Mix Master
Super Freak
i believe my pants just became pregnant
I meant that their reuse of the same sculpt means they'll come up with yet another updated Stark figure with more RDJ likeness i.e. the milkyway!!In a much better way. It has battle damage, some new accessories, etc. have you seen superman 3 bad supe they're flogging? Super bad... No accesorry, just straight up repaint. So this one is so much better because it feels like a totally unique figure, not a repaint.
That's the PO price in HK. Sideshow will bump it up though.$180 is that right? cause at that price I will jump on this
Thinking of selling my Mech Test 2.0 for this!
(Why not just keep both? )
Never thought this would get made.
Thinking of selling my Mech Test 2.0 for this!
(Why not just keep both?)
Never thought this would get made.
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