HT The Dark Knight New Costume PHOTO Thread.

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Re: The Dark Knight New Costume PHOTO Thread.

And Medicom is so accurate?


Their Joker's crappiness cancels out all of the awesomeness (and then some) of their Batman. How could they go so wrong on their Joker when it came out AFTER both of Hot Toys? Failure.

Who's dicussing about Medicom Joker? What does the Joker figure have to do with the TDK bats? Seems like clutching straws.
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Re: The Dark Knight New Costume PHOTO Thread.

Without the repaint, Medi bats doesnt look much like Bale at all. The suit part is nice though.
Re: The Dark Knight New Costume PHOTO Thread.

Without the repaint, Medi bats doesnt look much like Bale at all. .

Is it? The sculpt IS Bale, but ALL medicom heads come with minimal paint which effects the look. For a crappyly painted head it sures looks a hell of a lot like Bale than a superbly painted HT TDK Bats
Re: The Dark Knight New Costume PHOTO Thread.

It does not look anything like Christian Bale, or his appearance as Batman in the film, the suit is bad rubber, he's too big, and his abdomen is too puffy and makes him look fat. The accessories minus the Wayne head are great though along with the cape, belt and texture and paint on the head.

It's not a total failure, but a failure at being accurate
do you actually have the figure?

i do. *like many others on the board*
and i can say that in hand it blows your mind away...medicom or not.

And Medicom is so accurate?


Their Joker's crappiness cancels out all of the awesomeness (and then some) of their Batman. How could they go so wrong on their Joker when it came out AFTER both of Hot Toys? Failure.

no, man, you're dead wrong...

it's more of an...
What people need to remember is the "great looking" Medicom TDK Batmans have been CUSTOMIZED! The Medi Batman is just "meh" out of the box though, and that is due largely to Medicom's paint, or lack there of.

Out of the box, HT's TDK Batman is still the figure to beat.
When I got my BR Joker, and the TDK Bats, I really...really favored the Bats over Joker. He's just that awesome.
What people need to remember is the "great looking" Medicom TDK Batmans have been CUSTOMIZED! The Medi Batman is just "meh" out of the box though, and that is due largely to Medicom's paint, or lack there of.

Out of the box, HT's TDK Batman is still the figure to beat.

Yep! This is very true. How can one say that the Medi sculpt right out of box is better than HT's? Its not, not with the Mattel type light green eyes and lame mouth paint.

With a repaint it is better than HT's though, like the job Rismo did, that was amazing.
Re: The Dark Knight New Costume PHOTO Thread.

no, not really. Those are the pretty bad parts... but then again there is also a mini bomb :banana

Takara Batman is waaaaaaay to skinny and his boot look like tennis shoes. The HT Begins Batman looks just like the suit. Have you watched the movies? The suit is thick.
Yep! This is very true. How can one say that the Medi sculpt right out of box is better than HT's? Its not, not with the Mattel type light green eyes and lame mouth paint.

With a repaint it is better than HT's though, like the job Rismo did, that was amazing.

Again, you are basing the sculpt without a good paint. EVERYONE acknowledges that medicom heads comes with poor paint, but many medicom detractors(a few of them here) refuse to acknowledge that the sculpts are actually damn good.

I have both Medicom and HT TDK bats, and despite the minimal paint, the sculpt looks more like bale than a superbly painted HT bats.
Again, you are basing the sculpt without a good paint. EVERYONE acknowledges that medicom heads comes with poor paint, but many medicom detractors(a few of them here) refuse to acknowledge that the sculpts are actually damn good.

I have both Medicom and HT TDK bats, and despite the minimal paint, the sculpt looks more like bale than a superbly painted HT bats.

That doesn't matter. If Medicom can't slurge an extra few cents to get a decent paint job on their figures, they don't deserve to be praised. Medicom's figures are just as much, if not more, than Hot Toys and you get an inferior product. Crappy paint, less accessories, tiny body, the list goes on.

