Statue [Iron Studios] Iron Man Mark XLII

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I don't think I'm the only 1 who cancelled my order, but only my name seems to be on the list with deposit held. I understand what was stated in Ricardo's post but IMO it was only a few hours he had my money, he wasn't stuck with a statue on my behalf. If you want to be precise about the post... Where does it say shipping is only covered for loss and not damage??

Again....whether Ricardo had your money for two seconds or two hours, you understood that the deposit was non-refundable. If you were unclear as to whether or not the deposit was non-refundable, why did you place the deposit in the first place? Why not ask for clarification from Ricardo regarding the deposit before placing your order?

Look....I don't want to see any forum member of fellow collector get screwed over. However, as buyers we need to accept some responsibility when engaging in business transactions. If you had any questions regarding your deposit, those questions should have been asked in advance. Now you want to portray yourself as the victim because either a) you didn't actually read the terms before paying your deposit or b) the terms of the sales agreement somehow apply to everyone else...but not you.

You paid your deposit in good faith. A couple of hours later you find a better deal on this piece. You then proceed to demand a refund, despite the fact you knew the deposit was non-refundable when you placed your order. You elect to go public with your story, play the victim card, and proceed to call the seller greedy. Evidently overlooking the fact that attempting to renege on a business agreement, so you can purchase the statue elsewhere for less money, is a move motivated by greed and self interest.

Now you want to complain about the fact that damage to the statue is not covered for damage. I agree with you that many of us assumed the statue would be covered for damage (myself included). That being said...instead of assuming that damage was covered shouldn't you have asked that question before you paid your deposit? When I found out the statue was not covered for damage, I didn't blame Ricardo...I should have asked that question in advance. It was my responsibility to secure sufficient information to make an informed purchasing decision. It was your responsibility as well.
Again....whether Ricardo had your money for two seconds or two hours, you understood that the deposit was non-refundable. If you were unclear as to whether or not the deposit was non-refundable, why did you place the deposit in the first place? Why not ask for clarification from Ricardo regarding the deposit before placing your order?

Look....I don't want to see any forum member of fellow collector get screwed over. However, as buyers we need to accept some responsibility when engaging in business transactions. If you had any questions regarding your deposit, those questions should have been asked in advance. Now you want to portray yourself as the victim because either a) you didn't actually read the terms before paying your deposit or b) the terms of the sales agreement somehow apply to everyone else...but not you.

You paid your deposit in good faith. A couple of hours later you find a better deal on this piece. You then proceed to demand a refund, despite the fact you knew the deposit was non-refundable when you placed your order. You elect to go public with your story, play the victim card, and proceed to call the seller greedy. Evidently overlooking the fact that attempting to renege on a business agreement, so you can purchase the statue elsewhere for less money, is a move motivated by greed and self interest.

Now you want to complain about the fact that damage to the statue is not covered for damage. I agree with you that many of us assumed the statue would be covered for damage (myself included). That being said...instead of assuming that damage was covered shouldn't you have asked that question before you paid your deposit? When I found out the statue was not covered for damage, I didn't blame Ricardo...I should have asked that question in advance. It was my responsibility to secure sufficient information to make an informed purchasing decision. It was your responsibility as well.

I'm not trying to play the victim, I'm annoyed. I tried contacting Ricardo privately the last week but my messages were ignored. I know the $40 was stated as non refundable! But I thought he would cut me some slack, I would have. I dropped it for the fact that I was told my slot was not replaceable, then I saw he sold all the statues and added alot more slots. Your talking as if I signed up to a phone contract and didn't read the small print. If that is the case then surely the contract is void, the fact shipping wasn't posted efficiently or clearly! but the non-refundable deposit was, that was my point. :slap
I remember saying to myself when first seeing this statue that i just had to have it!! I initially thought about putting my name down for one but after gathering all the infomation kindly provided by Ricardo in that it was coming from Brazil, etc...i decided to pull out. It just sounded to risky at the time and as much as i envy those who''ll be getting one i''m still holding out for Sideshow to pull a cracker out of their Comic Con bag and reveal an Iron Man maquette or half scale!

I need my Iron Man fix Sideshow! Dont let me down! :pray:
Stop whining and Get. Over. It. Seriously.

I don't read this as whinning... Ricardo MADE this a public matter when it didn't have to be, and I ADMIT if I was told "I am sorry I can't refund your money because all of my spots are filled and I can't replace you" only to see another dozen orders .... Well I would be pissed off.

I get that rules are rules, BUT there is customer service to consider, and Ricardo you should have at least made contact privately NOT publicly shame a customer
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I don't read this as whinning... Ricardo MADE this a public matter when it didn't have to be, and I ADMIT if I was told "I am sorry I can't refund your money because all of my spots are filled and I can't replace you" only to see another dozen orders .... Well I would be pissed off.

