Ok so here's my take on this release
Finally a Police shoot out
alt head
great outfit
great accessories
great base
too short
too small of a body
heads to big
No extra outfit pieces to create fully BD or clean look(I'll be back look)
Likeness is ok, not great and not bad
I would say the technoir is better in every way, also that the dx13 blows this away which is a shame, not to say the figure is bad, its actually pretty good and the best version of the police shoot out available. The problem is there is no wow factor here, its everything we wanted but just not as I imagined it to be, that may just come down to my expectations, set high by the dx13. I still want this and will get 2 for sure, but cons really annoy me, that bobble head on a body developed to showcase the t2 size of Arnold makes for a less than intimidating look, he was huge in T1, technoir captured that, this does not.