Hot Toys - TDK - TWO-FACE / Harvey Dent PHOTO Thread

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Tell me about it.........Two Face needs better treatment. Which is why they shouldn't have killed him off after him running around as two face for like ONE DAY. Stupidest thing EVER. That is why he doesn't get proper treatment, he didn't get much screen time. Christopher Nolan should find a way to make so Harvey's body was lost and he is still alive or something.

Harvey and Scarecrow need epic comebacks! And The Riddler needs an epic entry

In all honesty, I was ok with Two Face dying. He wasn't gonna live very long anyway with half his face burned away.
They took it too far with his burned face. Way to ruin the character the more I think about it.....

I think that was done so your average person would buy that it was serious enough to make him completely snap. I read somewhere that Nolan took it to an extreme because he thought it would just look silly if Two Face just looked like he was running around with black makeup on or something to that effect.
I think that was done so your average person would buy that it was serious enough to make him completely snap. I read somewhere that Nolan took it to an extreme because he thought it would just look silly if Two Face just looked like he was running around with black makeup on or something to that effect.


Bring on someone we haven't seen in a Batman movie yet. For sure not the wannabe Joker Lite, Riddler.
T-Bag has my vote for the Joker. He's closer to how I picture him from Killing Joke and Arkham Asylum.

I think that was done so your average person would buy that it was serious enough to make him completely snap. I read somewhere that Nolan took it to an extreme because he thought it would just look silly if Two Face just looked like he was running around with black makeup on or something to that effect.

The real story with Two-Face's design for TDK is that initially they did some concepts with the burns looking real, and found that it was so horrid that it would just completely turn off the audience. The ultimate decision was to go extreme so that the turmoil of the character would not be lost, but it's so unrealistic that it wouldn't make audiences queezy, most people see it and think, yeah right, like that could happen. If they showed you what actually could happen, people would freak and start to imagine it happening to themselves and it just would have hurt the movie.
The real story with Two-Face's design for TDK is that initially they did some concepts with the burns looking real, and found that it was so horrid that it would just completely turn off the audience. The ultimate decision was to go extreme so that the turmoil of the character would not be lost, but it's so unrealistic that it wouldn't make audiences queezy, most people see it and think, yeah right, like that could happen. If they showed you what actually could happen, people would freak and start to imagine it happening to themselves and it just would have hurt the movie.

Good point MF. If the audience was totally grossed out by Two Face, that's kind of missing the point of the character.

(Whatever happens I just hope we never get Killer Croc in Nolan Bat-flick.)
I don't know, I would have liked to see a realistically burned Two-face. I love what we got though, but it would have been interesting to see something more grounded in reality like the rest of the series.

I'm still upset he 'died' though. I mean his death was vague enough they could bring him back if they wanted. But it would have to be a massive cover up job between Batman and Gordon. Plus he would have needed skin grafts and such. I think a healed but scarred Two-face might be kind of cool looking. Plus I still think the Harvey revealing himself to be alive and ruining the trust of Gotham in the GPD and everything would set things back up for Batman to gain their trust again would be a decent storyline to have.
I don't know, I would have liked to see a realistically burned Two-face. I love what we got though, but it would have been interesting to see something more grounded in reality like the rest of the series.

I'd personally have enjoyed seeing what that ammounted too, but I also think you could cut the box office numbers for TDK at least in half if they'd gone that route. ER had pushed how far you can go with showing realistic burns on people some times but even then, not as far as Two-Face would be.

I say conceptually that I'd like to see it, but to be honest, I might even be sickened by the site, I had a cousin die from burns in an industrial explosion and I never saw him in the hospital before he passed, but I'm probably better off if I can never put a visual to that part of the family history.

Like I said, the final film look was sooo fantastic it wasn't a turn off, I immediately started thinkin, wait wait, how can that happen, or this be like that. If you can disect it's off qualities, than it's not horrific, but if you think, this looks like it should, then you just take it for value and that can be frightening.
I don't know, I would have liked to see a realistically burned Two-face. I love what we got though, but it would have been interesting to see something more grounded in reality like the rest of the series.

