Hot Toys - The Dark Knight - 1/6th BATMAN (New Costume)

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I'm 25, I live at home but pay rent, I bought a new car in February and pay that and the insurance on it every month, have a cell phone bill, photography website membership monthly and that's about it for expenses, the rest is mine to do what I want and most of it goes into collectibles, though I do get out a fair ammount but not to places that require a lot of money, usually friends houses.

See there in lies the difference. And please do not by any means think I was making fun of any of you. I wish I could afford the HT figures in mass like the way you guys do. See, living completely on my own in Chicago at 23, and not being a cook ... things get expensive. I also take it you don't pay for your own food very often living with your parents and all, right? And the fact that I always have girls to spend something on doesn't help either. And it can be quite an expensive venture going out in the city often. Maybe you can buy them for me and I can steady pay them off through you? No ... thought I'd give it a try. haha
Well, I like to think of myself as privileged to be able to do this right now, and I'm enjoying the ride while I can take it, but I intend to get married, have a family, own a home, so I embrace that one day I'll be cutting back. I should do much less than I do now, even though I can afford it, I could have such a nice nest egg built up if I saved instead of spending every free penny I get, so if you can't afford a lot of stuff, don't worry, it's a short term and rare luxury to just buy everything unless your blessed with an income that can cover EVERYTHING, but I don't figure I'll ever be there.
Because it looked terrible on film. Not only was it not needed, it took away from the realism of his image. Far too sci-fi and corny looking. Almost took me out of the seriousness of the moment. If Lucius was watching everything for him and giving him directions, why did he need the lenses? Or vice a versa. Either way they looked really fake, and I'm glad they axed them after alittle bit. Plus, Christian Bale's eyes are way more powerful cinematically, and more intimidating then some shiny glass lenses.

You say the Sonar lenses took you out of the seriousness of the moment. What did the fact that Bats and Rachel fell from the penthouse and landed many floors below on a taxi and walked away do for you? That little feat was a bigger stretch for me than the lenses.
You say the Sonar lenses took you out of the seriousness of the moment. What did the fact that Bats and Rachel fell from the penthouse and landed many floors below on a taxi and walked away do for you? That little feat was a bigger stretch for me than the lenses.
That was because Bat's cape slowed them down, and he took the blow when he landed, since it didn't slow them down enough.
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Let's see if we can compile a list of concerns/questions regarding the final product on this one.

1) Cowl sculpt, improved or not?
2) Cape, features wire for posing or not?
3) Cape length
4) Armor appearance, bulky or slimmer?

I can't think of any other concerns that have come up amidst the varying pictures and such in terms of wanting to confirm the look of the final product.
Let's see if we can compile a list of concerns/questions regarding the final product on this one.

1) Cowl sculpt, improved or not?
2) Cape, features wire for posing or not?
3) Cape length
4) Armor appearance, bulky or slimmer?

I can't think of any other concerns that have come up amidst the varying pictures and such in terms of wanting to confirm the look of the final product.

I have a feeling that the first head we saw that was inaccurate is the one they'll go with and the slimmer armor we saw in the second pics with the more accurate head is what we'll get for the body. Cape length I'm going to say will just touch below his heels and have no wire. These are my guesses.
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