Yay my Midnight Wesker came in this afternoon! I'll try to get some (poor quality) pics up later.
Hm, I actually really like the shirt's texture. I have his trench coat off as well because I wasn't able to get it to look natural enough (probably gave up to quick).
It's not the texture itself I have a problem with, it how thin it feels. Like I said it feels like any little thing can rip it. My worries on that are probably for not though. Also the main reason I dislike it is cause in the game Wesker's entire uniform looked to be made out of the same carbon fiber material. Even the proto figure the shirt was the same material as the coat and pants but the final product, the shirt is rubber. Like I said though I knew all this before hand so it wasn't any suprise when I got it.
I was wondering,what version of Albert Wesker is better to own?
I see on Amazon the S.T.A.R.S version going for $229 and the other version going for $499.
What one should I buy?
I was wondering,what version of Albert Wesker is better to own?
I see on Amazon the S.T.A.R.S version going for $229 and the other version going for $499.
What one should I buy?
Or you can get the STARS for $150 and Midnight for $185 here