Hot Toys TDKR: 1/4th scale Batman [QS001] - Full Reveal & Specs

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Just saw these on FB "The Dark Knight Rises - 1/4 Batman By Tatum Toystorely"


He just looks weird proportion wise, for me. Huge shoulders, long arms, his neck looks too far back on his shoulders. It actually puts me in mind of the very first hot toys TDKR batman in the upper body area.
Yeah the arms look ridiculous.

I really hate the chest sculpt, it's almost like V1 (the one before DX02) in shape/size. They got it beautifully for DX12, why not for this?
I just think that their Bale Batman offerings in general have been lacking as of late, particularly when their competitor is able to successfully recreate the likeness on their first try (those Enterbay Bale faceplates look more real than Bale in some pics). I haven't bought a DX 12, and I don't know if I even want to after seeing the way the head on that one turned out. The eyes are too big on this thing, the faces are nowhere near the Enterbay faceplates, in terms of likeness, and the Bale head could use some improvements as well. This is an important figure to me, though, and if it meant seeing a 6 month to a year delay for a far superior product, I'd take that deal any day of the week.

I guess I'm sort of in a similar boat, kind of. Haha. In that the character and source material are too important for me to pass the dx12 up. If it had been truly terrible then I wouldn't have just bought it, but I was happy with most of it, except the faceplates. I think the only one that looks like bale is the smirking one, and that looks rubbish because he's smirking. Haha. Luckily Robbies makes a huge improvement. But I agree enterbays begins version looks fantastic. Those faces are bale through and through. The open mouthed one in particular. Frustrating when you see that, like you said enterbays first attempt, and hot toys are getting worse it seems. You'd think that would push them to make sure their quarter scale offering was something good enough to compete, but it seems not. Now if only enterbay could do 1/6 versions. I'm sure I'd ditch my hot toys for enterbay if the quality was still there.
I didn't get a DX12 because I know in my heart that they'll probably try to milk one more out before the reboot hits.:lol
Yeah the arms look ridiculous.

I really hate the chest sculpt, it's almost like V1 (the one before DX02) in shape/size. They got it beautifully for DX12, why not for this?

Yeah, and what's even more noticeable in this figure is that the diagonal lines on the lower pecs are more obviously far from the tip of the bat-emblem than the DX12.

I hope the final product would have all these concerns tweaked.
The arms are ridiculously long on this, very noticble in the spec images. I hope that is the main thing that gets fixed, looks goofy.
I didn't get a DX12 because I know in my heart that they'll probably try to milk one more out before the reboot hits.:lol

Haha yeah, wouldn't surprise me. While I generally don't like the idea of milking characters I actually really want them to make another version with the sonar head. I find that, surprisingly, I miss that from the dx12. Would be great to see a more bare bones release, just standard mms, with the sonar head, back pack, some new face plates and simple accessories, grapple gun and some batarangs maybe. Then between that and the dx12 we'd be set.
I guess I'm sort of in a similar boat, kind of. Haha. In that the character and source material are too important for me to pass the dx12 up. If it had been truly terrible then I wouldn't have just bought it, but I was happy with most of it, except the faceplates. I think the only one that looks like bale is the smirking one, and that looks rubbish because he's smirking. Haha. Luckily Robbies makes a huge improvement. But I agree enterbays begins version looks fantastic. Those faces are bale through and through. The open mouthed one in particular. Frustrating when you see that, like you said enterbays first attempt, and hot toys are getting worse it seems. You'd think that would push them to make sure their quarter scale offering was something good enough to compete, but it seems not. Now if only enterbay could do 1/6 versions. I'm sure I'd ditch my hot toys for enterbay if the quality was still there.

Don't worry.. Relax Ht will up their game as always. Good news is Ht is pushing this back to q2 release. This will give ample time to fix this. Ht is not going to let EB run away in 1/4th, competition wise. Chill, lay back and relax. Ppl will be all over this when the final product pics are out. :wink1:
But seriously I might say eb's batman is just so accurate that I don't really bother bout the bale head. Again Ht can always take eb's mouth plate and make an improvement on that. It's easy fix for me. Ht being Ht will deliver.
Don't worry.. Relax Ht will up their game as always. Good news is Ht is pushing this back to q2 release. This will give ample time to fix this. Ht is not going to let EB run away in 1/4th, competition wise. Chill, lay back and relax. Ppl will be all over this when the final product pics are out. :wink1:

Wow, thanks for the info. I've not heard about this. Is this from SSC's site? Can't access SSC for day s now, I don't know why.

But yeah, I don't mind waiting for a few more months. Apart from giving some of us more room to save up (I only paid $10 NRD at a local dealer so it won't hurt if I cancel should the final product turn out lackluster), I hope those extra months would be used to make the figure better than the protos. If they've done it on the DX 10 I don't see why they culdn't or wouldn't on theur first quarter scale offering. Well some might think that HT won't, hubris being the reason, but I'd be on the other side and think that HT won't just watch EB churn out wonderful 1/4 figures without a fight.
Don't worry.. Relax Ht will up their game as always. Good news is Ht is pushing this back to q2 release. This will give ample time to fix this. Ht is not going to let EB run away in 1/4th, competition wise. Chill, lay back and relax. Ppl will be all over this when the final product pics are out. :wink1:

As always? :doh
I'm hopeful, but a little :panic:
Wow, thanks for the info. I've not heard about this. Is this from SSC's site? Can't access SSC for day s now, I don't know why.

But yeah, I don't mind waiting for a few more months. Apart from giving some of us more room to save up (I only paid $10 NRD at a local dealer so it won't hurt if I cancel should the final product turn out lackluster), I hope those extra months would be used to make the figure better than the protos. If they've done it on the DX 10 I don't see why they culdn't or wouldn't on theur first quarter scale offering. Well some might think that HT won't, hubris being the reason, but I'd be on the other side and think that HT won't just watch EB churn out wonderful 1/4 figures without a fight.

I got the news from my supplier in Sg. It make sense though as Ht will push out most of the avengers figure and dx joker on q1. same goes to endo 1/4th it's also q2. I agree on dx10 pt. Proto looks ****ty but it turns out to be a great scuplt spoil by the pers gimmick. Similar to dx sparrow. Proto look nothing like him at all. Need to be patient here, when it's out hopefully the lack of pre order no. Will push the value higher when Ht fix most of the issues.
Just saw these on FB "The Dark Knight Rises - 1/4 Batman By Tatum Toystorely"



By all accounts, this should be one of my favourite Hot Toys ever. (Considering I've wanted a Dark Knight and never bought one- -well I did, but had to return it)

Anyhow, love the work that Hot Toys have done in terms of recreating the suit. It's an impressive feat. But, there is so much wrong with this. The face is off, Bale doesn't look much like Bale at all. If anything, 1/4 seems to be showcasing Hot Toys limitations.

Unimpressed. I may plump for the Enterbay afterall.