Its time for the next Joe!

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and you're a moron that lives in your parents house, gets off on bashing others, probably watches hours of porn a day and apparantly has no collection and is bu**hurt about it, how can someone with 40K posts not post pics of his stuff? You are a poser that probably has no other skills but being a sarcastic a$$ so you can't afford anything just talk crap about people that can buy things. Man I wish I knew how old you are, probably running out of excuses to stay at home with mommy and daddy. Like I said a joke :rotfl:lol

Maybe, maybe not. But it doesn't change the fact that your post was absolutely racist. :wave
nope, you?

I have several friends from several ethnicities but aside from the fact that there isn't a racist bone in my body, would never post a racist remark expecting it to be funny, and then turn around and attempt to justify it by essentially saying, "I have a wife who's 1/2 Mexican" as if that magically justifies said racist post. Hitler was Jewish, guess that means he wasn't racist either, right? :cuckoo:
but your frito bandito comment was innocent? So what all mexicans look like frito bandito??

let me post it just in case you forgot:
There is, but unlike Spirit and Quick Kick, Hasbro didn't feel the need to make him look like the Frito Bandito to let people know. :lol

but your frito bandito comment was innocent? So what all mexicans look like frito bandito??

let me post it just in case you forgot:


No, it's your reading comprehension that's inept. In that post I'm stating that Hasbro didn't feel the need to embrace racial stereotypes for Hispanic action figures like they did for Chinese and Native Americans. But thanks for trying to spin the meaning of it to try to gain footing on your trolling. :lol
I wish SS would go on and give us the B.A.T. already. Thats the only figure I will buy multiples of :impatient:
now that will be 200 or up there around that but it will rock with all the arm attachments and the backpack to go in. and the gears in the chest.

I wouldn't see the need for it. Instead of guns and gear, he'll have attachments, so he should be between the standard Joes like Rock 'n' Roll and the armored characters like Zartan. Be a shame if Sideshow uses him as an excuse to price gouge us. :lol