Iron Man 2 Discussion Thread

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I didnt go into this movie with any expectations on the story side of it, so nothing about the story really bothered me. I went to see it cause I love the Tech, the action, and RDJ playing Stark. A failure is a pretty strong word for this movie; again, some of you guys just have sky high expectations imo. These movies arent meant to be deep.
No but when you're a fan of comic book movies and the original is damned right awesome you expect the sequel to be as good if not better. To me it failed to move the story forward. About the tech, there wasn't much in this movie. It's just all rehashed from the first. The whole blood poisoning storyline was just excuse to make a triangle chest piece and a new suit. I find it entertaining how people are coming up with thier own explanations for the plot holes and ridiculous moments. Rhodie being tought how to use the suit before you see him in it. If that was the case they would have shown it. Ivan not being severely injured by being crushed in the groin, that was just bad writing and asking for too much suspension of disbelief. I didn't buy it.
In a few years time people will see this as a weak sequel. Everyone raved about spiderman 2 when it came out but many people now think it's lame ( I still like it alot).
In a few years time people will see this as a weak sequel. Everyone raved about spiderman 2 when it came out but many people now think it's lame ( I still like it alot).

I believe you might be right. When IM1 came out, I wanted to watch it again because it was so awesome. After seeing this today, I want to see it again to see if I would like it better a second time. Not good sign. As for Spider-Man 2, that was the only Spider-Man that I enjoy from beginning to end to this day.
Spiderman 3 was an abomination. It's a similar situation. First was good, second was superb and everyone expected the third to be even better. It's a shame that the studios don't let the director get on with it. I'm almost certain that's what happened with IM 2.
A fail? Wow, I can't believe we are talking about the same movie. I though it rocked from beginning to end, in fact my only complaint is not enough Scarlett.

Maybe we could have used more of her in the background for eye candy, but I wasn't overly impressed with her as BW. She wasn't bad mind you, but I just can't see her becoming a major player in the movies as an Avenger or SHIELD agent.
I don't know what all the hate is about. I just got back and loved it. Better than the first IMO. The first drags a bit because of the origin story. I always feel the origin film is always the weakest of a series (Spider-man 3 being an exception to that).

I personally didn't feel it was all over the place or that there were too many characters or any of the other complaints so far. I don't want to say those that do think so are just easily confused or lost, but I didn't have a single problem following the storylines. :dunno

I thought Whiplash was great too. Much more of a threat than Iron Monger ever was, and more screen time too.

And as for Rhodie knowing how to use the suit, if you paid attention, it was mentioned that Tony had precautions in place to prevent unauthorized access to the suits. So clearly Rhodie had access and that could be infered that he had been familiarized with them as well. Its not like they threw Pepper into one. Rhodie isn't clueless when it comes to weapons and technology.

And as for Black Widow and Nicky Fury, they aren't meant to be "Iron Man" film characters. Their homebase is going to be SHIELD/The Avengers. BW was just undercover. And Fury just came in when he needed to. They are just apart of the bigger picture. Sure if they weren't going to be used elsewhere it woudl seem a waste, but they were just used her to help set up the Avengers. But I don't feel this film was only meant to set up the Avengers film. Sure there is a lot done in it to do so, but I didn't feel like it was out of place or distracting. It felt quite natural in the story's progression.

Well, I went to this movie having VERY low expectations...thought the first one was just okay, mostly due to Downey Jr.'s perfectly fitting the role so well....

IM2 surprised me. I actually liked it a lot....maybe even better than the first one. Like with most "professional" reviews and some of the posts in here, I'm left wondering if we all saw the same movie.

Were there issues? A did seem a little choppy, like there might be a longer cut of it...and the Nick Fury/SHIELD stuff did seem a little shoehorned in. It also seemed a shame to have someone with such physical presence like Mickey Rourke stuck behind a keyboard for a chunk of the last half...but I also appreciated the short approach to the final suit-to-suit showdown between Stark, Roadie and Venko. It didn't go on too long or seem too preposterous. I also thought there was just enough of the "Natalie" character...interesting that she was never referred to as "Black Widow" on screen.

The only real brush with an unintended laugh or groan-inducing moment was the "solution" to Stark's health issue...the funniest bit of tech since unobtainium in "Avatar"....but it did work.

I never once looked at the clock to see how much was left...despite it's choppy feel, it held my interest. The humor was fun and not forced or inappropriate. The effects were decent (especially the flying stuff...looked much better this time around). The cast was close to perfect for this....everyone bringing their best to it. And nothing against Terrence Howard, but I do buy Cheadle as a military man a little more than I did him.

