HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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It indeed looks great! :hi5:
Okay... just uploaded a video. Photos really tend to flatten this sculpt out, not to mention all the lens distortion so hopefully this will give people on the fence a chance to better judge the figure.

Still may not be for everyone, but I'm pretty happy with it. To me in really feels like a Premium Format Figure in 1/6 scale. Even the whip, which I hated in photos, looks and feels pretty cool in person. Just love that it's actually braided and not just molded.

Keep in mind this in completely un-futzed... I could work on the collar but this straight out of the box. Hopefully you get a sense of the detailed sculpt, the various skintones, etc. Even the eyes are cooler in person cause they pick up the light.

TFS that video and your insight. :1-1: Now I'm really confident on getting my order on this one. :yess:
Do you guys remove the jacket to get his satchel over his white shirt or place over his jacket but leave the front strap tucked under? Hope this makes sense. I just got this guy and he is one of my favorite figs.
Do you guys remove the jacket to get his satchel over his white shirt or place over his jacket but leave the front strap tucked under? Hope this makes sense. I just got this guy and he is one of my favorite figs.

I removed the jacket put the satchel over his shoulder and then put the jacket back on.

Great pics. Some of the best yet!

Would you consider to do some "Streets of Cairo" version?

Dang... I shoulda done that this morning when I had the jacket off. I didn't think of it, I just got the collar the way I want so I probably won't mess with it too much for a bit now... hopefully that doesn't disappoint you too much.
By the way faststreets ... are you pretty happy with your figure now or still iffy on it? I know you have those cool customs and was wondering your thoughts now after being in posseion of it for a few days.
Just how exactly does one do the "paper clip mod"?

I start out with a smaller than regular paper clip like one size smaller, straighten it out and then on this figure I still figured it was a little to long so a cut the tips off a bit, then sanded down the rough ends that were left. I raised the collar up and wrapped the paper clip around the neck part of the collar from the back. This left the ends just about a quarter inch from poking out from under the collar flaps. I folded the collar down and around the papaer clip then I have some sculpting tools and burnishers thatI used to rub the collar and kinda tuck up under where the paper clip now fits. Also I squeezed here in there tightning the collar around the figures neck. Futz accordinally. :)
Depends on your display lighting and set up I suppose. Usually where I have it now I got alot of light so closer to Pic #2. Picture #1 is in the same spot just without the overhead lights on because it was washing out the photos way to much.