HT 14" Predator full spec and hi-res pics

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Still no Predator for me :monkey2

Found this pic though.....exclusive mask.
Saw this while browsing eBay. Alternate body? Trick of the lighting? Manipulated picture? If not that is one exceptionally well hidden torso articulation seam.


Still no Predator for me :monkey2

Found this pic though.....exclusive mask.

Looking at these two pics makes me wonder whats up with the torso? Are both pics from the exclusive pred and does it NOT have the torso articulation or is it just very well masked?
Looking at these two pics makes me wonder whats up with the torso? Are both pics from the exclusive pred and does it NOT have the torso articulation or is it just very well masked?

could just be the lighting and such masked the torso articulation. Really don't see why HT would use 2 different torsos on the P1. If they did and we got the ones without the torso articulation I am gonna be pissed. I would prefer to have it than not.
could just be the lighting and such masked the torso articulation. Really don't see why HT would use 2 different torsos on the P1. If they did and we got the ones without the torso articulation I am gonna be pissed. I would prefer to have it than not.

It would seem rather assinine to do the body that way so I am sure it is just a trick of lighting and the body netting, one heck of a trick though!
Just got my P1!!!!!! Very very impressed. Not bothered by his size. He is definitely noticeably shorter than the older Preds but if he have them in action poses you won't notice too much if at all. Will post more detailed pics later and size comparisons. Love him!!!

p.s. There is articulation at the torso. It is just the lighting that is hiding the seam in the previous pics.


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Just got my P1!!!!!! Very very impressed. Not bothered by his size. He is definitely noticeably shorter than the older Preds but if he have them in action poses you won't notice too much if at all. Will post more detailed pics later and size comparisons. Love him!!!

p.s. There is articulation at the torso. It is just the lighting that is hiding the seam in the previous pics.



Thanks darren. More please... :D
Just got my Pred today and I'm completely blown away!!! Absolutely love him.

1. The face-sculpt and paint are actually very good. I would say right up there with the P2 Elder. When you take close up pics it doesn't look that amazing but in hand it is amazing. The paint is pretty much the same as the prototype IMO. Couldn't say that about Wolf, P2, and the Lost Pred but you can with the P1. Careful when exchanging the mandibles....I have already chipped off some paint....arghhhh sucks.



2. The dreads still need fixing out of the box. Dipped them in hot water and tied them down with a rubber band. Looks better this way.
One of the mandibles also came crooked.....fixed with hot water as well.



3. Yes, he comes built complete. No more cursing and sore fingers. I do miss putting him together but having him complete out of the box definitely has its advantages. The armor design is great and allows much better articulation. With the other Preds there was always armor popping open, etc but this one feels real sturdy. I'm glad to see that the gauntlets are separate pieces!! Having the ability to rotate them always for more natural poses (couldn't do this with Wolf).



4. He does look a bit like a bobble-head doll with his mask on. The mask is so big that it seems like he has no neck. They also made the mask very thick and it looks kinda weird from the side. I don't think it stuck out this far in the movie. Compared the P1 to the Lost seems obvious that he has a much bigger head.




5. His blades are so much better than the previous Preds. They are able to extend so much further out!!!!


6. Yes, he is noticeably smaller that the other Preds. I'm not that bothered because I like a little variety. Having all the Preds in different stances will also help to mask his height.



Dutch is in a sheeet load of trouble


This is without doubt my favorite Predator! I don't know what else Hot Toys could come up with for the inevitable version 2.....this version seems complete enough to me.
awesome pics, summary and review!!!

Thanks! I'm usually too lazy to share my views like this but this was so cool that I had too!!

I have to say once again to be careful when exchanging his mandibles. There is a paint chip on the flexible part of his I'm worried that it'll crack and chip even further :banghead. The paint cracks very very easily in this area....
>>>Sigh<<< about the bobble head - the mask sticks out a mile in the side view. Not sure what can be done about that.

All in all though you're right when you say that having it in person is always a different kettle of fish. I dunno what it is about photography but it has the power to make everything look inferior to what it actually is.
Wicked looking Pred, and awesome figure. Congrats mang.
However, i can not help but notice that BIG HEAD! (with the helmet on) :rotfl