Spent some more time with the figure this evening and pulled out the InArt from it’s ridiculous box to compare more directly.
I have to disagree with the above when it comes to the clothing. InArt wins on pant length and the suspenders, but everything else is a win for HT in my book.
I tried swapping the InArt pants to the HT body. Come to find out, both pants are the same length, it’s the ankle joints that are too long on the HT. Swapping them to slightly shorter ones will fix the issue. Just don’t know if that’ll mess up the overall proportions or improve them so he won’t be so tall

not sure the juice is worth the squeeze to swap the HT suspenders to the InArt ones since I have no intention of having an interrogation display at the moment.
Neither tie is good-but, InArt’s wins on pattern being slightly better than HT, however, the material of the HT tie is better. I’m using the WonderWorld tie at the moments as it’s an improvement, but Dino’s tie is the clear winner.
I prefer the HT shirt over my WonderWorld ones, so I’ll probably be selling them. Or, may just keep them in the event I don’t like the InArt 2.0 shirts either.
I prefer the HT vest over the InArt. To me, the cut n sew is better than InArt’s as well as the size of the buttons along with the more accurate 4-hole style. That said, I will probably be using the WonderWorld vest on my HT figure.
InArt’s hands are definitely still the winner. I’m hopeful that I can remove the wrist pegs from the InArt forearms, then use them in conjunction with the HT arms. That said, if HT had just included a proper knife holding hand and a left fist for the “Hit Me” scene, I’d be content.
Both of InArt’s guns are slightly smaller than the HT ones, but the detail on InArt’s is for sure so much better.
HT did a better job at stringing the grenades as well as the thumb ring being more in-scale; but, InArt’s being diecast with the printed text on them just feel nicer.
I like HT knife better, but it’s almost negligible. My InArt knife has a QC error where the thumb slide is broken.
So, at the moment, I’m definitely keeping the guns and grenades from the InArt set. Maybe the hands if I can get the InArt wrists to work out.
I fully expect HT to make an interrogation version down the road with seamless wrists that I will probably be interested in. That said, I have no problem getting rid of this current Artisan for the future InArt 2.0 when it comes along