HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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See also how he wears his whip. Just an FYI..

Actually, no. I think it just must be twisted around there. Here's a better look:

Yeah, I hear ya'. I'm a big Indy fan too, but I can't bring myself to pull the trigger. It doesn't help that I have Superman, Captain Jack, and Captain America coming. And I just got Batman 2 days ago. That's a lot of dough to be dropping on dollies. :lol

See, I just have Captain Jack coming, so I had the cash justification. Nothing else from HT until Batman '89 Joker and Bats (those of course preordered).
Okay... just uploaded a video. Photos really tend to flatten this sculpt out, not to mention all the lens distortion so hopefully this will give people on the fence a chance to better judge the figure.

Still may not be for everyone, but I'm pretty happy with it. To me in really feels like a Premium Format Figure in 1/6 scale. Even the whip, which I hated in photos, looks and feels pretty cool in person. Just love that it's actually braided and not just molded.

Keep in mind this in completely un-futzed... I could work on the collar but this straight out of the box. Hopefully you get a sense of the detailed sculpt, the various skintones, etc. Even the eyes are cooler in person cause they pick up the light.

And, again, forgive the low quality iphone video but wanted to get something up quickly. Colors might be a little washed out, too.

He had pretty big eyes back in 1981. I think it added in making him seem in over his head and gave him a certain amount of sympathy.




I have issues with the sculpt and the guyliner, but never had a problem with the size of the eyes.

Then it's the guyliner bugging me, you are right about the eyes.
I have issues with the sculpt and the guyliner, but never had a problem with the size of the eyes.

Guys, there is no "eyeliner" or "guyliner". I'm telling you, in hand it is not there, it's simply a result of light/shadow/whatever in certain photos.

Not singling you out War-Gar, you were just the most recent to mention it.
I notice Indy's on BACKORDER at Sideshow's site. Not bad for a figure the 'vast majority' were panning. Just more evidence that this forum's opinion is not indicative of the hobby as a whole.
No, I know, its cool. When I see for myself that there's no guyliner I will be more than happy. Still trying to level my expectations, you know.

You know, I see great moments where the sculpt looks like Indy to me, like in Rugby's video or some of the recent pics, then I post pics from the actual movie and the sculpt goes back to looking way off. It's so frustrating. I'm certain it's better in hand, that's not really the's just the oddest sculpt and continues to confirm that Harrison Ford is the most difficult likeness to get right. And it's not like everyone hasn't had a shot at it. He's got to be the most mass-produced likeness for toys in history just between Han and Indiana alone.
I notice Indy's on BACKORDER at Sideshow's site. Not bad for a figure the 'vast majority' were panning. Just more evidence that this forum's opinion is not indicative of the hobby as a whole.

It also could mean that the very early backleash nine months ago resulted in retailers ordering less stock based on preorders. For instance, big fan here, didn't preorder, but just ordered yesterday.

Which may ultimately benefit this figure's value in the long run because perhaps only the minimal amount of units was made by HT, and a large portion of those will be broken down and parted a full fig in box might be quite rare three years from now.
I notice Indy's on BACKORDER at Sideshow's site. Not bad for a figure the 'vast majority' were panning. Just more evidence that this forum's opinion is not indicative of the hobby as a whole.

Just try to buy the headsculpt on ebay. Not exactly cheap. Want an extra for the Arab garb.
Yes, the two new guys who got Indy, let's see your junk?

I haven't had a chance to really check him out yet, just pulled him out to take a peek (haven't touched the accessories yet). I'm running a half marathon in the morning so I have been prepping for that all weekend so far. Pictures to come tomorrow afternoon/evening. :duff