Iron Man 2 Discussion Thread

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Huge difference? They both BUILT THEM. Of course Tony knew how to use it because he built it. Stane had it built from the ground up to his specifications based on Tony's plans of course he knew how to use it. Rhodes had absolutely nothing to do with it and it didn't make sense. It was one of those things that they hoped we'd over look.

i agree with most of this, except that stane really didn't build his suit, he had a crew build it for him in sector 16. (and they built it in less than 24 hours :cuckoo: ) i dont think stane really contributed to the construction of his iron monger suit, he just thought of the idea to build it based on tony's ideas.

oh, and what's this poisoning that stark gets?
Thought it was good, not as good as the first, but a good follow up. Lots of fun stuff, but a bit busy though. Thought Irom Man 1 had better FX. Howard was way better has Rhodes. And in typical Marvel Movie fasion, the ending battle was weak.

My nickpick though is whiplash gets rammed several times with a car and lived. His metal skeleton could not have protected him, it didnt run down that far. Second, in the same scene, Iron Man punches Whiplash in his bare face several times as well. The guy should have died there.

Scarlett Johansson was fauking hawt, so that made up for some of the shortcomings.
Well said Mike, Azure and Jedi.....:clap

Thanks for the Blake/Mojito explanation Mike :bow

Few more thoughts....yes, i've given many.....but I still have more to offer.

I'm generous.

Just got back from viewing numero 3 (I'm such a geek).

The end battle, which started when Ivan activated the drones, was plenty long for me!

Director Fav mentioned that he used Empire Strikes Back as inspiration. I saw it (I see you.....yuck) not only in the story telling but also within the actual action scenes and sounds.

The flying at the end reminded me of Star Wars as did the sounds and echoes of them flying around and listen to a few scenes when Rhodey and Stark are turning their heads in the suit.....sounded like R2D2 moving his head during the quiet desert scenes in ANH!

When I saw IM1 for the first few times I didn't immediately comprehend just how great it was, it took awhile to sink in that what we had on our hands was truly a spectacular movie.

IM2 was a different experience for me......I loved it immediately the first time out.

It succeeded in being a movie that can stand on its own 2 feet while simultaneously getting me excited for what's to come in the next 2 years.

Bring on the Thor and Cap trailers in December! :clap :rock :clap
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I thought it had a better 2nd half than the first movie. The only disappointment was
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I'm still glad they included it.
My review from the Rate ur last movie thread:cool:

Iron Man 2: 4/10

I think they named the movie Iron Man 2 cuz it sucked twice as much balls than the first one.

What an epic let down.

1. Graphics
2. Performances ( Mickey Rourkes character was kinda lame tho)
3. Last 15 minutes of the movie (minus bonus scene)

1. The story had too much going on and it was way to chaotic
2. Whiplash was cheesey instead of intimidating
3. There where only about 3 action sequences in the whole f'n movie
4. The soundtrack was horrible
5. Cinematography was amateurish ( did anyone else notice that SW edit slide :rolleyes:)
6. And the $2 prop that comes after the credits.

All in all.... I didn't like the first one and I definetly didn't like this one.

Jon Favre should stick to directing Couples Retreat 2 and leave Iron Man to the big dawgs... WhyTF does he always feel the need to act in his movies???

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I really loved design of the Drones tho and I thought that the battle between Ironman/War Machine vs Whiplash was rushed and stupid.
What I don't get is when Tony gets the new triangle arc reactor, it's suppose to be more powerful, but it takes him and War Machine to not even put a dent on Whiplash. Whiplash was kicking both their asses. Also, just like in the first Ironman movie when Ironmonger was electrocuted, same happened to Whiplash at the end, how unoriginal.
What I don't get is when Tony gets the new triangle arc reactor, it's suppose to be more powerful, but it takes him and War Machine to not even put a dent on Whiplash. Whiplash was kicking both their asses. Also, just like in the first Ironman movie when Ironmonger was electrocuted, same happened to Whiplash at the end, how unoriginal.

