Iron Man 2 Discussion Thread

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I watched it again today and i liked it more than the first time. RDJ 'IS' Iron Man...he's awesome, in fact best superhero performance since Keaton imo:lecture
The final battle is still lacking though. Just didn't have any sense of danger...
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Once in a blue moon, the trolls are right. Iron Man 2 just wasn't very good. It was cool seeing War Machine blow stuff up, but that stopped being enough for me when I was in junior high, man. :)
No. He's wrong because he's a troll.

Agree with someone else who didnt like the movie. AGREE WITH THEM NOW!!! :impatient:

Seen it 5 times....

Still liking it....

Not the bext Marvel movie ever (that honor belongs to IM1)....but certainly not even close to bieng the worse...not even close.

Gimme more please
It was a decent super-hero movie, nice comedic lines here and there...

Some act like its the "Movie of the Year...," or act like its some sort of Academy award style flick.

That dude that reviews with the bad engrish waxes poetically about the score et., not realizing the score and soundtrack are two different things...

Really, IM2 was just a good Marvel Super-hero movie. Nothing more, nothing less. Fun to watch...
I liked the movie i don't really see the problem with the final battle i was satisfied with it, I just wish it was longer and whiplash didnt get killed so easily.

The only intense scene in the movie was the part with war machine and iron man back to back taking out the drone's. I loved the movie tho. I really don't see what people were expecting out of it. It seems that people just want every superhero movie to be just like the dark knight.
I liked that the whiplash battle was pretty quick as well. No point in drawing it out for the hell of it. The way it happened made sense so that's my biggest criteria. Now had we not had all the action with the Hammer drones I probably would have been disappointed by it.

It really is too bad they didn't keep the Tony and Pepper scene in the movie. I can understand why they took it out, and had they not spoiled the surprise I think it would have been better the way it is. But since everyone knows he was going to Stark Expo they should have put it back in. But I guess by then it was too late. Oh well, we got to see it in trailers so to me that's close enough, in my mind it happened, we just didn't see it.
Yeah, I had enough battle 3 seconds prior. I still think the final battle in Iron Man was long enough. I never got the hate for that scene.
Yea me either, thier really was nothing wrong with it. I thought it was epic when he had iron man tied in his whips and war machine pinned under his foot. Did anybody else think that two seal's fighting over a grape line was stupid though ?
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:lol:lol sam rockwell dancing to the podium was actually one of my many favorite scenes in the movie
You obviously haven't given any thought to how Tony's shirt and tie might interfere with the Iron Man suit.
i'm not concerned about whether or not his clothes underneath would interfere with the armor, as much as how the arc reactor still shies through the suit, when it's not visible under his clothes...:duh
happened with the suit at the expo
suit at the races...etc
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i'm not concerned about whether or not his clothes underneath would interfere with the armor, as much as how the arc reactor still shies through the suit, when it's not visible under his clothes...:duh
happened with the suit at the expo
suit at the races...etc

V!C's BANNED AGAIN!!!!!!!:lol:rotfl

As I mentioned before, the MK II has a separate Ark Reactor, and I am sure that is the case for the MK IV and V.

Tony Stark should have mentioned why that was the case (writers fault) But if his own Reactor is burning out elements that he needs to replace everyday, my guess is he would not rely on it to power the suit.

And as for V!C.
I have never had run in with him, but I know that he was really insulting to a good friend of mine here at SideshowFreakz, so if he does return, I hope it will be his last chance to redeem himself.
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If your a Sam Rockwell fan then check out his movie "MOON". It the best low budget film I have seen and I believe his best performance. I watched this movie about 5 times when I got it and features the voice of Kevin Spacey as the robot Gerty thats on the moon with him.

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