I get that rules are rules, BUT there is customer service to consider, Nd Ricardo you should have at least made contact privately NOT public ally shame a customer

Thank you :clap I obviously won't be getting the money back from Ricardo. I would have just contacted PayPal dispute and let them decide but I forgot it was all done as a gift, as requested by Ricardo in the instructions (that was my mistake!)
Thank you :clap I obviously won't be getting the money back from Ricardo. I would have just contacted PayPal dispute and let them decide but I forgot it was all done as a gift, as requested by Ricardo in the instructions (that was my mistake!)

Damn m8 NEVER as a gift... Ever ever!! Sorry to hear that dude.
High shipping price because you never ordered from South America or Asia. This is what we pay all the time when ordering from US and Europe. As an example I paid $220 when I bought a Wolverine PF from UK. Normally I pay between $110 and $200 every time I order a 1:4 scale statue from US. If I order from Sideshow I pay even more. Customs charges??? Do not talk about customs charges with Brazilians! Every time we buy anything that have to pass through customs we pay 60% over product price plus shipping cost. Yes, we pay import taxes over shipping. I think we are the only country in the world that does that.
We have one option that is asking the seller to declare a low value when shipping but in this case the package is only insured up to the declared value.

You were the only one who cancelled this. When I mentioned the problem with a full refund I was talking about your transaction.
You mention Iron Studios being responsible for shipping without knowing what you are talking about. Iron Studios do not ship the products to their retailers. Retailers have to use their own cartage companies to pick up their products. In this case of course they are fully insured but that is not the case when you use Brazilian Postal services.

Of course if anyone of you who pre-ordered receives your statue damage I will try my best to get a replacement base or statue with Iron Studios but I cannot speak for them and guarantee that. I cannot say that they will give me that replacement part. That is the reason I never stated that. But I will try for sure in case that happens.
Also as I said before I will personally inspect every piece for damages, chips, scratches and light up function before shipping your statue. I can also send pictures of your own statue with edition number before shipping it.

I have no problem shipping these via DHL, UPS or Fedex if anyone wants it and your package will be fully insured. You all just have to know that it will cost much more for sure.
You can go to their websites and quote how much it will cost from Rio de Janeiro- Brazil - Postal Code 20765-971

73cm x 47cm x 30cm and 9Kg/18Lb

Last time I quoted a Hulk PF being shipped via Fedex from US to Brazil it would cost me US$1500.
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I don't read this as whinning... Ricardo MADE this a public matter when it didn't have to be, and I ADMIT if I was told "I am sorry I can't refund your money because all of my spots are filled and I can't replace you" only to see another dozen orders .... Well I would be pissed off.

I get that rules are rules, BUT there is customer service to consider, and Ricardo you should have at least made contact privately NOT publicly shame a customer

I do agree that the problem should have been resolved privately. regards to giving back the deposit based on customer service....that's a slippery slope. If you give a non-refundable deposit back to one customer...then the customer service argument would dictate you give everyone their deposit back if requested. Why should adamreese2006 be entitled to a refund of their deposit, but nobody else? The seller should cut him some slack so he can go and purchase the product from another vendor??? I'm an advocate for customer service, but this is a situation where the buyer feels he is entitled to special treatment. I could understand entertaining the idea for a refund if the buyer were going through some financial difficulty (i.e. he just lost his job). But to demand a refund, when he knew the deposit was non-refundable, so he could purchase the statue from another vendor...IMHO is just plain wrong.

In regards to the Paypal dispute...if I were the seller I would provide Paypal the link this thread. The buyer publicly admits he knew the deposit was non-refundable. The buyer is not requesting a refund due to purchasing the product under false pretenses...he simply changed his mind.
I don't read this as whinning... Ricardo MADE this a public matter when it didn't have to be, and I ADMIT if I was told "I am sorry I can't refund your money because all of my spots are filled and I can't replace you" only to see another dozen orders .... Well I would be pissed off.