That battle was like maybe 2-3 minutes long and all they did was unite the repulsor blast and boom that was it. There was no epicness.....
Whiplash died as lame as his character was.

P.S....I vant my bo-ed.....:lol
That fight agsinst Dynamo made me question what exactly happens to anything trapped in the middle of two repulsor blasts. What sort of damage does it do? Dynamo was caught in the middle, but after the explosion he and his suit were mostly intact. Is it a sort of electrocution? I always believed that a repulsor blast was more of a concussive force, even though it is seen at the end of the first film that it has electrical properties.

A lot of the science in this film seems dubious (like that scene in which Tony creates a new element), but it's a comic flick so whatever.
Mike I disagree with what you say sir, put Favreau in anything, and it's gold. :D

Nothing wrong with a little fun while making a movie. The guy's an actor too. Atleast it's not like Shamalamadingdong's bull____. Ugh. :D
Ivan not being severely injured by being crushed in the groin, that was just bad writing and asking for too much suspension of disbelief. I didn't buy it.

Could be worse, could be the arc reactor replacement scene from the first movie. :lol

I thought it had a better 2nd half than the first movie. The only disappointment was
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I'm still glad they included it.

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I saw this last night, and I gotta admit I was impressed. I loved all of the humor... I was laughing my ass off of the edge of my seat pretty much. RDJ is the perfect Tony Stark/Iron Man. He does it so well. I thought that the movie had enough action. I enjoyed all the scenes that had Fury (Jackson) in them. I like how the movie had so many nods towards the Avengers. Caps shield when Stark is modifying his chest piece was pretty sweet. I thought Whiplash was superb. I found him to be very threatening to Stark/Iron Man. He could have defeated Iron Man, but didn't. Johannson as BW was great. What a sexy woman. Ryan Reynolds is the man!

My biggest complaint would be Don Cheadle. He was passable at best at Rhodes/War Machine. I just didn't get anything between him and Stark. Terrence Howard should've stuck around to resume the mantle. But, nothing is ever perfect.

Enjoyed the movie though almost as much as the first one. Iron Man 2 delivered everything it needed to, in my opinion.

I'd give it a solid 8.5/10
I saw this last night, and I gotta admit I was impressed. I loved all of the humor... I was laughing my ass off of the edge of my seat pretty much. RDJ is the perfect Tony Stark/Iron Man. He does it so well. I thought that the movie had enough action. I enjoyed all the scenes that had Fury (Jackson) in them. I like how the movie had so many nods towards the Avengers. Caps shield when Stark is modifying his chest piece was pretty sweet. I thought Whiplash was superb. I found him to be very threatening to Stark/Iron Man. He could have defeated Iron Man, but didn't. Johannson as BW was great. What a sexy woman. Ryan Reynolds is the man!

My biggest complaint would be Don Cheadle. He was passable at best at Rhodes/War Machine. I just didn't get anything between him and Stark. Terrence Howard should've stuck around to resume the mantle. But, nothing is ever perfect.

Enjoyed the movie though almost as much as the first one. Iron Man 2 delivered everything it needed to, in my opinion.

I'd give it a solid 8.5/10

Very well said.


Will be a painful wait for the DVD release of IM2 and for the other movies as well.
I think all ya'll are blinded by fanboyism. :lecture

Everyone is saying that it's not as good as the first one....can we all just generally agree that it sucked balls then.

Erm, most of us liked it, and the first one was so good that a lesser sequel can still be one of the best Superhero movies around.
Just because Return of the Jedi is not as good as Empire and A new hope, does not mean that is sucks.
Anyway, I don't go and see things that suck balls twice.

Hopefully you will be on Xbox tonight so I give you a ruddy good thrashing
I always like to give movies a second chance. But only if I dont know if I liked it or not. Not if I hate it.
My first impression is that I liked it even more than the first one. I'll go see it again eventually to see if that holds or not.