Iron Man 2 Discussion Thread

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what happened to these 2 scenes, anyone know ?

These look to be alternate scenes that were rewritten for the movie.
I guess they kept these clips in the Trailer because they looked cool.
They will most likely be on the Deleted scenes section of the Blu-Ray/DVD with an explanation of why they were taken out
I really think people are being hard on Cheadle, he had much less to work with to make the character his own compared to Howard.
It's not easy to fill somebody else's shoes and the time he was given to play at just being Rhodey was very limited.

Okay, I'm gonna say it, Terrence Howard and Don Cheadle were both terrible choices for the role. Both are great actors, but both lack a manliness and screen presence needed to be War Machine. Look, the IM team seemingly wanted good, oscar nominated actors for the role, but a lot of times it is more important to get someone who can actually pull it off. RDJ flourishes in the suit, while Don Cheadle dwindles in it. A lot also has to do with voice. Cheadle and Howard both have soft, kind of high voices. I would have liked to see a more dominating presence, like Michael Jai White or Idris Elba as Rhodey.
These look to be alternate scenes that were rewritten for the movie.
I guess they kept these clips in the Trailer because they looked cool.
They will most likely be on the Deleted scenes section of the Blu-Ray/DVD with an explanation of why they were taken out

Well i can only assume that the scene with pepper kissing the helmet was chopped because later in the film pepper talks about how stupid the expo is and that its just an extension of his ego her saying that kinda contradicts this scene if ye get what i mean.
Favreau discusses deleted scenes:

"The nice thing about working at Marvel is that they're very supportive of the director. I've been given a lot of creative freedom there," said Favreau. "When we make changes, it's ones that we're all comfortable with. I like to be very collaborative with [the studio]. It's not like there's a version that they strong-armed me into not using, so I stand behind what's out there."

Favreau recalled one specific scene that didn't make the final cut of "Iron Man 2" involving Tony Stark and Pepper Potts as Tony prepares to arrive on stage at Stark Expo 2010.

"There's a scene that leads up to [Pepper throwing Iron Man's helmet off of a plane] that's wonderful, but what it does is it ruins a surprise and ruins the momentum of the movie at the beginning," said the director. "There's a little bit of a misdirect that we wanted to sell and the reveal of him landing on the stage for the first time is better [without the scene]."

Additionally, Favreau removed a flirtatious scene between Stark and Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow, saying: "The relationship between Tony and Pepper is so special to the audience that if you let him and Scarlet get too flirty and close, the audience turns off very quickly."

Despite these scenes not making the final cut, Favreau plans to include the deleted segments when "Iron Man 2" arrives on DVD.

"There are other scenes that I like that don't fit into the movie but I think are great," he explained. "As they stand alone, I prefer a lot of the things that we had to remove. I would have preferred to have them in the film than to have them removed."

Most of what you guys are reading waaaay too much into was just cut for sequencial purposes. Literally sometimes things just get cut because they don't make sense no matter how cool we think they are.
Favreau discusses deleted scenes:

Most of what you guys are reading waaaay too much into was just cut for sequencial purposes. Literally sometimes things just get cut because they don't make sense no matter how cool we think they are.

Why show it in the trailer then. If your confident to show it in the trailer why not the movie itself.

The scene in the plane made more sense with Pepper in it as it was a reason for Tony to be flown in the plane. Why would he need to be in the plane by himself when he could have flown himself.
Why show it in the trailer then. If your confident to show it in the trailer why not the movie itself.

The scene in the plane made more sense with Pepper in it as it was a reason for Tony to be flown in the plane. Why would he need to be in the plane by himself when he could have flown himself.

This scene is really not that important so who cares? Trailers have stuff you won't actually see in the film all the time, usually because they are cut before the final cut of the film.
The scene in the plane made more sense with Pepper in it as it was a reason for Tony to be flown in the plane. Why would he need to be in the plane by himself when he could have flown himself.

I thought this too. I liked the opening scene, but yeah why have a C130 fly you in there when you can get there faster yourself??
It frames it up as if Iron Man is about to jump into a warzone.

We hear the target is approaching, the ACDC, the plane opens, we can't clearly make out the fireworks right away so they look like Anti Aircraft fire, it's like he's flying into hell and then it's just the expo.

Obviously the effect is lost on us since we saw the trailer and previews, but if you were going in completely oblivious, thats how it would have seemed.
Why show it in the trailer then. If your confident to show it in the trailer why not the movie itself.

The scene in the plane made more sense with Pepper in it as it was a reason for Tony to be flown in the plane. Why would he need to be in the plane by himself when he could have flown himself.

Bull____. If a scene doesnt work, a scene doesnt work. Period. It could be awsome in the trailer, but when you cut everything together....well...yeah.
Are you a ____ing idiot? Who is whining? We are havin a conversation about deleted scenes and what would work best. Go a troll elsewhere.

Listen, ____ing idiot.

A lot of times deleted scenes, different takes and even different dialogue is shown in trailers. This is nothing new.

The director gave his reason why. But funny enough that surprise was actually ruined because it was shown in the trailers. :lol
So you'd like to see Maguire playing a teenage Peter Parker in a reboot? Weird. I think you have a problem with reboots more than anything.

I think switching up actors is fine when it comes to reboots, not direct sequels. Realistically, an actor can't play the same character forever. I mean, did anyone want Shatner to play young Kirk in the Star Trek reboot? That'd be funny, but not good funny.

Sometimes, a new actor means a new dimension for a character. You might end up liking their version of the character even more than the previous incarnation. i.e. Doctor Who, James Bond, Batman, etc etc.

When Favreau's Iron Man films are long done, I'd be okay if they reboot it with a new Tony Stark. As much as I like Robert Downey Jr's take on the character, it's just one interpretation and not particularly the Tony I remember from the comics.

Well, I'm actually okay with the reboot. Generally I accept new actors in roles as well. I can just understand why people don't like it. Things just feel off. I feel the same way when I watch a cartoon with voices different from what I'm used to, hence my Batman comparison. I see Batman (comics as well as cartoons) and I hear Kevin Conroy's voice. When I hear whoever did the voice in The Batman I feel like Batman has a cold or something.

Personally I am excited for the reboot because I think the first two were great, but after seeing Iron Man I think they can be even better.

To get back on topic...are we really arguing about deleted scenes? Come on...
I must say it was werid seeing that scene in the airplane in all the tvspots and not have it in the movie. O well then and the the reboot of spiderman is somthing i cant wait to see.
I dont see how it's weird. Movies do it all the time.

Hell, that scene in Predators where Royce is covered in lasers wont be in the film. (There will be one tri laser dot on his head.)
Well i think it is considering it was a scene between to actors but its whatever.
That doesnt really change anything. Most scenes deleted ARE scenes between actors. Not special effects or action scenes.
Well i thought it was freakin odd , they showed the scene athousand times in the trailers but not in the movie thats all.
Like I said, it happens in every movie basicly.

Trailers are made a long long time before they're even close to the final mixdown.

It's not as odd as you think.