I get that rules are rules, BUT there is customer service to consider, and Ricardo you should have at least made contact privately NOT publicly shame a customer

Hi Spidey

I made it public because he was threatening me via PM that He would go via Pay Pal and cancel his payment even knowing I had sent him the shipping refund as a gift. He was the one wanting to be dishonest as He would hold my refund (done as a gift) and the innicial payment if It had not been done as a gift.
I thought that was a done deal as I refunded him on April 30th.
After not answering two private messages on June 27th and June 28th (Almost 2 months after refund was done) about this he came here and threatened going public. That was the reason I posted it here as I have nothing to hide.
At first I Pre-ordered 15 pieces with Iron Studios and now my total is 50 pieces. I cannot cancel this pieces with Iron Studios. That is their policy. I have to pay for all the pieces I pre-order. If I do not, they cancel my account with them and I cannot order ever again.
So even being able to replace your spot It is not fare with me having to refund any pre-order deposit. If you see my side, if 10 people decide to cancel this I will end up having to pay 10 statues in full.
Is anyone going to care about that? NO, because that is my risk.
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High shipping price because you never ordered from South America or Asia. This is what we pay all the time when ordering from US and Europe. As an example I paid $220 when I bought a Wolverine PF from UK. Normally I pay between $110 and $200 every time I order a 1:4 scale statue from US. If I order from Sideshow I pay even more. Customs charges??? Do not talk about customs charges with Brazilians! Every time we buy anything that have to pass through customs we pay 60% over product price plus shipping cost. Yes, we pay import taxes over shipping. I think we are the only country in the world that does that.
We have one option that is asking the seller to declare a low value when shipping but in this case the package is only insured up to the declared value.

You were the only one who cancelled this. When I mentioned the problem with a full refund I was talking about your transaction.
You mention Iron Studios being responsible for shipping without knowing what you are talking about. Iron Studios do not ship the products to their retailers. Retailers have to use their own cartage companies to pick up their products. In this case of course they are fully insured but that is not the case when you use Brazilian Postal services.

Of course if anyone of you who pre-ordered receives your statue damage I will try my best to get a replacement base or statue with Iron Studios but I cannot speak for them and guarantee that. I cannot say that they will give me that replacement part. That is the reason I never stated that. But I will try for sure in case that happens.
Also as I said before I will personally inspect every piece for damages, chips, scratches and light up function before shipping your statue. I can also send pictures of your own statue with edition number before shipping it.

I have no problem shipping these via DHL, UPS or Fedex if anyone wants it and your package will be fully insured. You all just have to know that it will cost much more for sure.
You can go to their websites and quote how much it will cost from Rio de Janeiro- Brazil - Postal Code 20765-971

73cm x 47cm x 30cm and 9Kg/18Lb

Last time I quoted a Hulk PF being shipped via Fedex from US to Brazil it would cost me US$1500.

This should have been stated in the pre order instructions to start with IMO. Obviously you won't be refunding the money now, that's fine. At least people on the fence about pre ordering the last statues can make up their own mind on your customer service and know if they have a dispute with you they have to go publicly through the forum and take on other members opinions! :thud:
Hi Spidey

I made it public because he was threatening me via PM that He would go via Pay Pal and cancel his payment even knowing I had sent him the shipping refund as a gift. He was the one wanting to be dishonest as He would hold my refund (done as a gift) and the innicial payment if It had not been done as a gift.
I thought that was a done deal as I refunded him on April 30th.
After not answering two private messages on June 27th and June 28th (Almost 2 months after refund was done) about this he came here and threatened going public. That was the reason I posted it here as I have nothing to hide.
At first I Pre-ordered 15 pieces with Iron Studios and now my total is 50 pieces. I cannot cancel this pieces with Iron Studios. That is their policy. I have to pay for all the pieces I pre-order. If I do not, they cancel my account with them and I cannot order ever again.
So even being able to replace your spot It is not fare with me having to refund any pre-order deposit. If you see my side, if 10 people decide to cancel this I will end up having to pay 10 statues in full.
Is anyone going to care about that? NO, because that is my risk.

Here is a the whole conversation about the refund. I never denied refunding the shipping cost and I did it immediately after his request.

Jesus! Now your posting my private messages! Is that right??? ****, i feel sorry for your current customers who have any future disputes. Now I am pissed. Im not sure how to find private messages to re-post here but its funny how you posted those 1s and then changed my words on others! I never said I would cancel any payment, I said 'I was tempted to go through PayPal' over the $40! Only the $40! After coming back to the site and seeing all the slots filled and more added. I knew what you messaged was crap about contacting iron studios every night at that time + i paid in the middle of the night then cancelled a few hours later, I let it go back then but then i saw the new posts and list which I didn't think was fair. I tried contacting you privately and this is what you do!
Ricardo PRivate Messages are precisely that ... PRIVATE... And quoting them here proves nothing you can easily EDIT them before you post them up. Anyways it doesn't mater edited or not it is just Bad Form no matter what. Honestly, I really was considering getting in on this, but something kept holding back. No refunds for broken statues aside, given your disrespect for a customer, deserved or NOT, I wouldn't go ANYWHERE NEAR a PO with you. Customer Service HAS to mean something.
You cannot dispute a part of your payment via Pay Pal. If you go that way you have to dispute the whole payment!
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You cannot dispute a part of your payment via Pay Pal. If you go that way you have to dispute the whole payment!

