I’m with Wor-Gar i’m burnt out of genre cinema my enthusiasm is tired i’m ready to hang it up.
Nothing wrong with that especially when we have a massive treasure trove of riches to choose from our great past.
BUT if I may just for one moment I would like to give a counter point to what I view as Wor-Gar’s flaw and a fatal one at that.
Wor-Gar, always looking to the past never his mind on the horizon.
His very mindset that the sky is falling that nothing will ever be as good as what came before has literally been proven wrong every decade of his life over and over and over again.
Here see for yourselves:
Wor-Gar circa 1980 “Genre cinema is derivative and dead NOTHING will ever be as good as JAWS, ANH, 2001, EXORCIST, Rocky, STM, ALIEN!” (insert your own 70s masterpieces).”
Then the 80s roll around and gives us ESB, Raiders, Aliens, Predator, Terminator, Road Warrior, First Blood, Die Hard, Robocop, Conan, The Thing, Batman…insert your own!
Oh oh here comes Wor-Gar circa 1990: “Genre cinema is derivative and dead NOTHING will ever be as good as the great 1980s and before!”
Then the 90s roll around and gives us T2, Heat, True Lies, Matrix, Jurassic Park, Goldeneye, Seven, Blade, Die Hard 3, Total Recall, Ronin, Unforgiven, Reservoir Dogs…insert your own!
Wor-Gar circa 2000: “Genre cinema is derivative and dead NOTHING will ever be as good as the great 1990s and before!”
Then 2000 rolls around and gives us LOTR, MCU, BB, TDK, Spiderman 2 seriously do I even need to add more lol
Wor-Gar circa 2010: “Genre cinema is derivative and dead NOTHING will ever be as good as the great 2000s and before!
Then 2010 rolls around and gives us MCU ifinity saga finale, Logan, Dredd, John Wick, Hereditary, Alita, BR2049, Mars AND ground breaking Mandalorian!
Now here we are again Wor-Gar circa 2020: “Genre cinema is derivative and dead NOTHING will ever be as good as the great 2010s and before!
Yet we already got the masterpiece known as Mando S2 and much more to come!
See here is the thing I got a dirty little secret for Wor-Gar regarding his grievance against superheros made of rubber.
In Raiders when Marion hits Indy with the mirror in real life Indy would’ve been laid out in the hospital with a broken jaw not fighting nazis like the rubber superman that he was.
Real life is boring right.
Captain America might be rubber but at least he has the super soldier serum to back up his absurdity.
We can retire from genre cinema but make no mistake about it greatness will still find its way into genre cinema fans lives.
Enjoy the here and now and keep one eye in the past and one on the horizon.