Well, I'm back. Finally got to see it tonight. Felt like an eternity after everyone considering this movie came out overseas a while ago. Well, let me start by saying this: I love Iron Man. The first Iron Man movie is my most favorite movie of ALL TIME. More so than my beloved classics like Terminator 2, Predator or Aliens. I always defended the Iron Man franchise and even IM2. People like to criticize that movie, but I love Iron Man 2... I truly think it's a great movie.
OK I don't agree here. I don't care for Iron Man 2... However it is a Masterpiece compared to IM3.
With all that being said, I hated Iron Man 3. HATED IT. From the very start I felt like it was garbage. I feel this movie is almost a bad joke. I was sitting there, thinking it couldn't be actually happening. Seriously, I'm so fresh out of the movie and so disappointed I don't even know where to start. Was there even a point in this movie? At all? What was the purpose of this movie, can someone tell me? I felt like it only exists as and excuse to show off a bunch of useless suits.
HATED it also. It almost seemed like Shane Black hates Iron Man. He ruined everything that is cool about the character. It almost felt like a big FU to the Iron Man fans.
- I mean, the Mandarin fiasco. - Absolutely ridiculous.
This was the Jump the Shark moment in the film. Everything after it just got weird (fire spitting lava guys).
- That whole thing with that stupid kid (funny but went on for way to long. It was ultimately, completely unnecessary).
Went on much too long. I started becoming uneasy at this point and was starting to feel the creep of the problems IM2 had (not enough IM)
- The lack or Iron Man action scenes. Even the plane rescue sucked. It's hard to feel anything towards it when you find out Tony wasn't even in the suit.
Repeat viewings will forever be ruined by scenes like this. Tony not being in the suit, ruins the fun. Oh and More IM's does not mean better. The ending could have been cool if Tony was in a suit himself and if the villain was cool. Alas we get a very empty action scene.
- The sheer stupidity that was EVERYTHING related to the Iron Patriot (never even fired a single damn shot, not ONCE!). Why is he even in the movie. What kind of piece of crap armor is that, that anybody can put it on without any safety protocols. How can it get deactivated so quickly and easily by a "hand shake".
My friend said the same thing "why is he even in the film" Apparently Hot hands will render the IM suits immobile. Who knew??
- The fact that there was very little Iron Man in the movie. He wasn't even inside the armor half the time. They just completely erased the whole purpose of him being Iron Man. Why would he wear an armor and be in combat in person if he can just control a whole army while sitting on the couch?
Yep! I watch IM to see Tony be IM. This film got it all wrong.
- How can he be Iron Man, without an Arc Reactor? Why would they even do that? That was one of the worst parts for me.
This was the greatest sin!! While apparently all the other suits can be powered by something other then the arc reactor, it is more then the suits. It is part of Tony Stark and makes him who he is. Does this happen in the comics at any point? Just stupid. One of the times I was sure it was an FU to the fans.
- Oh, and Tony going solo, without any armor or real tech to take out the Mandarin. Armed with makeshift weapons? Guns? I'm sorry, but that made NO sense. He couldn't go home and get a suit first? He couldn't contact anyone? Going in, alone, guns blazing was the best plan (after he said to Steve Rogers "We are NOT soldiers!")?
I was unaware also that I paid to see a MacGyver film!!!!!
I could go on but I don't even want to talk about it anymore. I just feel cheated. I wouldn't care if the movie was bad. I could at least say the overall, the trilogy was good but as it is now, this movie is such garbage that it even kills the idea of this being a good trilogy.
I truly am at a loss here as to why toy companies would invest so hard on this movie. I don't feel compelled to buy anything now. Why would anyone invest money on a Mandarin figure? Or hundreds of dollars in an armor that has 2 seconds of screen time.
More great points.
Let me add that Pepper Potts, ACTION STAR, was stupid also. F this film F It straight to hell.
I can only assume that the fans of this film and the critics who liked it will one day wake up. When IM2 came out I remember reading that it was better then the first and then people started to see it more and realized it was not a very good film either. No offence to Dfanatic, as he love IM2 but most reviews I have seen of IM3 mention how it washes away IM2 (this is very wrong, again IM2 was a classic compared to this)
At the end of the day, what was the purpose of this movie, what did it bring to the table for Stark, PP and the phase 2 movies.
