Iron Man 2 Discussion Thread

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And yes, jumping out of airplanes is cool. Especially when there are fireworks going off around the person while AC/DC's shoot to thrill is blaring in the theater.

:goodpost: :rock :rock :rock

:lol Yeah, except the guy that did that at my cinema was saying:

Spoiler Spoiler:

I managed to contain myself, but I really felt like socking him in the face.

:lol :lol :lol

If you look on the moniter on the TV near the end when Stark's talking to Fury, you can see footage from the Hulk's incident at the university. Sweet huh?

And a few other nods to TIH. Such as "I got bigger problems in the midwest region" or something to that effect.

Damn, I can't believe I missed that! It is awesome though! I will have to pay attention to that when I get the film on Blu! :rock
If you look on the moniter on the TV near the end when Stark's talking to Fury, you can see footage from the Hulk's incident at the university. Sweet huh?

And a few other nods to TIH. Such as "I got bigger problems in the midwest region" or something to that effect.

dam ! I missed that.
looking forward to see that next time I see the film.

thanks celticp.
IM2 7/10 (on first viewing, may be revised) :D

Nowhere near as good as the first. A lot of the charm and fun was lost.

-RDJ is the balls as ever
-Mickey Rourke was excellent
-Scarjo hot as hell as ever

-Pacing was way off
-Rourke was underused
Spoiler Spoiler:

-Editing towards the end made me nauseous
Spoiler Spoiler:

Hopefully I will enjoy it more on second viewing, in IMAX.
Another implausibility that has been bothering me since I first saw the trailer was how weightless the Mark V suitcase seemed to be. Hogan (Tony's driver) was able to hold it with one arm and Pepper managed to toss it to Tony.

Obviously it is a lighter version of the standard suits, which means it contain less metal, making it less durable, but it could still withstand strikes from Vanko's whips, which slashed through a race car like butter. The suit's materials must be dense enough to withstand that sort of beating as well as being tossed around, which should make it heavier than the miracle metal it's seemed to be made of in the film.

But this a comic movie, so whatever.

you've never seen the modular armor huh?

suitcase :monkey3
Iron Man 1 and 2 are great movies people. I dont know why people are acting like Iron man 2 is one of the worst movies ever. I like this movie because is like borderline on the R rated. I can picture what scenes could have the f bombs and what scenes should have more violence but I understand its base on a popular comic and they cant go for a Strong R rated. Besides that it was a fun movie.

because they want it to be TDK all over again & that won't happen. iron man is a womanizing boozehound and batman 100% hardcore mr. serious. 2 totally different characters

I watched the TDK 3 times just to make sure I didn't like it :monkey1
I loved it! :rock Sure you could nit pick.. like the "drunk scene" and the lame Whiplash suit at the end.

but what a great movie!!
The Drunk scene was ____ing awesome. It was totally character specific. Stark's an alchoholic. I'm glad they put that in there.
If you look on the moniter on the TV near the end when Stark's talking to Fury, you can see footage from the Hulk's incident at the university. Sweet huh?

And a few other nods to TIH. Such as "I got bigger problems in the midwest region" or something to that effect.

I'm pretty sure "I got bigger problems in the midwest region" was a reference to finding Thor's hammer.
I loved it! :rock Sure you could nit pick.. like the "drunk scene" and the lame Whiplash suit at the end.

but what a great movie!!

Yeah, I thought it was great as the first, maybe not...but that set everything up. Tony 're-discovering' himself and his new cause...and making all those cool suits to begin with...Hard to compete with the introduction and the set-up when it's done so well like that. RDJ gave us guys a new cool guy to want to be or at least hang-around with in Tony Stark.

But as sequels go, This was definitely one of the better one's IMO. I was never bored, I didn't think it was packed with too many characters or villains (like SM3), although there were a lot of character stories going on, it all still worked somehow.

And I enjoyed the drunk scene...I felt it sort of needed to be there for Rhodes to show up to fight Tony in another suit to help him realize that he and the suit are NOT one. Once he got that, it made it possible for him to grasp being able to fight alongside Rhodey at the end.

Sure, the end battle with Vanko in his armored suit and the drones could have lasted a bit longer, but overall, I still thought it was pretty cool.

