From the Jazzinc Batmobile thread this was stated: “He said on Facebook that according to Warner brothers no other company has asked to license the vehicle in 1/6 scale…” so that’s what my post was based on but I guess either things changed or maybe HT didn’t have to “ask” to make a Batmobile if they already had the license to make one.
But based on that, I blame WB, not Hot Toys. As a business owner, that would definitely suck if someone told you that you were the only one making one, put the time and effort into building it, then not long after, you find out that that was a total lie. As a consumer, the more the merrier. Based on what’s happening in the 1/6 space for WB properties, they’re no longer allowing just one company to make figures and instead seem to want as much money as possible from every high end company available. I guess it sort of makes sense? You grab ppl at every price point that you can get them at.