Good article. Agree with every word.
Comic nerds are just being obnoxious magpies. In reality, they don't know what they want, they just want to complain (well, in regards to Mandarin anyway).
I forgot about what Cap says in Avengers to Tony, "big man in a suit of armor, take that away, what are you?" Makes sense that they'd go this route.
For my part, Iron Man 3 is the perfect successor to The Avengers, and currently ranks as my second favorite Marvel flick, just behind Captain America: The First Avenger (which I’m aware is another unpopular opinion amongst many fans).
We had to leave the theater early tonight. A kid I knew that worked for my dad as a firefighter killed himself and we had to leave so my dad could help take care if some stuff. I did really like what I saw up to that point.
Someone put pn there that Shane Black is Iron Man's Ratner.
But yeah, most people seem to like the movie.
Well, I'm back. Finally got to see it tonight. Felt like an eternity after everyone considering this movie came out overseas a while ago. Well, let me start by saying this: I love Iron Man. The first Iron Man movie is my most favorite movie of ALL TIME. More so than my beloved classics like Terminator 2, Predator or Aliens. I always defended the Iron Man franchise and even IM2. People like to criticize that movie, but I love Iron Man 2... I truly think it's a great movie.
With all that being said, I hated Iron Man 3. HATED IT. From the very start I felt like it was garbage. I feel this movie is almost a bad joke. I was sitting there, thinking it couldn't be actually happening. Seriously, I'm so fresh out of the movie and so disappointed I don't even know where to start. Was there even a point in this movie? At all? What was the purpose of this movie, can someone tell me? I felt like it only exists as and excuse to show off a bunch of useless suits.
- I mean, the Mandarin fiasco. - Absolutely ridiculous.
- That whole thing with that stupid kid (funny but went on for way to long. It was ultimately, completely unnecessary).
- The lack or Iron Man action scenes. Even the plane rescue sucked. It's hard to feel anything towards it when you find out Tony wasn't even in the suit.
- The sheer stupidity that was EVERYTHING related to the Iron Patriot (never even fired a single damn shot, not ONCE!). Why is he even in the movie. What kind of piece of crap armor is that, that anybody can put it on without any safety protocols. How can it get deactivated so quickly and easily by a "hand shake".
- The fact that there was very little Iron Man in the movie. He wasn't even inside the armor half the time. They just completely erased the whole purpose of him being Iron Man. Why would he wear an armor and be in combat in person if he can just control a whole army while sitting on the couch?
- How can he be Iron Man, without an Arc Reactor? Why would they even do that? That was one of the worst parts for me.
- Oh, and Tony going solo, without any armor or real tech to take out the Mandarin. Armed with makeshift weapons? Guns? I'm sorry, but that made NO sense. He couldn't go home and get a suit first? He couldn't contact anyone? Going in, alone, guns blazing was the best plan (after he said to Steve Rogers "We are NOT soldiers!")?
I could go on but I don't even want to talk about it anymore. I just feel cheated. I wouldn't care if the movie was bad. I could at least say the overall, the trilogy was good but as it is now, this movie is such garbage that it even kills the idea of this being a good trilogy.
I truly am at a loss here as to why toy companies would invest so hard on this movie. I don't feel compelled to buy anything now. Why would anyone invest money on a Mandarin figure? Or hundreds of dollars in an armor that has 2 seconds of screen time.
Well, that is it. This movie even killed my enthusiasm towards CA2, Thor 2 and Avengers 2.
It seems we have this summer's answer to The Dark Knight Rises. People either loved IM3 or hated it, no middle ground.
Well said![]()
When does this hit the states? I predict a full blown nerd war in here come the weekend...
I was / am middle ground for DKR and it was a masterpiece compared with this film.
I'm just waiting to see what kind of gimmick the blu ray will advertise
maybe something like " Includes never before seen footage not shown in theaters " in other words...Iron Man scenes
Includes bonus section which includes every fight scene and additional armor and IP footage that wasn't shown in theaters...
I'm listening to a great EMPIRE podcast with Shane Black right now. He's discussing deleted scenes and everything.
He knew damn well that some people would have a fit over Mandarin.
"You have raped my comics, I WANTED space rings!", his own words. Sounds like he knows his stuff.