Wow you guys are waaaay off topic lol
Based on the pictures this Arnie really is very minimal compared to all other figures I have bought so far. JC had tons of complex military gear, Marcus had normal and BD head and BD jacket, even two face had the clean face and jacket thrown in. I am actually hoping that they will include at least the BD head besides just the endo arm, some flowers and shotgunThe shots we have seen are not the typical overview shot but I guess chances are really getting slim now?
Yes Connor had extensive combat gear, but that's hist costume, everything he comes with was on his person for the scene the figure is based on. This Terminator isn't as in depth as that, but this completely covers him for the opening 1/3 of T2, other than a bullet hole riddled jacket, and still waiting on the black t-shirt, there isn't anything you need for T2 Arnie from the start of the movie up until Cyberdyne that isn't in this set.
No, this is just the first offering, which is always minimal compared to the later versions. Wait for BD version.
Not only that, but the other versions they could do are extensive enough between damage parts and weapons to do full on figures. If Marcus could have been stretched that way, he would have, but really, a different jacket and a beat up head and you have his alternate look, there was too little to make a second figure out of. Same thing for Two-Face and Dent, you couldn't sell a Dent on his own, the 2 in 1 barely sold, so they just combined both into one set.