sorry but my wi fi is down. 1 of my house mates fell behind on the rent & as it turned out he had an internet addiction that's so bad he wouldn't go to work. well his mom paid the back rent on the condition that the wi fi be cut off to make the chat junkie looser get a job.
ok now were was I. yeah so dispite the endless fail of all the pre teen toons like elementry spider (boy), avenders (of the play ground), & Transformers (the baby years) hollywood still insist on making & catering to these crap fest! Ok let's move on. The Hammer Robot expo scene was a sad rip off of ROBO COP ED 209 MEELEE BLOOD BATH..........minus the cool blood bath (like I said the kiddies will have nightmares boo freaking hoo).
I will admit the adress the Congress Scene was bad ass when the pilot was rip in half by the Hammer suit. but sadly the cool senes were far too few to make the movie great.
The end was a steaming pile of B.S.!! 1st Roady (oh & Don sucked & choked on the roll). But Roady stabs our hero in the back by stealing one of the Iron Man suits & turned it over to the goverment. Now I would not expect any of you white people to know this, but in the hood we call a move like that......"a cheese eatin nygga bytch movie). Cheese=meaning what the goverment give out as a bennifit, which would be Col. Roads' fancy gov job. So Roady who's supose to have Tony's back come hell or high water goes all "brainy smurf IM GONNA TELL PAPPA SMURF" on Tony. & to make matters worse, Don did a lame job! dude did nothing but say the lines. he brought nothing to the character at all. I understand now why Howard wanted more money. Think about it for a second. If you got paid X amount for doing a bit part in the 1st film (& let's be honest, the only reason Howard got paid that amount was cause he was a hot star that stole the show in Crash). He was a major star that the 1st film desperatly needed to draw the crowds (espeicaly the black demo). RDJ was still embattled with a checkard past & Marvel didn't know if his name.....BRB