Iron Man 3 Discussion Thread

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I got spoiled the big twist for the movie..
Last time I ever read the comment on ComicBookMovie.

What a slap to the face for hardcore Iron Man fans. While I'm okay with it and most of the general public is, I don't know why they decided doing what they did.
I'm not going to spoil it as well but I'm very curious as to the uproar it will bring once the movie is out.
If it's true, even when you see it in the movie you're gonna not want to know. It's a really silly decision and even those who've seen it play out in the movie seem to think it's unnecassary and didn't work so i dunno.
Warning : Giant potential spoilers that will ruin the entire movie if you want to go in fresh

Kingsley is not Mandarin. He is in fact an actor named Trevor. Guy Pierce's Killian is the real Mandarin all along. He can get his arms cut off and regrow them and control fire. Pepper kills him. Tony than has his arc reactor removed and destroys all of his own suits. The end.

Bummer if you we're looking forward to a HT Mandarin Kingsley, since hes basically just a random dude with no fight scenes.
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Warning : Giant potential spoilers that will ruin the entire movie if you want to go in fresh

Kingsley is not Mandarin. He is in fact an actor named Trevor. Guy Pierce's Killian is the real Mandarin all along. He can get his arms cut off and regrow them and control fire. Pepper kills him. Tony than has his arc reactor removed and destroys all of his own suits. The end.

Bummer if you we're looking forward to a HT Mandarin Kingsley, since hes basically just a random dude with no fight scenes.

Regretted looking at that as soon as I read the second word.
Warning : Giant potential spoilers that will ruin the entire movie if you want to go in fresh

Kingsley is not Mandarin. He is in fact an actor named Trevor. Guy Pierce's Killian is the real Mandarin all along. He can get his arms cut off and regrow them and control fire. Pepper kills him. Tony than has his arc reactor removed and destroys all of his own suits. The end.

Bummer if you we're looking forward to a HT Mandarin Kingsley, since hes basically just a random dude with no fight scenes.
What the ****.

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