Hot Toys Two-Face???

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I think HT did this sculpt based off that fake concept pic months ago...there are obvious similarities in that the face is almost burned completely black.
I can see Dent and Stark having a quiet drink in some bar at night...Dent just closed a major case, Stark just banged a major babe.
O M G those pics look freakin fantastic. That joker is just PERFECT, 100 percent PERFECT. and the two face, that is crazy good, i am SOOOO sold! Btw, is the two face another piece of the JC Hong custom paint prototype like the joker, or is that the exact figure we'll be getting?
LOL@Johnny Utah.....mach 3 :p
damn it, hot toys. i've bought the tdk bats and br joker, and i thought this is really too much. with the time, i've played with the thought to buy the bat-pod, but after these small leaked pics, i really don't know what to do.

two-face or bat-pod or nothing, bat-pod or two-face or nothing, nothing or two-face or bat-pod,...

i mean, over 400 bucks for 3 figures, holy crap. my wallet cries already... and me too. :(
I am so in! These DK figures alone have been breaking my wallet,man. When will it all end?!!!!

haha totally O/T but i love your display pic dude, Elvira ROCKS! :naughty
back on topic, you US guys have it easy, the dollar is so bad now, i probably already wouldve spent over a grand, and thats without the Two Face figure :eek: Uh, i dont want to remind myself
you can see the detail from their eyes...


My man! Batty is on the case. Darren too!

We must be a scant few days away from new HT Prod Info. For me, these teaser pics are enough to convince me HT hit it outta the park. :blackbat

We're getting closer.

No problem:

wait.. wait.. :monkey3

That just totally made my day! In all seriousness, the HT Two-Face looks incredible from what we can see. The burned side looks okay to me so far, but we know HT has changed their prototypes based on feedback before (TDK Batman) and anyone with constructive criticism should feel free to do so. They do listen! I'm holding off on any until we get the actual pics.
Yeah, I'm sure Hot toys will listen to us if we point out the innacuracys on the burned head, but it looks fantastic no doubt, just not accurate.
Eckhart's hair really is like that,brown around the sides,blonde everywhere else.If anything,it's more accuracy on HT's part.

And Nick Naylor is the man!!!

"You know that guy who can pick up any girl?

I'm him.On crack."
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