Iron Man 2 Discussion Thread

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I agree, if you liked 1 then it's odd not to enjoy 2.

I see it as a straight 4.5 hour movie, same quality from beginning to end.

I'm not even upset that Howard didn't make it back.

When I think of WM, I envision DC....thanks to Hot Toys :lol

Yeah, for continuity purposes it would've been cool to have TH back but it didn't ruin the movie for me.

Oh, btw......IM > TDK
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I saw it.Good movie.Not as great as the 1st though.Still 1000000 X better than Avatard and other turds like that.
far as I'm conserned all this fan fair will wax cold in just a few months. then the true reviews will bubble to the surface.

Fret not my pets. I'm sure the ex-bay transformers fans will let you all join their suppport group LOL.
So I saw a bootleg copy on Monday and saw the actual thing in the theater today and it was awesome, but I still prefer the first.

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in New Mexico was awesome
So I saw a bootleg copy on Monday and saw the actual thing in the theater today and it was awesome, but I still prefer the first.

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in New Mexico was awesome

The funniest thing was, after it was all over. The lights came on and three different people across the auditorium had to explain what that hidden scene was about to their girlfriends. You could hear them loudly say:

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I was actually a little let down by that scene, but its because
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The funniest thing was, after it was all over. The lights came on and three different people across the auditorium had to explain what that hidden scene was about to their girlfriends. You could hear them loudly say:

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I had to explain it to my mother. She wasn't impressed. She loved Iron Man though.
The funniest thing was, after it was all over. The lights came on and three different people across the auditorium had to explain what that hidden scene was about to their girlfriends. You could hear them loudly say:

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I would just shake my head and keep walking

BUT....I will say that the films are getting girls exposed to comics, which I suppose is good
:lol When I went and Coulson asked if Stark knew what that
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was the girl I was with looked over at me puzzled and I had to tell her. She didn't get
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either. But she said she was gonna go home and look them both up on Wikipedia so she'll know when the movies come out.

Edit: Sorry about forgetting the spoiler tags before.
I was actually a little let down by that scene, but its because
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Could there possibly be more than one ending? Didn't Wolverine have 3?
I doubt it. I think people would be pissed if sme people got to see the real thing and others only got a representation.

I still haven't seen Wolverine. I probably should, but it just didn't look that great, and I've yet to hear anything that makes me feel like I missed something.
maybe, but Captain America wasn't casted to after the movie was made. Not enough chance to throw him in there.
So this is kind of a dumb question, but is the scene at the end of The Incredible Hulk after IM2???? Stark seems to be recruiting for The Avengers in TIH, but that seems after IM2
So this is kind of a dumb question, but is the scene at the end of The Incredible Hulk after IM2???? Stark seems to be recruiting for The Avengers in TIH, but that seems after IM2

No, it's a perfectly good question. Favreau has even addressed in interviews. He's confirmed that the Hulk scene takes place after IM 2. Tony is nowhere near that point by the end of this movie.
No, it's a perfectly good question. Favreau has even addressed in interviews. He's confirmed that the Hulk scene takes place after IM 2. Tony is nowhere near that point by the end of this movie.

Okay, that makes sense because I saw IM2 today and just watched TIH today on TV, so I was just trying to connect the dots there
The funniest thing was, after it was all over. The lights came on and three different people across the auditorium had to explain what that hidden scene was about to their girlfriends. You could hear them loudly say:

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:lol Yeah, except the guy that did that at my cinema was saying:

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I managed to contain myself, but I really felt like socking him in the face.
Taking the discussion off of the Avengers for a moment, I want to address the complaints against Don Cheadle as Rhodes. Seems the majority here considers his performance inferior to Terrence Howard's in the first film, but I don't think it's a fair assessment.

I blame it on the script and the characterization Cheadle was basically dropped into for this film.

There's been critiques that run along the lines of "doesn't have the same rapport with Tony like Howard had" or "Cheadle's Rhodes was flat", but I don't see how else Cheadle could have done with the script given him. Rhodes was pretty much all-business in this film.

Rhodes and Tony were not getting along in this film and in most of the scenes he was diametrically opposed to Tony. Howard in the first film got a bunch of scenes with RDJ in which there was room for levity and humor and warmth. Cheadle got very little in that regard, outside of the final rooftop scene at the end.

I think Cheadle wasn't given the chance, because Rhodes was a boring, straight-laced character in this film outside and in the war machine suit.
I agree man, I brought it up in the rate your last movie thread, I think the opposite of most, which is that in fact chanigng the actor helped change the dynamic. Like you said, they aren't getting along in this movie until the end, and that distance between them felt right to me. Rhodes was getting chewed out because of Tony's antics and had no idea what TOny was actually going through, and was frustrated with him for it.

I thought the end roof scene, proved that in fact they do get along just fine with one another when the script calls for it.