Super Freak
better not merge... now HT can decide on what they want to do and adjust to fans feedback...merge with a bigger company..they'll lose their freedom to create
I don't feel as bad about selling my Dutch now.
Even though the money from which went to helping pay for my girlfriend's classes, just so she could dump me and run off with some
other d!ckless ******* right after. She's a smelly pirate hooker from whore island and I hope she rots in a jet-fire, aids-ridden hell.
Cool figure though. Better than Dutch.
yeh not to mention the right use of lighting can enhance the look of the sculpt too.Well, the new pics show it off much better then. Goes to show how impactful the angles of a shot are.
I don't feel as bad about selling my Dutch now.
Even though the money from which went to helping pay for my girlfriend's classes, just so she could dump me and run off with some
other d!ckless ******* right after. She's a smelly pirate hooker from whore island and I hope she rots in a jet-fire, aids-ridden hell.
Cool figure though. Better than Dutch.
I was that exact age when the first Terminator came out. I remember watching it on VHS waaaaaaaay back in '85 when it was a new release at the video store.When T2 came out, I remember my mom signing me and a few friends out of high school at lunch to sit on the line for the 5pm show.
Figure of the Year 2010 already.
ANd here's the other one: