles, in that photo it's kinda blending into his pant leg... to me looks about the same size as the one he carried in the film (for about 10 seconds).
Yeah, I remember him with that style bag just before he meets with Gordon...just wasn't sure if it was quite big enough. Where did you get it?
Yeah I'm wondering too, especially rooted hair. Do they have to cut off the sculpted hair somehow when doing stuff like that? I imagine that's a messy job.

You'll have to ask elvis1976, it's his work and he's a very skilled Artist so I wouldn't try it at home. :lol
He's finally freakin' done (just need to adjust the tie a little) \:D/ Took a few months to build him from scratch with different parts, but i'm happy with it now :)


Waay late to the party but My DA came in a couple days ago. I'm very happy with it, especially the Dent Sculpt. I see NO problem with the "new" material, in fact it's hard for me to tell the difference. Excellent Sculpt. TF head will be off to Seb in the coming days. Mine came with a plastic bib sheet over the head like he just came from the Barber's chair. :lol Also the shirt collar looks perfect, no bulky-ness. Love the rotating revolver chamber and the fact it pops out. Other notes: The thumb crease is barely noticeable on mine and I think it was sculpted that way on purpose. I have moved him three times now and the coin hasn't fallen fron his hand. My only nit is the TF Collar, but that can be futzed, I may try to blow dry the rubber part, then futz it in place then freeze it to hold into place better. Some of you who got a Dark Blue Dent suit are definitely on the the right track, don't know if I'll do that at this point but the Dent Fig looks great with a blue suit and silver or light blue tie.

Anyway, anyone still on the fence should pick this up if you can get it for a reasonable price, like under 90 shipped because it is a Central Character and Villain and it completes the TDK Figure Line nicely on the shelf. In other words, the whole is greater than the parts in this case IMO. :blackbat

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Mine came this morning. Excellent figure, my only gripe being a slightly loose knee. Just working up the courage to dirty up the shirt, lol
One of my joker bodies has the same thing, it bends very freely. Is there any way to fix it?
Trust me, the dirty shirt, done ANY way looks awesome, better than the clean one anyway, no matter how you do it
Here's mine. I decided to use the Hot Toys 2 in 1 Kent suit since I wasn't displaying it with the Kent head. I've read some of the previous posts of those offended by the gun pointing poses, please don't take offense, I mean no disrespect. I just liked the poses of him holding the gun to his temple and then this display came to mind.
I wonder if that 2 in 1 suit can be purchased from ebay. I have been wanting it for my Harvey for quite some time now.
Wasn't happy with the coffee effect on the shirt, so I bought some charcoal sticks on my lunch hour today. Much better, I think. This will be the final shirt. It also looks better in hand, the photo has brightened it up a bit.
Looks good. I still can't believe HT just cheaped out and didn't include a second shirt. I mean MJ got a full zombie outfit for the Thriller figure when he really only needed the jacket.
A tiny piece of blu-tack. Or in this case, white-tack. It holds well, I've been futzing the hell out the jacket and shirt and the button hasn't moved.

Im sorry, Im fairly new here, but what is "Futzing" I've seen it mentioned on several threads.
Looks good. I still can't believe HT just cheaped out and didn't include a second shirt. I mean MJ got a full zombie outfit for the Thriller figure when he really only needed the jacket.

Tell me about it.........Two Face needs better treatment. Which is why they shouldn't have killed him off after him running around as two face for like ONE DAY. Stupidest thing EVER. That is why he doesn't get proper treatment, he didn't get much screen time. Christopher Nolan should find a way to make so Harvey's body was lost and he is still alive or something.

Harvey and Scarecrow need epic comebacks! And The Riddler needs an epic entry