Super Freak
You should check out a little art house indie film made a couple of years ago called "The Transformers."While based on a decades old concept, giant transforming robots are just now entering mainstream live-action cinema and certainly have captured the excitement of the public.
Although Transformers has been a hit amoung the masses since the 90's it WAS tailored towards kids. Along with power rangers, captin planet, dark wing duck, GI joe...ect ect. The reason why its a hit in theaters now is because those kids are now grown up and watching Transformers on the big screen I guess provides some kind of nostalgia. Personally, I didnt find transformers to thrilling....the fact that giant super intelligent robots relied on tiny little humans and a kid to HELP them defeat even bigger robots was just dumb. Transformers should have been ONLY about the robots NO no....I dont consider transformers up to par with Terminator in terms of originality or to have a following for the movie itself.