Iron Man 2 Discussion Thread

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I just hate the fact that the country that invented Iron Man and where Iron Man is located has to wait longer to see this then other parts of the world. I want the next Bond or Sherlock Holmes to hit the USA before the UK to make up for it :tap

Oh come on be fair, this is a very rare occurrence. In most cases we have to wait a few weeks after the USA, and it was even months when the UK waited to see UP
Red carpet at the premiere, via Jon Favreau


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Looks like reviews are all over the place, from good to bad, awesome to muddled. has collected a bunch of excerpts and links to various reviews (Variety, Empire, Ain't it Cool News, etc):

I only read the excerpts (because they are spoiler-free, I don't know how detailed the actual reviews are), but generally I think it's the norm for most sequels and/or movies of this type to get reviews that range from one side to the other. However, it sounds like the guy from the Sunday Mirrors review absolutely hates the film. Wow.
I kind of anticipated and expected this. Iron Man was awesome, and THE best Marvel Comics superhero movie in my opinion. But it had the surprise factor on its side.

To illustrate my thoughts more succinctly, the following is from an e-mail review I sent to my friends after I saw Iron Man for the first time at an employee showing before the film was released to the public (my brother manages a theater):

"Favreau and Marvel Studios knocked Iron Man out of the park. But I believe that part of that is because no one knew how good Iron Man could be. Personally, I didn’t follow the development of Iron Man, so I really didn’t know much about the flick when I saw it. Sure I read the comic growing up, knew the character, and knew Robert Downey, Jr. was going to be good in it, but that’s all, and I was blown away upon seeing the completed film. I said earlier that Iron Man knocked it out of the park, but in my opinion, it was akin to a baseball player being called from AAA and hitting a grand slam at his first at bat in the major leagues. It’s totally unexpected, and a HUGE surprise".

It’s funny, I was flipping channels last night and caught Robert Downey, Jr. on Access Hollywood just as he was saying “the hardest part [about making Iron Man 2] was trying to catch lightning in a bottle the same way we did for the first one”. I'm paraphrasing of course, but you get the gist.

I still look forward to this movie immensely; in fact as a father of two young children, I hardly have time to see movies anymore, but I will definitely be there at the midnight opening.
Iron Man 2 was set to disappoint from the go. Same will happen with TDK's follower Batman 3. The expectations are just so damn high that they'll never top them no matter how good it is. I believe that there is too much going on in this, I've been reading spoilers and seeing clips left and right to know that we have a ton of cross over and subplot that some people will not be able to follow but I'm more than willing to go in with expectations low and see what is actually there. I expect it to outdo the previous in opening but I don't think it'll have the same it a hunch.

You also have to take into account that the "overfill" is Marvel's fault. Iron Man was their first real success and they are using Iron Man to introduce a ____load of stuff that will be later decyphered in The Avengers especially because both Cap and Thor are "period" pieces.
Of course people are going to hate this movie....because that's the cool thing to do. I on the other hand don't care what other people like or dislike about the movies they review....this one is going to rock no matter what.
That's my theory on why people hated Indiana Jones KOTCS.

I have high expectations for the movie, but I don't think they are too high for it to achieve. After all, I liked if its better than that...
I think the effort to tie all the Marvel franchises together could bite them in the but, Spiderman 3 is a great example of what happens when you try to put too much into one film, that's why I'm glad Nolan won't be trying to squeeze Superman into Batman 3.

As for Iron Man 2, I'm eager to see it, the previews are naturally going to show all the flashy stuff, so I've got no opinion really on what it'll be like, I just hope the character driven parts are there like Iron Man 1, I really enjoyed that aspect of the first one, seems like a lot of superhero movies don't develop that so strongly but Iron Man did, I found it to feel like Nolan's Batman's but with a twist of Stark's more interesting personality.
I think it depends on how closely they try to tie it in. I'm avoiding the spoilers so forgive me if I'm thinking about things that are already known to others.

My thought is that if they keep the tie in stuff limited to cameos and little lines it won't be a problem. The way they introduced Fury and the coming of the Avengers in Iron Man was great. As was the link between IM and Hulk.

If they start trying to have one plot line that runs as a subplot or something through all the movies then I think it will be a bad move. I think we comic geeks who are used to big crossovers where you have to read multiple issues will enjoy it, but I think it will lose its appeal with the general audience.
The difference is, they have multiple solo films to fill out the characters where as SM3 only had 2 hours or so, so I have no worries so far
I think the effort to tie all the Marvel franchises together could bite them in the but, Spiderman 3 is a great example of what happens when you try to put too much into one film, that's why I'm glad Nolan won't be trying to squeeze Superman into Batman 3.

Spiderman 3 did all this in one movie. These are at least building the origins in the separate films before throwing them altogether.
I was hoping Iron Man 2 would be the Empire Strikes Back or The Dark Knight of the Iron Man series. I hope it doesn't turn out to be the Attack of the Clones. If it were, then at least there's a light at the end of the tunnel and Iron Man 3 could be Revenge of the Sith.

...Here I am making a post entirely out of Star Wars analogies.

edit: just checked out that Whiplash 2 pic. Meh.