I'm still upset he 'died' though. I mean his death was vague enough they could bring him back if they wanted. But it would have to be a massive cover up job between Batman and Gordon. Plus he would have needed skin grafts and such. I think a healed but scarred Two-face might be kind of cool looking. Plus I still think the Harvey revealing himself to be alive and ruining the trust of Gotham in the GPD and everything would set things back up for Batman to gain their trust again would be a decent storyline to have.

Bravo Buttmunch! That would be an excellent story!
I could even see the Riddler playing a part in that storyline too. Although it might not be the best idea having another Riddler/Two-face movie. People would think it was a Batman Forever remake.

But I wouldn't think it would be too far fetched to have Two-face come back in that manner. I mean they never flat out said he was dead. He could have just been knocked out and the memorial service never showed a coffin. I think a cover up story would be doable. They would just have to introduce someone in Arkham that Batman and Gordon trust. Dr. Harleen Quinzel perhaps? :monkey3

I'm just saying with Heath gone, bringing back Two-face might be the way to go now. Maybe not as the main villian, but I certainly think it could be a good plot device to use.

And I'm really sorry to hear about your cousin Sean. Getting burned to death has to be one of the worst ways to die. Being eaten alive by something (shark being the worst with the drowning factor added) would be another, especially if it didn't kill you immediately. But burning is just so slow. I mean even Anakin's burning in RotS was hard to watch, and I'm sure it was far from realistic.
It'd be cool to see more of Dent, but my hopes for the 3rd, and most likely, final Nolan Batman film are for it to be more like Begins, with the villain being sort of mor a background element with a focus back on Batman himself. Since Nolan's work will likely end as a trilogy, the 3rd act should focus on finishing the Batman arc started in the first. TDK was a stepping stone in all of that. I'm only familiar with the most main stream villains, Penguin, Joker, Riddler, etc. but I think Catwoman would be a good choice like Ra's in that it could more personalize and conflict Batman compared to someone who really is just his nemesis. Ra's was like a father figure, a mentor, and a shock to be the villain. Catwoman could be the same, fill the love void Rachel's death left in Bruce, but also have the conflict of him loving someone and having to stop her at the same time.
Yeah, I could see Catwoman in that capacity. I too think Nolan will finish the trilogy and that will be it.

Black Mask would be a good choice to fill the mob boss spot in this one. It would show the mob is evolving too with wearing masks and creating a mythos for people to fear them. So he would be like Moroni or Falcone. He'd play a part, but not be the main bad guy.

And I think at this point, we'd need a Scarecrow cameo again just to keep things consistant :lol
I could even see the Riddler playing a part in that storyline too. Although it might not be the best idea having another Riddler/Two-face movie. People would think it was a Batman Forever remake.

But I wouldn't think it would be too far fetched to have Two-face come back in that manner. I mean they never flat out said he was dead. He could have just been knocked out and the memorial service never showed a coffin. I think a cover up story would be doable. They would just have to introduce someone in Arkham that Batman and Gordon trust. Dr. Harleen Quinzel perhaps? :monkey3

I'm just saying with Heath gone, bringing back Two-face might be the way to go now. Maybe not as the main villian, but I certainly think it could be a good plot device to use.

But I also think Scarecrow needs a comeback as the most frightening thing ever

And I'm really sorry to hear about your cousin Sean. Getting burned to death has to be one of the worst ways to die. Being eaten alive by something (shark being the worst with the drowning factor added) would be another, especially if it didn't kill you immediately. But burning is just so slow. I mean even Anakin's burning in RotS was hard to watch, and I'm sure it was far from realistic.

Buttmunch your ideas are magnificent, though I do think Riddler and Two Face could work, it would just be more serious and not as giggly as Batman Forever was (still love that movie though lol)
My brother and I have been talking about him for a couple months but as the Riddler.

Nah, T-Bag's perfect for Arkham/Killing Joke Joker. I think if anyone can pull of recasting the part it would be Knepper.

And Riddler is Joker Lite. Joker VERY Lite.