Looking forward to seeing it again! :rock
Can somebody help me out on this one.

In The Incredible Hulk they were using a super-soldier serum on Emil Blonsky, Would this be related to the serum used on Captain America?
In The Incredible Hulk they were using a super-soldier serum on Emil Blonsky, Would this be related to the serum used on Captain America?

Yes, directly. What Ross was trying to do is recreate the Super Soldier Serum from the sample they had left. In the comics, the only time it worked was on Cap, they had multiple other failures. What happened is that it didn't work all the way with Blonsky, hence him getting smashed up by Hulk and was having side effects, the bone protrusions but since he healed they could have continued testing it but Blonsky got impatient and gamma'd himself throwing everything out the window including what looked to be the US' last dose of SSS.
As for a couple of things brought up here, the Mark V is an emergency suit, not the full blown version which is why there is nothing but repulsors on it. Despite what you see in the game, which is never really accurate, The Mark V is a just in case he gets attacked away from Malibu (or New York at Stark Expo) where the bots can reassemble the suit entire so the equipment is minimal. I would compare putting on the Mark IV or VI like putting on a Guantlet and putting on the Mark V like putting on a glove. He didn't even try to jump out of the way so one would think that the boots may not even have the flight capability despite missing the components on the back.

Should Vanko have been more hurt than just a couple of blood trickles from his mouth, definitely but it by no means should have punched his face in, also remember that the suit is responsive so the amount of power and force behind each action and motion is relative to Tony's actions and commands. If the suit were just an endall then in the first one when he grabbed terrorists or even grabbed anything in the suit he'd have ripped whatever it was, an arm, shoulder, anything straight off but it reacts to his desired output or else he would have crushed the turntable or microphone, etc.

There ARE things though that are not defendable by logic alone like Rhodey knowing almost by instinct how to pilot the suit, why Vanko wasn't crippled when being his by the car at the speed supposedly that Happy was driving, why if Vanko could create an Arc and hack just about anything he couldn't have just gone rogue and built himself a suit, if Vanko could crack the JARVIS securities in the Mark II and box out Tony simply by hacking Hammer's upgrades he wouldn't have just seen the codes and systems of Stark's which had to be there still and just go after the Iron Man suit, How Justin Hammer could even upgrade the programming on the Mark II when he hasn't ever handle it or seen it or get his own version to work, there were a ton of plotholes but I would say that the Mark V wasn't exactly one of them.
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Soccer game/wedding rehearsal on Friday. Baby shower/birthday party/wedding and reception on Saturday. Spent Sunday in the emergency room because my son fell and broke his arm.

Still haven't seen Iron Man 2.
The Drunk scene was ____ing awesome. It was totally character specific. Stark's an alchoholic. I'm glad they put that in there.

Stark specific yes, BUT NOT IRON MAN SPECIFIC!!! Being Iron Man is as close as Tony gets to therapy. It allows him to step away from the nightmare that is Tony Stark & be some one else for a while......some one who the world loves for his peace making efforts. Iron Man helps to heal & redeem Tony.

But when they had RDJ soil the image with cheap laughs...........well it was anything BUT funny or entertaining.
Spoilers included. Some of you guys might enjoy this review from our residend IM expert.

With regards to timeline is it safe to assume the scene at the end of Incredible Hulk happened after IM2?

Mr_Fabulous link=topic=4092.msg44780#msg44780 date=1273339777 said:
Since this is the spoiler thread (and my thoughts on the movie itself are largely redundant given other posts in this thread) I thought I'd contribute with an image I saw linked on another forum highlighting the specific timeline of the movie and some shout-outs I personally didn't spot.


Tony better get his **** together if he's supposed to be actively recruiting by the end of Incredible Hulk.

This post establishes that events during Incredible Hulk take place at the same time as this film.

My thoughts about Iron Man 2 (Part 1 of 3)

Opening Sequence (death of Anton Vanko/ introduction of Ivan Vanko):

A great scene, loved the additional dialogue added to the lines from the original film. Rourke isn’t an actor I usually enjoy but I do think he gave a good performance in this role. I could have, however, really done without the “Superman II” scream when his father died. The parallel in the creation of the arc reactor between him and Stark in the first film was a nice touch.


