Freaked Out
Same here I have catwoman comming out on same day aswell. I think they will just take flex payments. I don't think they will be allowed to charge postage yet.
SS will delay the flexpay until he starts shipping, they will then bill your last flex payment and add the additional shipping charge too! One last super bill to coincide with him shipping!
Now they are saying that this figure is shipping in July.
I think Hot Toys have talented sculters, they are just not as good as Enterbay sculpters though.
[/B] Plus they probably have some restrictions in regards of PERS. I think they are forced to sculpt big eyes' holes, so PERS can get better articulation and have more impact in the final product. As you said before, Hot Toys don't really care for 100% likeness and realism.. they produce action figures that are half toys (for fun, with a lot of accessories and extra features) and half likeness... I'm in the minority here, which thinks that likeness and realism is the more important thing... So If this figure were accurate I'd buy it even if it only would come with the basic figure and a couple of extra hands. (no PERS of course).
I'd only consider buying this if they announced a 1/4 Joker as well, I'm surprised they haven't yet, maybe they're waiting to see how this sells. I'd take their sculpt over Enterbay's any day. To me, Enterbay's Joker looks like his evil twin caricature, with it's narrow face and pointy Jay Leno/Wicked Witch chin.
Even the HT Bank Robber Joker looks better to me, something that becomes more apparent when it's paint is removed.
I thought most people into this hobby, are after perfect likeness and realism over accessories? Whilst its nice to have options, I personally don't care much for the many accessories you get with some Hot Toys figures. The majority of them sit in the box for me, so its a waste.
I usually find a pose, put it on the shelf and that's it. I just want a figure that looks realistic, and actually looks like the actor its supposed to represent.
I am afraid not, most people want toys to play with and change the pose every once and while.
However, Enterbay has horrible QC, so they suck to.![]()
That sucks man. Never know though, things might change. I'm only new to this hobby, but I still remember some of the early figures from Hot Toys. Did not have the slightest bit of interest in their figures as I thought they looked horrible back then. Look how far they've come though. I think their figures will get better. I'm hoping their 1/4 scale line will really take off and produce some amazing, life-like figures. The 1/4 scale endo looks pretty epic, so they're certainly off to a good start!You and me both man but we are in the minority.
Funny you say that, was checking out some Iminime figures today and was amazed by the work of this Rainman. Customs are pretty expensive though and most of the stuff in the interest section is stuff I'm not really interested in.Check out the customs section.
I suggest Rainman's work for realism
What are we, 12 year olds?just kidding.
Tell me about it dude. I really love the stuff Enterbay has come out with and is exactly what I'm looking for in a figure, a proper museum quality piece, but their damn QC scares me from buying their figures.
That sucks man. Never know though, things might change. I'm only new to this hobby, but I still remember some of the early figures from Hot Toys. Did not have the slightest bit of interest in their figures as I thought they looked horrible back then. Look how far they've come though. I think their figures will get better
.I'm hoping their 1/4 scale line will really take off and produce some amazing, life-like figures. The 1/4 scale endo looks pretty epic, so they're certainly off to a good start!