Craig Walker
Super Freak
I dig it. Balances the top rockets look. Well done 

Hi everyone, just got round to opening this up and the base has a stand that is meant to screw into the base. But it doesn't work. The screw head on the stand does not thread into the base. i recall this being a problem but are all batches affected is there a fix please?
When attempting to screw in mine, it left a round mark at the opening on the paper cover to the base. I used razor blade to cut the paper along that ring and trim the excess rubber off the end of the pole. That gave just enough depth for the threads on the pole to catch into the base. You'll need to hold the base in one hand and press firmly from the bottom as you use the other hand to push the pole in. Use force and twist. That'll get it done.
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Yep. Disassembled a spare set from the regular Mk VII and painted them matte black and silvered the rockets to match the shoulder pods. It looks good in person too. The other thing is my tesseract display stand like the one from Thor.