Insufferable S.O.B.
One of the greatest games ever made. Second only to DOOM.
I still have my Atari 2600 in its original box, along with my Colecovision system, games, Super Action Controllers set, Roller Controller, and Expansion Modules (#1/#2). I hooked up my Colecovision with a special connector to my Plasma a few years ago and it still works!
i had this game system. Intellivision.
God I had that ! Remember the baseball you had to press the guy and use the stick to get to him ! GOD I WANT ONE NOW !
I was listening to "Look Sharp" in the car today. Talented SOB.
Another great Canadian band!
YouTube - Gordon Lightfoot Knotty Pine 1986
My dad was a huge fan, and we always listened to "El Gordo" on family trips.
I have so many fun memories as a teen in the 80's.
Three of my favorite comedies I never get tired of watching...
I spent many hours playing on this video game system after upgrading from the Atari 2600...
I still have my Atari 2600 in its original box, along with my Colecovision system, games, Super Action Controllers set, Roller Controller, and Expansion Modules (#1/#2). I hooked up my Colecovision with a special connector to my Plasma a few years ago and it still works!