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What an amazing film from start to finish. Cant see Transformers or T4 beating this in terms of quality. My only gripe...why oh why did they have to blow up Vulcan???? It does give a certain poignancy to the film and the way it has displaced an enitire race but it SERIOUSLY f'ks up the existing canon, i mean in STIII Spock's body is returned to Vulcan. Where do they take him now?! I think they could've just maybe killed Amanda (Spocks mum) and parallel George Kirks death rather than destroy such an historically significant planet.I'm a bit uncomfortable with the notion canon has been altered to such an extent...

Well, now Spock isn't destined to die and come back like he did before. Now, anything can happen. The entire destiny of the crew is changed, they could never do some of the things they did before. Or they could meet those same challenges in a different way now than they would have before. It's a whole new ballgame.

And the monster scene didn't bother me at all. It was a pretty shocking coincidence that he just happened upon Spock, but I see it as fate trying to fit things together as they should have. I'm just a big believer in "everything happens for a reason", and that moment was right along those lines. Spock Prime set Kirk back on his path to Captain, and laid the groundwork for Spock and Kirk to become friends and work together on the Enterprise. It was fate restitching the tear in time....at least to me.
one thing I'm trying to figure out, is if there was some implied 'universe/dimensional' reason why Kirk, when ejected from the Enterprise in an escape pod, happened to be not only in the area of space, but also landed onto not only the exact planet, but also the exact part of the planet, and got chased by two monsters into the exact damn cave that 'Old Spock' has found refuge in after accidentally going back in time.

I mean.... isn't that just one (whole collection of!) coincidence too far?

Of course, I ignored it. The film was too much fun not to... but I was wondering if there was a reason this happened that I totally missed. Or was it something we're just not supposed to notice?

The only real coincidence is that Scotty was there. There's not THAT many class M planets, so the fact that Spock was there to witness the destruction of Vulcan, and that Kirk ended up there when Spock dumped him isn't much of a leap. But yea, the fact that Scotty is there is a bit of a stretch. But it's a two hour movie that needs to set everything up - there's got to be afew coincidences.
the fact that Scotty is there is a bit of a stretch. But it's a two hour movie that needs to set everything up - there's got to be afew coincidences.

Not really, Scotty remarks that in trying to prove his theory that you can teleport while in Warp as well as from one planet to another planet without an inbetween he teleported the Admiral's dog. When it never came back he was "banished" to the outpost as a punishment but they forgot he was there. In fact, since Spock Prime showed him the original equation and Scotty never came up with it on his own that will ripple the effect as well.
How long does anyone here think the Enterprise is going to last before it blows up and we need a new Enterprise or a refit, i am giving it 3 movies then a new ship/refit..that is if they pull in enough cash.
How long does anyone here think the Enterprise is going to last before it blows up and we need a new Enterprise or a refit, i am giving it 3 movies then a new ship/refit..that is if they pull in enough cash.

The main cast is signed for three so your guess is logical. The thing is the way modern movies are, they never leave anything alone for long so I could see them changing the look of the Enterprise even slightly from film to film.
Anyone think that the Vulcans will be even more ^^^^^^^s then they were in the older series? With Spock Prime creating a new Vulcan he is privy to 150 years worth of technological advances....he'd share that with his Vulcan people and they'd leap far past any other planet.....
How long does anyone here think the Enterprise is going to last before it blows up and we need a new Enterprise or a refit, i am giving it 3 movies then a new ship/refit..that is if they pull in enough cash.

I see it happening within the next film. The reason explained below...

Anyone think that the Vulcans will be even more ^^^^^^^s then they were in the older series? With Spock Prime creating a new Vulcan he is privy to 150 years worth of technological advances....he'd share that with his Vulcan people and they'd leap far past any other planet.....


With the new technology available, Starfleet will be updating their ships accordingly and rather quickly, creating an interesting power shift between them and the Romulans and Klingons.

