HT Batman Begins - Batman/Wayne TF Ex.

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i think once this batman is sold out or close to it, thats when we will be seeing the keaton batman. they know what they are doing! and from here out i will keep it to this BB batman. sorry for the highjack.
All I see is several folks with high post counts who think they own the forum and anyone new be damned and instead of trying to be helpful, the they find it better to insult. Then when someone gives them it back, they turn it around. It's quite amazing actually. Like a psychological study on human behavior.

By the same logic I say don't take it seriously as well.
They are actually very few IMO, don't overgenerelize. (I am sure you didnt do it tjough, all I am saying is just ignore them)
I am kind of a newbie here too and know exactly what you feel like.:1-1:
Let me try to get the point of the last dozen or so pages of tit-for-tat.

Apparently SSC has mismanaged the PPO event by somehow making everyone think it was a super-rare release, only for there to be plenty of figures for everyone who wanted one (granted with a one-per-customer limit). This in turns promoted unrealistic expectations in collectors for whom collecting is simply a way to either flip for profit or spend hours jerking off over the increasing value of their shelves.

Either buy it or don't buy it. Either spend the inflated MSRP this figure is going for or don't. I spent $400 on my OC Bats a few months back. So did a lot of people. Yet these people somehow refrain from whining and moaning about their lot. So spare me if I have bugger all time for the latest johnny highpants to wonder in here beyatching about hypothetical future value and exclusivity.

SSC didn't whip up this frenzy. This thread whipped it up, a regular tornado of noobs posting their 'are we there yet' posts and begging others to bestow upon them secret knowledge available to anyone who could be bothered to wander outside of this forum's walls and visit the SSC site.

"I don't want to buy a $225 figure only for it to be worth $150 at some point in the future".

WAA WAA WAA. Give me a freakin' break. And leave this thread to those who don't feel so entitled about their collecting that they author post after useless post castigating another member for pointing out the bleeding obvious. Albeit in a tone that offends their fragile sense of ego.
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If they're worrying about being overstocked they should allow people to order more than one at this point.

Maybe they're limiting it since they're the only ones selling it right now. And who said they're worried? :dunno

Let me try to get the point of the last dozen or so pages of tit-for-tat.

Apparently SSC has mismanaged the PPO event by somehow making everyone think it was a super-rare, only for there to be plenty of figures for everyone who wanted one (granted with a one-per-customer limit). This in turns promotes unrealistic expectations in collectors for whom collecting is simply a way to either flip for profit or spend hours jerking off over the increasing value of their shelves.

Either buy it or don't buy it. Either spend the inflated MSRP this figure is going for or don't. I spent $400 on my OC Bats a few months back. So did a lot of people. Yet these people somehow refrain from whining and moaning about their lot. So spare me if I have bugger all time for the latest johnny highpants to wonder in here beyatching about hypothetical future value and exclusivity.

SSC didn't whip up this frenzy. This thread whipped it up, a regular tornado of noobs posting their 'are we there yet' posts and begging others to bestow upon them secret knowledge available to anyone who could be bothered to wander outside of this forum's walls and visit the SSC site.

"I don't want to buy a $225 figure only for it to be worth $150 at some point in the future".

WAA WAA WAA. Give me a freakin' break. And leave this thread to those who don't feel so entitled about their collecting that they author post after useless post castigating another member for pointing out the bleeding obvious. Albeit in a tone that offends their fragile sense of ego.

:exactly: :goodpost:
I love how people are _____ing about the many different parts does this thing come with again :huh
Not that many, really. Plus, 90% of what you get is recycled from a 3-year-old release. $225 to me is unjustifiable.

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