You must off had a lot of unhappy customers and paypal disputes then as I didn't know that.. You can clearly see in that message that I did write, I was only talking about the $40! Now stop posting private messages your digging a bigger hole:cuckoo:
Iron Man Mark XLII price: $469,90 + shipping (I only have 10 more pieces and I cannot get anymore after these are gone!)
Pre-order deposit: 50% of statue price =$234,95

(Non refundable) Deposit to [email protected]
Please send it as a gift or add 5% for pay pal fees.

Estimate release: In between september and november!

Edition Size 750 pieces

I estimated box dimensions 73cm x 47cm x 30cm and 9Kg/18Lb
Package is insured for loss ONLY.

Brasil - USA
EMS (2-3 days) - $138
Economy (12-18 days) - $88

Brazil - CANADA
EMS (4-8 days) - $175
Economy (14-20 days) - $97,50

Brazil - Germany/Greece/UK/Austria/Spain/Ireland/Sweeden/Italy/Netherlands
EMS (3-6 days) - $202,50
Economy (15-18 days) - $132,50

Brazil - Australia/Thailand/India/Hong Kong/Philipines/Indonesia/Singapore/South Korea/Malaysia/Turkey
EMS (5-8 days) - $247,50
Economy (15-28 days) - $132,50

Brazil - Japan
EMS (5-6 days) - $197,50
Economy (15-17 days) - $132,50

* These are final shipping costs. For those of you who have paid shipping in advance, the difference between what you have paid and what shipping costs will be used towards your remaining balance!

As soon as payment get cleared i will have your spot reserved.


For those of you worried about Quality control. As i said before Iron Studios is using the same factory that Sideshow Collectibles uses so we all know they are not QC problems free. The owner of Iron Studios told me they will have a QC guy overseas inspecting every piece before they leave the factory.
I will also be inspecting every piece before shipping them to you guys and as a picky collector i know where to look. YOU WILL NOT BE GETTING A BAD ONE! I guarantee that.
In case there is any problem i will work with Iron Studios for a replacement before shipping to you.

I can also suply pictures and edition number of your statue before shipping.

If you have any other doubt, please do not hesitate to contact me via PM or any of the 2 following e-mails:

[email protected]
[email protected]

1- GodofWar-Alberto G. (+ 1 Iron Man, 1 War Machine and 1 Iron Patriot Key Chains)
2- Ronald G.
3- DVDVampire - David A (+ 2 IM + 2 IP + 2 WM keychain)
4- GodofWar-Alberto G. (Second piece)
5- SpenK
6- Marc-Andre-Drum18 (+1 Iron Man Key Chain)
7- Jye- Ryan L. (+ 2 Iron Man and 1 Iron Patriot Key Chains)
8- Jojo Galang
9- Sen Wei Oon-oonsw05 (+ 2 IM + 2 IP keychain)
10- F. Hernandez-Mr.Zero (+ 2 Iron Man Key Chain)
11- C. Thomas - traylorc
12- Noctu
13- Thunderlips
14- Joe Ruany
15- Brandon Lam-lamtsunfung (+ 1 Iron Man, 1 War Machine and 1 Iron Patriot Key Chains at $27)
16- adamreese2006 (Cancelled- Deposit of $40 held- Shipping refunded)
17- Kyle Z
18- Wu Tung Lun - Yatyau (+ 2 IM + 2 IP + 2 WM keychain)
19- George Smy (+ 2 IM + 1 IP + 1 WM keychain)
20- George Smy
21- thaistixx
22- Charles/TheMovieManiac
23- ronald taylor/rocketrey
24- Ensandria Rendrata- Ersa
25- Marc Heinz
26- goh leong /hazzard
27- Robert Bernier / Mad Napper
28- IE Computers / Gagaliya
29- Paolo schiappacasse
30- Saymour Go
31- Saymour Go
32- Danny Chander
33- BarryAllen/ Bobby Trinh
34- Daren Sheng
35- Daren Sheng
36- Daren Sheng
37- Daren Sheng
38- Daren Sheng
39- Daren Sheng
40- Daren Sheng
41- Maxicollector *
42- Maxicollector *
43- PRF *
44- Adriano
45- Keeping these 3 pieces as immediate replacements just in case I get a bad one!
46- Keeping these 3 pieces as immediate replacements just in case I get a bad one!
47- Keeping these 3 pieces as immediate replacements just in case I get a bad one!
48- Available!
49- Available!
50- Available!

Key Chains ONLY list:

1- OblastSRT4/Dennis (Iron Man x2)