A collector should not have to alter their figure at all to make it a good figure. Not everyone can repaint, nor should they have to.
A figure is judged on how it comes out of the box. Once you you modify it, it is now considered a custom and should be treated as such.
That doesn't matter. If Medicom can't slurge an extra few cents to get a decent paint job on their figures, they don't deserve to be praised. Medicom's figures are just as much, if not more, than Hot Toys and you get an inferior product. Crappy paint, less accessories, tiny body, the list goes on.

A collector should not have to alter their figure at all to make it a good figure. Not everyone can repaint, nor should they have to.

Tiny Body? HA! Have you seen comparison pics between the TDK and HT bats.

HAve you heard of the countless Joker repaint threads? Give me a break. I've been hearing crap about medicom all the time, but when FINALLY a Medicom fig betas a HT fig by not only the headsculpt, the armour, body etc too, we'll see nitpickers.
HT fan boy alert.
I'm done.
A figure is judged on how it comes out of the box. Once you you modify it, it is now considered a custom and should be treated as such.

True , who's to say I've modified mine? The Medicom Bats beats the HT version out of the box, simple as that. And yes, the HT version is MORE expensive than the Medicom here in Singapore, not the other way round like in the US.
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Tiny Body? HA! Have you seen comparison pics between the TDK and HT bats.

HAve you heard of the countless Joker repaint threads? Give me a break. I've been hearing crap about medicom all the time, but when FINALLY a Medicom fig betas a HT fig by not only the headsculpt, the armour, body etc too, we'll see nitpickers.
HT fan boy alert.
I'm done.

Medicom beat the tar out of Hot Toys with their DK Bats...not inferior at ALL
I'm not saying any of yours are modified, I just made a statement after reading the texting between you and muncher of butts.

Medi TDK Batman is the best of the TDK Batman figures. But the rest of their TDK line don't look anywhere near as good. They look like cartoons.
I'm not saying any of yours are modified, I just made a statement after reading the texting between you and muncher of butts.

Medi TDK Batman is the best of the TDK Batman figures. But the rest of their TDK line don't look anywhere near as good. They look like cartoons.

I agree, bar the Original costume(small but a damn fine figure but HT beats it to bits) The rest(Harvey, Joker were crap. The Wayne head sculpt might be perfect with a repaint.

EF, I know we don't always see eye to eye with regards to Medicom figs, but I totally respect the props you've given the TDK .:cool:
Tiny Body? HA! Have you seen comparison pics between the TDK and HT bats.

HAve you heard of the countless Joker repaint threads? Give me a break. I've been hearing crap about medicom all the time, but when FINALLY a Medicom fig betas a HT fig by not only the headsculpt, the armour, body etc too, we'll see nitpickers.
HT fan boy alert.
I'm done.

You've been hearing crap about Medicom because that is what their products come out looking like. I've had two Medicom figures. One was Jack Bauer. He sucked beyond belief. I got rid of him instantly. The second is Sweeney Todd. He is acceptable. The likeness is a little off, but again, acceptable. As is the paint (for once). His pants are some strange vinyl matterial though instead of cloth. He comes with only one interchangable hand and an open and closed razor in addition to his person and clothing. And his retail price is $20 more than what I paid for any of my Hot Toys Dark Knight figures (excluding the upcoming DX Joker). I fail to see the reason why. I get less, yet pay more. The fact this is the only 1:6 Sweeney Todd in the market left me with no alternative than to either get Medicom's or none at all. Luckily I only paid $40 for him, which I feel should have been the retail price.

Frankly it is amazing Medicom continues to try and release realistic figures when Hot Toys, Sideshow, and Enterbay are lightyears ahead of them. Medicom does just fine when they stick to stylized or animated figures, but they are so terrible at realistic figures it isn't even funny.