I did miss Ramin Djawadi's contribution...his score for the first film had just the right touch of rock n' roll cheese to it to add to the fun and sound distinct....Debney's effort was just a little overwrought and pedestrain, especially that opening theme...can someone send the now much overused choirs heard in most music scores these days packing for a while please?

IM2 is more a continuation of the story started in the first movie...a good balance of advancing the story and the characters while offering up the requisite big bangs expected of franchise fun like this.

I'm no comic expert, I don't know the finer nuances and elements of the ongoing comic....I just know that as a movie series, "Iron Man" is working quite well for this moviegoer looking for a good time.

Well done, Favreau and crew!
Oh, if that was Blake in France, what was his hammer doing in NM?

Its rumor still but if that turns out to be the case, Blake cannot turn into Thor without it and no one is supposed to be able to lift it but him, if you think that Blake had to be obtained and then brought to New Mexico to get the hammer (think it fell from Asgard or something like that) and use Thor. It could work but we have no proof.

I've heard the Rhodes/suit complaint alot, the first time Stark actually wears the Mk.2, not the Mech Test to sort out problems, but the suit itself, he flies it fine.

I never saw anybody complaining about Obadiah taking to his War Monger suit like a duck to water?

Huge difference? They both BUILT THEM. Of course Tony knew how to use it because he built it. Stane had it built from the ground up to his specifications based on Tony's plans of course he knew how to use it. Rhodes had absolutely nothing to do with it and it didn't make sense. It was one of those things that they hoped we'd over look.

Why Rhodey got the suit without much of a fight

If you pay attention while they are fighting Tony shouts "You want it? Then take it!" and so he does. Rhodes already knew what was going on with Tony because he helped him change the Arc and saw the poisoning. The only one who didn't was Pepper.

Mike, I disagree, I thought Happy was one of the best parts of the movie. :lol "I got him! It's clear!"

It was overdone. Happy, especially being the director himself, as to be done lightly like peppering a dish, too much and its ruined. Favreau ruined it.

WOW! I'm so glad that G4TV hyped Olivia Munn's role in this film.

They hyped it because originally she was Iron Maiden (an actual IM character from the books) it was deemed too dark, no reason why but I'm assuming if you follow the character's arc then it makes sense and cut so Fav stuck her in where he could probably because he was sticking it in already.

What I thought was funny about her cameo is when everyone was freaking out she'd be the Scarlet Witch.

It is funny that her part in the film is no different than what she does in real life.

he hasn't found mjolnir yet. donald blake isn't thor...think shazam & how that works. blake goes into another dimension while thor is there

Thor is trapped within Blake thanks to Odin. Its like Shazam but slightly different, they are the same person. He HAS found Mjolnir because he'll use it in his film proper, the trapping in Blake occurs in Thor and its possible that when it happens he loses Mjolnir but then again its all internet rumor.

I don't know what all the hate is about. I just got back and loved it.

Movie snobs. People go in expecting a TDK experience these days. Thank god it isn't. We had enough TDK with it proper, in fact TDK isn't even the hype that has built around TDK. I'm glad these are fun and I got exactly what I expected. Just as good the second time.
Movie snobs. People go in expecting a TDK experience these days. Thank god it isn't. We had enough TDK with it proper, in fact TDK isn't even the hype that has built around TDK. I'm glad these are fun and I got exactly what I expected. Just as good the second time.

I thought TDK was overrated to, but it was definitely better than this movie. I was more-so comparing this movie to the first Iron Man, which is heaps better than TDK.

I guess hype killed Iron Man 2 for me and a very messy plot.
I thought TDK was overrated to, but it was definitely better than this movie. I was more-so comparing this movie to the first Iron Man, which is heaps better than TDK.

I guess hype killed Iron Man 2 for me and a very messy plot.

Maybe it helps not being an Iron Man fan? I can honestly say I've never touched an Iron Man comic...probably haven't come within 50ft of one, and I loved the movie.

Because Batman's dark by nature, and due to Raimi using the same "I'm Spiderman---WAH!" in every film, I've actually grown fond of the lighthearted playful universe of the IM films.

TDK is better sure, but that's only because in the world of comics you have:


and everyone else.
Among TDK, Godfather 2, Empire Strikes Back or even X2 and Spidey 2 this movie is not.

IM2 is the equivalent of Ghostbusters 2.
Are you people serious? Comparing Iron Man 2 to Ghostbusters 2. Complaining about the Shield story line. Some people are absolutely rediculous.