HT Batman Begins - Batman/Wayne TF Ex.

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As a collector of collectibles, value does mean something. I'm not wealthy like some that can have 100 of these figures and 100 statues, etc. I have to pick and choose carefully per my interests and wallet. I don't want to be made to think (like I was per SSC's marketing of the product) that this was ultra limited ed. and everyone had to be online at 10:00 AM last week or miss them, when SSC's knew all along that there was NO urgency. And with other events overseas and such, I am concerned that I will be paying 250 for something that will be 150 on ebay when everyone realizes that there's a million of them.

I won't lie, despite the fact that I've rarely sold off my collection I do love the value of it. Maybe I'm alone but I like seeing collectibles that I own sky rocket in price as well as seeing others scramble to get a hold of one. I like seeing the estimated "worth" of my things even though I have no interest in selling them.

However, that's not why I'm in the game here. I collect to own something I want, which is the actual product. Collectible and secondary market value is cool but I'm in this for the real "value", the value of the actual item. The memories that go along with it, the cool factor, adding a nice piece to the collection, and just owning an overall neat collectible toy. Again, I enjoy seeing what I have becoming sought after and the potential monetary gain/value of it but if that's all I was in this hobby for, I'd sell immediately.

In your case, I can see where you were coming from. You expected this to be difficult to get and extremely limited, alot of people assumed this also but you know what, that's not what happened. There's nothing you can do. I prefer this outcome as opposed to it actually being limited and super hard to get, don't you? Besides, before this went up, Sideshow stated that they were getting "alot" of them and Hot Toys, despite what people claim announced that there would be HUGE allotments for each show. It could have went either way. All we did was speculate and assume, some of us were wrong, some of us were right, there's really nothing you can do. Now you've learned from this experience and you can make an educated purchase for the next collectible that undoubtedly comes along, but that too might not be predictable.
I won't lie, despite the fact that I've rarely sold off my collection I do love the value of it. Maybe I'm alone but I like seeing collectibles that I own sky rocket in price as well as seeing others scramble to get a hold of one. I like seeing the estimated "worth" of my things even though I have no interest in selling them.

However, that's not why I'm in the game here. I collect to own something I want, which is the actual product. Collectible and secondary market value is cool but I'm in this for the real "value", the value of the actual item. The memories that go along with it, the cool factor, adding a nice piece to the collection, and just an overall neat collectible toy. Again, I enjoy seeing what I have becoming sought after and the potential monetary gain/value of it but if that's all I was in this hobby for, I'd sell immediately.

In your case, I can see where you were coming from. You expected this to be difficult to get and extremely limited, alot of people assumed this also but you know what, that's not what happened. There's nothing you can do. I prefer this outcome as opposed to it actually being limited and super hard to get, don't you? Besides, before this went up, Sideshow stated that they were getting "alot" of them and Hot Toys, despite what people claim announced that there would be HUGE allotments for each show. It could have went either way. All we did was speculate and assume, some of us were wrong, some of us were right, there's really nothing you can do. Now you've learned from this experience and you can make an educated purchase for the next collectible that undoubtedly comes along, but that too might not be predictable.

Maybe if instead of trying (maybe you don't have to) to be a jerk and actually provide some non-cynical posts to enlighten those of us that haven't reached 20,000 something posts, it might be more helpful. I'm no troll dude. I moderate a fair share of sites so I can't be on here 24/7 like some. I come on here to see what is going on in the collecting world. I'm not here to be insulted or wage a war of words. Unfortunately, that's happened today, but I get the impression that is your goal. You defend SSC's like you work for them and they haven't dropped the ball. This PPO has been mismanaged plain and simple. Their systems weren't up to snuff to handle things and most of us got error messages when ordering. No one should have to arrange their work schedule around a PPO, when in fact, there's more than enough to go around. The HK crap is already causing ripples over in the U.S. as one poster mentioned that many of the buyers on Ebay are from the U.S. If, as you say, the collectible holds it's value, that's fine, but without knowing the ES how can anyone be sure. If everyone has one, there's no demand and the price is cheap on Ebay. Oh yes, it's the customer's fault. You obviously have never worked in customer service.

I don't want to get involved in the fight, but I do wanna call bull$#it on SSC's PPO for was handled very poorly IMO...I expected better because I think that SSC normally does a great job...but to see that this figure is still up for preorder today...I think they are guilty of manufacturing a little bit of the very least they played on the hype that was already present. I think that once everyone got worked into a frenzy over this figure, HT decided that they could make a crapload of money if they increased the production numbers (and why wouldn't they? I would). I believe SSC knew they would have plenty of these to go around and created more demand by rolling out the PPO like there were limited quantities...I have absolutely no problem with all of that, it's business...what I don't appreciate is how poorly the PPO was handled...but maybe they'll learn from this one and do it better next time...
:lol:rotfl:lol Troll 101 - when all else fails, resort to personal insults.

Sideshow announced the PPO for this like they do every PPO, in the newsletter. Is it the first PPO where the website's crashed? No. They're NOTORIOUS for it happening. So much so that it's expected. Ask anybody who's been purchasing from them for the past decade and has dealt with more than a handful of PPOs and they'll tell you the same ____ing thing.

