So am I, hell, I bought all 4 NECA figures, which I'm sure someone will say yeah, that's easy at $15 each, but it's not the price, it's the fandom of the character and look. I love Arnold in T2, my favorite Terminator film, one of my favorite movies period, and I loved everything about Arnold's looks in it. I wouldn't go nuts getting every little small variation to him, but an early, pre-cyberdyne look, Cyberdyne mini-gun, and final BD look are all desired figures for me, if I have to buy two of some figure to get those 3 looks, so be it. I want those 3 looks, and especially with the Hot Toys figure, they'll look different enough from each other. I probably wouldn't worry about his semi-BD look between Cyberdyne and the steel mill, but, it would be cool if some figure included the gas grenade launcher, "Here, hold this." The shot of him coming through the doors from the smoke and launching them into the parking lot is awesome.