By the way, now that Starfleet knows that Romulus's sun will eventually go super-nova, do you think they will share the information with them, earning their trust and altering the future still further? Romulans are closely related biologically to the Vulcans, so they may be able to help with reforming that race.

Klingons need to remain the bad guys, though. Gotta love them for that.... ;)

Looking forward to Mudd's women... :naughty
Yea but, do we really know for certain that Spock Prime is going to go and let out all these new technologies? quantum torpedoes,ablative ship armor etc...hell, he might die soon right? this guy is old balls for sure by now :p, and i mean does it seem like this new time line Enterprise is already ahead of its time technology wise?, since the time line was messed?.
Just his ship alone is enough to backward engineer from, not to mention the drill in the middle of San Francisco Bay. Spock Composite flew the ship and knows and as far as we know its in Starfleet's possession so that is enough. As for Spock Prime he would immediately share with his fellow Vulcans one would think, its only logical to share soon in case he might die.
By the way, now that Starfleet knows that Romulus's sun will eventually go super-nova, do you think they will share the information with them, earning their trust and altering the future still further?

Romulans? "Earn their trust"? Romulans? :google :lol
Just his ship alone is enough to backward engineer from, not to mention the drill in the middle of San Francisco Bay. Spock Composite flew the ship and knows and as far as we know its in Starfleet's possession so that is enough. As for Spock Prime he would immediately share with his fellow Vulcans one would think, its only logical to share soon in case he might die.

Alright well, if the Enterprise in the next movie has quantum torpedoes or pulse phasers, i sure hope atleast they use the sounds of them being fired off from DS9 and TNG movies..i mean, just judging from the Playmates Enterprise toy..i can't say i am a fan of the phaser sounds or maybe i am hearing torpedoes..blah..anyone who watched the movie, could you tell me if the photon torpedoes actually sound cool like the old school TMP era ones?.
Just his ship alone is enough to backward engineer from, not to mention the drill in the middle of San Francisco Bay. Spock Composite flew the ship and knows and as far as we know its in Starfleet's possession so that is enough. As for Spock Prime he would immediately share with his fellow Vulcans one would think, its only logical to share soon in case he might die.

Uh...he crashed the ship into the Romulan ship...did I miss something?
Oh wait, you're right Michael. I forgot about the teleporting thing at the end. Either way we've got Spock Prime, who knows he is old and might die soon so it'd only be logical to spread his information quickly (I wonder if a Vulcan that old can breed) and I still say that the Vulcans will have crazy tech within a few years.
Though the Kobayasi Maru test could've been handled better too...seemed a bit daft but hey ho I'm by and large geeked out with this film...Karl Urban is the real gem here. Bring on the next one....KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNN!

McCoy isn't getting much love because they pushed Uhura into the front this time around. :mad:
check it out. The Onion thinks trekkies are a funny as i do.

<object width="480" height="430"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="https://www.theonion.com/content/themes/common/assets/onn_embed/embedded_player.swf?image=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theonion.com%2Fcontent%2Ffiles%2Fimages%2FSTAR_TREK_article.jpg&videoid=94844&title=Trekkies%20Bash%20New%20Star%20Trek%20Film%20As%20%27Fun%2C%20Watchable%27" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><embed src="https://www.theonion.com/content/themes/common/assets/onn_embed/embedded_player.swf"type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" wmode="transparent" width="480" height="430"flashvars="image=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theonion.com%2Fcontent%2Ffiles%2Fimages%2FSTAR_TREK_article.jpg&videoid=94844&title=Trekkies%20Bash%20New%20Star%20Trek%20Film%20As%20%27Fun%2C%20Watchable%27"></embed></object><br /><a href="https://www.theonion.com/content/video/trekkies_bash_new_star_trek_film?utm_source=videoembed">Trekkies Bash New Star Trek Film As 'Fun, Watchable'</a>
Whoa.....I feel like Spock Prime. I traveled back to 05-04-2009, 08:45 PM, post 698....
