HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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I have actually. They are good, but I still dont see Ford in that sculpt. :dunno Sorry.

I disrespect to his work at all, I just don't see Ford. The two groups on this thread are going to have to agree to disagree...I will NEVER think that any mod or repaint of the SSC sculpt looks like Indy, just like many will NEVER concede that this HT sculpt is the best to date. Case closed IMHO :dunno
Some of us conceded it long ago. The HT Indy doesn't have the best raw sculpt. It's just by far the best Indy figure out of the box to date. No more, no less.
Gonna have to agree that I think HT's sculpt is closer to Indy than Sideshows. (atleast in 1/6 scale)

Can't wait to see the Legendary Scale sculpt... bet it's gonna be insanely awesome.
Some of us conceded it long ago. The HT Indy doesn't have the best raw sculpt. It's just by far the best Indy figure out of the box to date. No more, no less.

I know you did IJ...I'm was mainly talking about the sculpt and how everyone is entitled to their own just feels like each side is constantly trying to convince the other...this thread would be hella boring without opposing viewpoints/opinions :) love your name btw
Having and sharing opposing viewpoints is a great thing! It can lead to fun, constructive, even enlightening conversations. But doing so in a dismissive, condescending way is not a good thing and leads to nothing but a spiral into the same old crap we get in every single HT thread nowadays. I'm guilty of doing this myself, but at a certain point, I think it is useful to step back and realize that what we're doing is making these threads suck.

Come again?

Has that been reasculpted round the top of the eyes and repaint on the beard?
I think this figure will look amazing in hand - I've come to learn not to like / dislike a figure based on pictures alone. Can't wait to get mine. Luckily the only person that has to like it is me! :wave
Has that been reasculpted round the top of the eyes and repaint on the beard?

I've been comparing this image to one of OMG's pics & I'm 100% certain that it is the exact same identical sculpt to the one cropping up in all the pics on here (ie: production sculpt),
The only difference is paint, the eyebrows on the Arnie pics are far less pronounced, the skin tone seems much lighter + more pronounced stubble, the Arnie pics show no emphasised eyelashes either.
As with the sideshow sculpt.... ford is there but only at certain angles !.
I think this figure will look amazing in hand - I've come to learn not to like / dislike a figure based on pictures alone. Can't wait to get mine. Luckily the only person that has to like it is me! :wave

I have to wait for pics. If it looks like the character , ill buy it, if not, i wont. Which is why i didnt purchase this. If i waited to judge a figure soley based on how it looks in hand, id have a shelf with random figures that have a passing likeness. In this case, even the people that are fans of the figure and are purchasing admit that the likness isnt there.
How are people still griping over this head sculpt? It's the closest to ford we have gotten. Is it really that bad? Haven't these pics shown enough to quite its critics? To each your own I guess.

- Because it doesnt look like indy
- Its not THAT bad, but mediocre for $250+ collectible
- Why should they be quiet?
- Correct
How are people still griping over this head sculpt? It's the closest to ford we have gotten. Is it really that bad? Haven't these pics shown enough to quite its critics? To each your own I guess.

Yeeees it's probably the closest to Ford, after a Kuato repaint of the SSC sculpt (which, like, four people have got) but I still can't like it, never mind love it.

I've looked at all the pics and films and asked myself every time, will I regret it in a year's time if this figure doubles in price and I haven't got it - and the answer is no. I even ask myself, if this was the best Indy figure ever, and no one ever did another one, would I regret not buying it at retail? And however hard I try I can't make myself say yes. I'm on the fence about JDX ack Sparrow - I prefer Cannibal Jack - but I'm pretty sure if I don't get it I will regret it some day down the line. I'm not even on the fence about Indy, and it's not for want of trying to like it, cause I love Indiana Jones.
Anybody know who would be good to repaint this (if it needs it)? Most everybody is full-up as far as I can tell. I imagine it wouldn't need a complete repaint.