Stark Expo 2010 : Preferred the take from the trailer “You complete me”. The Ironettes were hot. Thought Tony’s speech was a little over the top even for him (or RDJ). The archival film of Howard Stark had a very authentic 1970’s feel and worked well in the film. Personally, the entire sub-plot of the Palladium poisoning I could have done without. While personal health issues are a big part of the Iron Man history and mythos from the books, the way it was utilized and ultimately solved in the film was entirely too convenient and not believable. Olivia Munn is hot, but I hoped she would have had a slightly more significant cameo. Maria Hill or another character from the comics would have been my choice rather than generic reporter # 2. Nice and subtle Stan Lee cameo as Larry King. Kate Mara, who is also hot, and again I wish she could have been a more important character rather than a throw-away US Marshall. She came off very naturally in her one scene with RDJ. Don’t know where they came up with the idea that Tony doesn’t like to be handed things, but I guess it establishes some of his “Howard Hughes-like” eccentricities. It also sort of would have explained why Pepper was initially going to throw the helmet out of the back of the plane.



Senate Armed Services Committee : Again, Tony comes off a little too over-the-top and flippant. More RDJ than Tony Stark IMO, but I have to accept that movie Tony is a different character than the Tony from the comics. Justin Hammer as played by Sam Rockwell was excellent, but should have been a little more menacing. The line about not being able to leave doors open as “we are not Canada” got a laugh out of me. Don Cheadle did a respectable, if not spectacular job, as Rhodey. Just for the sake of continuity, I would have preferred to have seen Terrance Howard in the role. I think it would have added to the conflict between him and Tony having the same actor given their onscreen relationship established in the first film. The idea of the US government and other nations trying to acquire Stark Technology or develop its own armors has been central to the comics and it was interesting to see on film. The failed attempts on video were hilarious and reminded me of a similar scene from Robocop.


Stark Garage : Strange to see Tony Stark essentially accepting the fact that he is dying; giving away his art collection, appointing Pepper as CEO. It seems a little out of character given his evolution in the first film.

Boxing Ring : Scarlet Johansson would not have been my first choice for the Black Widow. Heck, she likely would not have been on my list of potential candidates at all. Having said this, I think she did alright with what she was given in terms of dialogue and action. Her entrance into the ring was smoking hot. Tony’s reaction to her was priceless. Her takedown of Happy was brilliant and had me on the floor almost as fast as Happy. I want one too. Establishing Happy as a former boxer was a nice nod to the comics.


Monaco: Lifting both the setting of Monaco and Tony as a race car driver right from the comics, it was nice to see Leslie Bibb reprise her role as Christine Everhart. Did I mention she’s hot? They also establish that about a year has passed since the first Iron Man film. Tony replacing his team driver is just another indication that in his own mind, he won’t be around much longer, so why not take risks and do whatever he wants to do while he still can. Whiplash comes off much better than I had expected; very believable and menacing. Some great special effects and crashes during this part of the movie. There was scene from Iron Man 1 that didn't make the final cut of the film where Rhodes rams the Iron Monger with the Audi R8. Nice to see they were able to work something similar into this film. The Mark V “suitcase” armor looked great and was a realistic approach to the briefcase armor in the comics.




More to follow.
So I haven't heard you boys say to much about "little miss Black Widow". Which leads me to believe that you all know scar jo was ALL WRONG for the part! I think Jay C in his ENI review tried to explain away the lack of acting & that GAWD AWFUL english pronounciation of her name & the lack of accent, all on her so called "under cover" status *snicker*.

Nat was a plucky lil darling that could kick but with the realizum of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.......which is to say THE CHICK WAS ANYTHING BUT BELIEVEABLE! So she has her little hall way scene, & I don't want to rob her of her lil moment so I will acknowledge that the shot was cool. But it wasn't any thing new & the Watchmen fight scenes were way better. this pom pom cheerleader was anything but a fem fatal. Scar Jo's true purpose in the film is all too clear.............SEXAPEAL. end of story. its sad to, the roll could have reall made the differance in this movie. Its also to bad the chick who played Mysique in Xmen was not able to play Widow.