Now, with that said, TDK Batman is probably Medicom's best attempt at a realistic figure to date. Their other Batman figures are embarassing. Now, their Batman isn't perfect. Neither is Hot Toys. Hot Toys came out just a few months after the film was release and Medicom's is just recently come out. They've had time to view the film and make improvements where Hot Toys didn't. They had to work off of film stills and production photos. And with what they had to work with, they did an amazing job. But the up coming DX TDK Batman is without a doubt going to beat both the original HT TDK Batman and Medicom's as well.
You've been hearing crap about Medicom because that is what their products come out looking like. I've had two Medicom figures. One was Jack Bauer. He sucked beyond belief. I got rid of him instantly. The second is Sweeney Todd. He is acceptable. The likeness is a little off, but again, acceptable. As is the paint (for once). His pants are some strange vinyl matterial though instead of cloth. He comes with only one interchangable hand and an open and closed razor in addition to his person and clothing. And his retail price is $20 more than what I paid for any of my Hot Toys Dark Knight figures (excluding the upcoming DX Joker). I fail to see the reason why. I get less, yet pay more. The fact this is the only 1:6 Sweeney Todd in the market left me with no alternative than to either get Medicom's or none at all. Luckily I only paid $40 for him, which I feel should have been the retail price.

Frankly it is amazing Medicom continues to try and release realistic figures when Hot Toys, Sideshow, and Enterbay are lightyears ahead of them. Medicom does just fine when they stick to stylized or animated figures, but they are so terrible at realistic figures it isn't even funny.

Now, with that said, TDK Batman is probably Medicom's best attempt at a realistic figure to date. Their other Batman figures are embarassing. Now, their Batman isn't perfect. Neither is Hot Toys. Hot Toys came out just a few months after the film was release and Medicom's is just recently come out. They've had time to view the film and make improvements where Hot Toys didn't. They had to work off of film stills and production photos. And with what they had to work with, they did an amazing job. But the up coming DX TDK Batman is without a doubt going to beat both the original HT TDK Batman and Medicom's as well.

You've had 2 medicom figures and that makes you an expert? What do you know of medicom figures? I've had close to 100 pcs(maybe just over) . Sweeney Todd is a great figure. The Jack Bauer is Crap, LIKE YOU, I bought it for the clothes, NOTHING ELSE. So don't pretend you bought the figure to keep it as it is.

I am a medicom fan(Mainly due to the liscence they have acquired). At the same time, I'm one of their biggest critics. They've made really poor pieces especially when it comes to Human likeness of their CAUCASION characters. That's because of their paint. What do you know of medicom figures? They have made about 600+ figs but how many of those are you aware of. How many have you seen with your OWN EYES. The masked riders and ultraman figures(the human forms) are exceptional. I've slammed them(hard) for failed attempts but I won't be pretend to say that they are bad.

I seriously love it when HT fan boys, collected a few(2 this time) medicom figures and figured out what Medicom is about. I have and had TONS(probably more than you HT fan boys) HT figs and I can still give an objective view. Too bad you medicom "experts" can't.
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Medicom and HT both missed the mark with their TDK Batmans.

If the goal, which mine now is, is to have the most accurrate and realistic looking representation of Batman from the film, neither figure is there.

Hot Toys' figure is well assembled, lots of fun, very realistic looking, but significantly misses the mark on body proportions.

Medicom better captures the body proportions, misses on the realism, and while from some angles the cowl looks damn close to straight out of the movie, from a dead on shot it's too elongated and thin looking.

If I hadn't gotten my HT TDK Bats already, I'd probably have gotten the Medicom one, of two TDK Batmans out right now, I'd take the closer accurracy look over the better designed figure, but since I've already got one, I'm not spending the money again on a figure that isn't on the mark either.

At this point, I'm putting all my hope on the rumored MMSDX TDK Batman, hopefully Hot Toys will see where Medicom succeeded, replicate it but with better construction, and improve on Medi's few flaws and give us the ultimate TDK Batman, otherwise I won't buy it.
At this point, I'm putting all my hope on the rumored MMSDX TDK Batman, hopefully Hot Toys will see where Medicom succeeded, replicate it but with better construction, and improve on Medi's few flaws and give us the ultimate TDK Batman, otherwise I won't buy it.
I'm with you on this one, and I would assume a lot of other folks are as well. If the MMSDX isn't perfect then I can stick with my HT TDK V1 Batman and be perfectly content. I know a lot of people complained about how many versions of the Joker there are but this has to be an even tougher sell. At least with the Joker you're getting different costumes and what not. With Batman, you're getting the same suit but with adjustments to proportions and other details. If I'm going to spend the money to get another Batman, it's got to be perfect.