Iron Man 2 Discussion Thread

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Why Rhodey got the suit without much of a fight

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I liked Cheadle as Rhodes, but I guess it must be hard for somebody else to take over a role from another actor. I'm sure he will be better next time. I did like the exchange he had with Stark at the end.
Mike brought that up as well.

How do we know that lessons were not given to Rhodey in between movies :dunno

Hey, I know if I had a flying battle suit in my basement (next to the washer and dryer) and you were tight with me, I would've given you some lessons in my back yard. :lol


He could have but if that were the case a mention of it would be nice.
Two of my favorite humorous parts was when Stark requested a favor from SHIELD to have the senator be the presenter of the medal, that reminded me of IM1 when it cuts to Rhodey explaning that the F22 Raptor crash was a training exercise.

The other, and my favorite funny scene, was when BW flipped Happy over in the boxing ring and he got up all dazed and embarrassed and it was either he or Stark that said, "Now that's what i'm talking about".

I was laughing out loud at some of the dialogue.

I laughed too in The Dark Knight, you know....when Harvey Dent came out at the end with that stupid half suit to match his half burned the suit had to match....:lol

Oh, and I also laughed a-lot in TDK at it's lack of any good action scenes and the horrible boat evacuation story booooooring.

BB was so much more enjoyable, even with its weak ending.

Wait...where was I again.....:lol
I never saw anybody complaining about Obadiah taking to his War Monger suit like a duck to water?

And the fact that he had to keep saying that the suit was never his thing....oh...and that Stark ripped his targeting system out because you know, the audience isn't capable of comprehending why he couldn't shoot straight....:slap

Actually.....why wasn't OS even mentioned once in IM2....oh biggie.
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Me too! The place was so obviously ''disney". Even his stache.
oh...and that Stark ripped his targeting system out because you know, the audience isn't capable of comprehending why he couldn't shoot straight....:slap

I can see why they did that though. Otherwise it would have been way to convenient for him to suddenly be a poor shot; a stated explanation always helps with making the audience buy things that would otherwise have come across as stupid.
I might be going to the midnight showing tonight. Hopefully plans hold out. Will share my thoughts once I've seen it. Looking forward to it. This is one of my most anticipated films of the year.
I'm so glad that G4TV hyped Olivia Munn's role in this film.
The bounty hunters in Empire Strikes Back had more air time than her.
Have fun staying at Attack of the show, I'm sure that role will have Hollywood banging down your door!
The movie was awesome, I just got back from seeing it.
When we were going in there was this little kid about 5-6 years old dressed up in a little IRON MAN costume, he had the whole place laughing and pointing and taking pics. He sat in front of us and loved the whole movie.
Awesome time.
Did g4 hype it I haven't been watching, I know the fanboys certainly did and I had a laugh when I saw her.
What I thought was funny about her cameo is when everyone was freaking out she'd be the Scarlet Witch.
I saw the movie again however, I took the family this time. I enjoyed it as did the two eldest (18 & 16), the youngest (7) was bored and the wife along with the other kids (15, 13, 10) thought it was meh (decent).

Everyone understand "my" movies and their characters along with the bigger picture etc. They endure these films to support me often finding enjoyment in them. Perhaps I wanted it to be better than it is however, a bi-partisan review of the film gives 3 thumbs up and 5 thumbs down. :dunno
Ugh, I hate it when people are irresponsible parents in movie theaters. When I went to see POTC:DMC there was a poor kid in the theater who was so bored. Then halfway through the movie his parents wouldn't take him to the restroom so he started yelling, "I HAVE TO POOP".