If anyone knows me around here then they know I don't troll. I think I have been involved in one flame thread and that is about it.
As for me making my point. I guess I keep putting it a different way because some people keep referring to Box office and critical reviews. Not just Celtic either.
So what is the difference in what I am doing and what they are doing.
I figure if they post, yet something else about the critics or box office, and I post, yet another rebuttal to that the what's the big deal??
I find it funny though that It is constantly thrown back at me that it is my opinion, even though I state that a million times.
OK you win. WOW Iron Man 3 was great. I loved everything about it. What a great twist. Critics love this film so it's gotta be great. It is kicking so much butt at the box office which must mean it's great! The script is perfect and the directing was amazing. I really loved it. I won't even bother to add IMO because most of you know this to be fact!