If the ebay buyers still padding the pockets of the flippers are from the U.S., Malaysia, Ukraine, Alaska or the ____ing North Poll, WTF does it matter? If they want to buy from flippers, that's on them. Who are you to tell them how to spend their money? And you should be ____ing praising them, considering they're keeping that value high for you since, apparently, that's more important than the figure itself.

Blaming Sideshow because you had to take off work because you absolutely had to buy a doll is pathetic. Grow up. Seriously. Grow up. Don't lecture me about customer service when you don't even understand the concept of priorities. Hmmm... gainful employment? Or limited edition doll? :huh

You highlight my insult after tons of your insults. Hell, if I posted all yours, it would be a whole thread. Nowhere did I say I had to take off work. I said the timing of it caused people to have to interrupt work. Learn to read. I understand priorities well. I'm not the one padding my post count trying to sound like the authority on everything SSC related. You're the one who insults first and then wonders why someone would take issue. TRY TO ____ING REMEMBER THAT. Again, you try to blur the lines or you just aren't good at reading comprehension. I am gainfully employed.
if you can only have one of the two... would you take this BM or the DX jones?

Batman. Not even close. Buy a Sideshow Indy for $80 ... looks more like him anyway.

I cancelled HT Indy for Jack Sparrow. Canceled Jack for Captain America. Canceled Cap for this. Superman is a constant, however.

P.S. What the hell is happening to this thread? I mean we're talking about glorified man-dolls need to get all hostile on each aint worth the typing folks...just saying...I feel a group hug coming on...
In your case, I can see where you were coming from. You expected this to be difficult to get and extremely limited, alot of people assumed this also but you know what, that's not what happened. There's nothing you can do. I prefer this outcome as opposed to it actually being limited and super hard to get, don't you? Besides, before this went up, Sideshow stated that they were getting "alot" of them and Hot Toys, despite what people claim announced that there would be HUGE allotments for each show. It could have went either way. All we did was speculate and assume, some of us were wrong, some of us were right, there's really nothing you can do. Now you've learned from this experience and you can make an educated purchase for the next collectible that undoubtedly comes along, but that too might not be predictable.

Thanks. Your post is good and level headed and mature. And it's exactly the point I was trying to get across before the others added their 2 cents.
I don't want to get involved in the fight, but I do wanna call bull$#it on SSC's PPO for was handled very poorly IMO...I expected better because I think that SSC normally does a great job...but to see that this figure is still up for preorder today...I think they are guilty of manufacturing a little bit of the very least they played on the hype that was already present. I think that once everyone got worked into a frenzy over this figure, HT decided that they could make a crapload of money if they increased the production numbers (and why wouldn't they? I would). I believe SSC knew they would have plenty of these to go around and created more demand by rolling out the PPO like there were limited quantities...I have absolutely no problem with all of that, it's business...what I don't appreciate is how poorly the PPO was handled...but maybe they'll learn from this one and do it better next time...

It's your opinion, why shouldn't you share it?
have your friend make an account & have him order you stuff

Don't want to bother him with having to set up an account or anything.

do you trust your friend with having you CC info? cause the mailing address and the shipping address will have to be the same.

I don't get it...
Mailling and shipping adress does not mean the same thing?
Or you meant billing and shipping adress?

What does it changes that my buddy has my CC info?
My CC is still attached to my adress in europe.
He can't order with my CC and have it shipped to him.

I don't think it's actually the adress the problem but the name on the CC.
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P.S. What the hell is happening to this thread? I mean we're talking about glorified man-dolls need to get all hostile on each aint worth the typing folks...just saying...I feel a group hug coming on...

Yeah, I'm agreeing.
Batman. Not even close. Buy a Sideshow Indy for $80 ... looks more like him anyway.

I cancelled HT Indy for Jack Sparrow. Canceled Jack for Captain America. Canceled Cap for this. Superman is a constant, however.


thanks! thats a tough one though. jack looks outstanding as so does the captain.

and then we have burtons batman to consider as well?! has anyone seen a pic of that batman yet? outside of the one that looks like it was taken from wall paper?
thanks! thats a tough one though. jack looks outstanding as so does the captain.

and then we have burtons batman to consider as well?! has anyone seen a pic of that batman yet? outside of the one that looks like it was taken from wall paper?

That's the Batman that should have come out with Nicholson's Joker.
Don't want to bother him with having to set up an account or anything.

I don't get it...
Mailling and shipping adress does not mean the same thing?
Or you meant billing and shipping adress?

What does it changes that my buddy has my CC info?
My CC is still attached to my adress in europe.
He can't order with my CC and have it shipped to him.

I don't think it's actually the adress the problem but the name on the CC.

sorry yep! your billing and shilling address is what i mean. they have to match or sideshow wont ship. pretty sure this is correct. you would have to have your CC address changed to the same address you want it shipped to.
sorry yep! your billing and shilling address is what i mean. they have to match or sideshow wont ship. pretty sure this is correct. you would have to have your CC address changed to the same address you want it shipped to.

Why doesn't he just send the guy money? He trusts him to send the figure, so send him the cash and let him order it.
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