Les Walker
Digging my way out!
Badassness personified! My kit is coming soon and I too will have this arrangement!!!

Thanks man, I can finally see why so many people display him with the helmet off, now I just need to find a cleaner's head with open mandibles.
Okay, here's a brief tutorial for anyone who wants to fix Wolfie's cannons. You'll need a few basic tools for the job, I added pics of the ones I used as examples.
With a sharp edged tool, carefully split apart the lower end of each cannon mount arm. You just have to open it enough so that you can pop the ball-ended part out of the socket. (There's a plastic pin molded inside one side of the socket, which goes through the ball). Be patient, and watch your fingers!
You'll end up with two ball-ended pieces with holes through them, still attached to the armour. (Pic 3.) Fill both of the holes with epoxy putty and set them aside. Cut the plastic pins out of the sockets of the cannon arms. Smooth the inside of the small cup-like space on the pin side of each piece.
Cut a small piece of foam or other "spongy" material and shape it to fit inside the other half of the socket. (I used small pieces of polyurethane foam to fill the insides of the sockets. You'll need to use something similar to create a small amount of tension against the ball, or the joint will be too loose.) Add a drop of super glue to the little foam pad and glue it in place, making sure it's centered in the shallow hole. (Pic 6.)
When the putty is hard, sand it smooth and test fit everything. Add more foam as needed, and when you're satisfied you have the correct amount of tension inside the joints, carefully glue the ends of cannon arm halves together again. Press the sides of the joint firmly together until the glue sets up. Touch up the paint as needed and you're good to go!
1. From top to bottom: X-acto knife, sprue cutters, small half-round woodcutting gouge, surgical scissors, and polyurethane foam pieces.
2. Close up of tools. Note the small bits of black plastic that need to be removed from inside the sockets at lower ends of each cannon arm.
3. Armour with mount base complete, cannon arm removed.
4. Ball joint piece filled with Milliput epoxy putty.
5. Ball joint on mount base filled with putty.
6. Left: Socket of cannon arm w/foam insert. Right: Completed ball joint assembled in arm.
7. Modification completed. This mod allows for complete original articulation of cannon with added lateral rotation of the mount arms.
8. Wolfie's cannons can now articulate like they were supposed to!!!
I finally got around to doing the cannon mod. I've been despondent, since his leg broke off. Took months to ship it to and fro, but ABC looked after me.
Damn that cannon mod was harder than it should have been. First I couldn't prise the arms apart, on the one I was attempting. Cut myself twice, but persisted, and broke a scalpel blade on it and still couldn't budge it. So it tried on the other arm, and it came apart easily. The pin inside broke off, for no apparent reason, which actually helped..
So now I've nearly got him together. What an ordeal.Woohoo.
I finally got around to doing the cannon mod. I've been despondent, since his leg broke off. Took months to ship it to and fro, but ABC looked after me.
Damn that cannon mod was harder than it should have been. First I couldn't prise the arms apart, on the one I was attempting. Cut myself twice, but persisted, and broke a scalpel blade on it and still couldn't budge it. So it tried on the other arm, and it came apart easily. The pin inside broke off, for no apparent reason, which actually helped..
So now I've nearly got him together. What an ordeal.Woohoo.
Yeah, I read your warning, and took note of it. That didn't stop the laws of physics though.
. Now my medikit attachment tongue snapped off. I tell you, that Wolf is a dog.
Yeah, I read your warning, and took note of it. That didn't stop the laws of physics though.
. Now my medikit attachment tongue snapped off. I tell you, that Wolf is a dog.
I don't like the way Hot Toys attaches the Medikit on the Wolf, it isn't exactly a firm grip and when you try to force it, it can certainly break off.
The P2 Pred's kit didn't like to stay put either, but it was much better than Wolf's. I hope they fixed that little problem with the new Wolf figure!