Hot Toys TDKR: 1/4th scale Batman [QS001] - Full Reveal & Specs

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So you are getting one just for an investment then?

I also have no issues with the Bale sculpt either but if there are improvements I am all for it. Never noticed the tear ducts until you mentioned it now that's all I see| :gah: :lol

Haha dammit, sorry bud, if I knew that was gonna happen, I would've never bought the ducts up :rotfl

And nah man, not as an investment. Just to have. Always been like that for as long as I can remember. Its more like...if one of them breaks, ill have a spare.

I have many doubles in my collection...:slap
This figure will be a great investment. Price will only ever go up, iv had exclusive version on pre order since last year but now im thinking of getting another standard version to keep and just hold the exclusive for a year or so and sell it on in the future as brand new :)
what are the chances do you guys think HT will end up doing maybe a bat-pod for this figure in 1/4 scale? i for one would buy it in a heartbeat.

Slim to none. I doubt they'll venture into vehicles outside the 1/6 scale
See with me, I never sell ANYTHING from my collection. They will either be handed down to my future children, given to friends or family (I have done so in the past, I had 3 takara batman begins, gave one to my cousin, along with HT first superman returns), or maybe one day, sold off at a charity for a good cause.

Not judging anyone here mind you. It's just the way I am.
So, is this still available from PO anywhere other than Sideshow and who has the best price on it?
So, is this still available from PO anywhere other than Sideshow and who has the best price on it?

Talk to some HK sellers, if you say you have the money then they will do what they can to get it for you lol id say Timcent and Loontentoys on ebay.
Ok, i thought they were sold out. I know mothers basement got a couple last night but they were snatched away within half an hour. Its unbelievable how much this figure is in demand after the recent update of pictures.
Ok, i thought they were sold out. I know mothers basement got a couple last night but they were snatched away within half an hour. Its unbelievable how much this figure is in demand after the recent update of pictures.

Absolutely. As soon as I saw those new pics I knew this was a must have. Very happy to have found one still available before the prices skyrocket.

Thanks for your help. :)
Absolutely. As soon as I saw those new pics I knew this was a must have. Very happy to have found one still available before the prices skyrocket.

Thanks for your help. :)

No problem, hope you enjoy it :) i really fancy looking for a 1/4 body to make a custom bruce wayne like alot of people did with the DX12 lol if anyone has info on a magical 1/4 Truetype body then hit me up lol
The left side of my signature holds the answer to your question. :rotfl

There are only so many single piece above $700 superhero collectible purchases that I can get away with within a year. :lol

That's nothing, how about the LSF Wolverine that costs 4 Batmobiles! :horror

Imagine buying that! :thud:

Wait, so did you use up your entire collecting budget on the two Batmobiles? You can't ask Mrs. Jyecat if you can Flexpay da big Bat? Say "Plz dear. How would you feel if you were my Bic boi Batman? You'd have the chance at meeting ur long lost brother taken away from u by the Jyecat family. I don't want Bic boi Batman to switch to the angry faceplate and come after me in my sleep bcuz I took away his chance at family.""
I was blown away by the pics and just put in my PO. I'm not sure if I should get rid of some of my 1/6 stuff and go exclusively with 1/4 now.
He's the 1/4 Batman we deserve and the one we need right now.

Boom. Nailed it. I'm so proud of Hot Toys right now. If I was at SDCC right now, I'd give Howard Chan a huge bear hug right now. Like I said, with all they included they could've easily left it "as is," and a bunch of the sheep would've found it to be a passable release; not to mention, it would've allowed them to have their foot in the door to revisit it later on, but they didn't. They saw that it had potential, and they knew it could be miles better, and they made it miles better.

This is a release that not only fans can be proud of, but HT, as well. With the minor exception of the back of the cowl, and, if you really are looking, the mesh part of the bodysuit, they've delivered what could very well be one of the best figures of this year, or even recent years, providing the other faceplate and Wayne head are as good.:pray:
Boom. Nailed it. I'm so proud of Hot Toys right now. If I was at SDCC right now, I'd give Howard Chan a huge bear hug right now. Like I said, with all they included they could've easily left it "as is," and a bunch of the sheep would've found it to be a passable release; not to mention, it would've allowed them to have their foot in the door to revisit it later on, but they didn't. They saw that it had potential, and they knew it could be miles better, and they made it miles better.

This is a release that not only fans can be proud of, but HT, as well. With the minor exception of the back of the cowl, and, if you really are looking, the mesh part of the bodysuit, they've delivered what could very well be one of the best figures of this year, or even recent years, providing the other faceplate and Wayne head are as good.:pray:

Just give him your money and he will be happy.
Just give him your money and he will be happy.

Da first part was a joke.

Breaking News:

batfan08 reported missing, possibly kidnapped by Asian toy company for sex slave duties.
