I will be seeing this movie later tonight. I am not a huge Trekkie but with such good reviews, How can I resist.
I hate Star Trek in all its forms and even I enjoyed this movie.
I will be seeing this movie later tonight. I am not a huge Trekkie but with such good reviews, How can I resist.
The only suggestion I'd have is if you haven't seen the movie yet, read the graphic novel prequel-- The information contained within allows for a much greater enjoyment of the movie (if that's even possible).
I agree with this 110%. The graphic novel story was devised by the screenwriters for the film, and explains much (like how a mining ship got to be so powerful it could tear fleets of military vessels to pieces, or where Spock's funky little ship came from, or why the Romulans look like they do)
WELL worth the time to check out.
Did anyone else think Kirk's ascension to being captain of the Enterprise came astoundingly fast?
I've only watched the movies and some of the early TOS episodes, but I remember Kirk having done a lot more in the academy and on other ships before eventually commanding the Enterprise.
Maybe it's just because of the time restraints associated with making an origin film, or maybe it's that 3-year time lapse in the first hour of the film. I hope they add some detail to those 3 years in the fleet for the sequels.
OMFG! I had to contain myself from laughing hysterically before and during the sequence where Kirk parachuted into the atmosphere of Vulcan. Seriously, I was giggling so hard and it would not have been cool of me to laugh out loud -- no one else saw that they were going on a mission with someone in a RED SHIRT! Ok, a RED SUIT! And boom goes the dynamite, Red Suit bit it! Wanted to laugh my fraking ass off!
...J.J. did it. This movie brings back all of the good vibes from watching the original series... I never put STAR TREK in one camp and STAR WARS in another-- they were just all my favourites... and while the PT from George weren't exactly what I had hoped to bring back those nostalgic feelings of Han and Chewie, this STAR TREK did exactly what Lucas failed to do-- Brought back the good and re-energized it to boldly propel it, excuse me, where no filmmaker has gone before.
...The only suggestion I'd have is if you haven't seen the movie yet, read the graphic novel prequel-- The information contained within allows for a much greater enjoyment of the movie (if that's even possible).
Good comments, DN ...BUT...I have to take one friendly exception here (and not to start a flame war)....
I know a lot of folks are comparing what JJ has done here with what Lucas did with the prequels and it's not a fair comparison. Lucas went back to finish the story, not repeat what was already done with just a new twist.
That's what I went to the prequels for and unlike so many folks around here, I felt like that's what I got...a completely different "volume" of the overall story of the Skywalker saga...different, yet well-told in it's own way.
I'll always enjoy the entire SW saga...classic and the prequels...as part of one story....so, while the prequels were a different approach to continuing that story, I wouldn't say Lucas "failed" because they didn't generate the any nostalgic feelings for what came before.
JJ was given the task of re-energizing a franchise that had run into a creative rut....and he does so brilliantly, without totally dismissing everything that came before. It was a strange balance to have to achieve, but he did it....creating something that looks and feels fresh to a new audience, while generating a great nostalgia for those who've always enjoyed "Trek"...
And yes, "Countdown" is a worthy read...very well done. The only contradiction with the movie is Spock Prime mentioning that the "Jellyfish" was "our best ship" (the Vulcan Science Academy) instead of it being donated by LaForge but...no big deal. The comic is a much better send off for NG than the dreary "Nemesis" was...
"Star Trek" is a fun, well-done movie...here's hoping that the sequel is a worthy extension of this effort...
Nobody ever wants to start a flame war-- Most of the times they just happen. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you know what you're going to get when two mods go at it-- Respectful niceties that border on Victorian conduct.
Oh, it's so on.
Don't get me wrong-- I loved the PT because, like you, I went into all three (particularly the first one) with the mindset that this was going to be another chapter and I was happy with what appeared on screen (give or take a certain gungan, overuse/overreliance on CGI, questionable acting...etc)... But what did not take place was a magical out of body experience where the jaded 30something de-evolved into the 8 year old who'd spend entire weekends making up his own stories from that sci fi universe-- or afterschool as well-- oh hell, daydreaming during schoolhours as well.What was missing was that WOW factor and the sense that IT was happening again. Not a scene for scene recreation or second coming of Han... Just a sense that what was unfolding on the screen would have been equally as powerful back then as it presently was... The PT (although great and I love it for what it was) didn't have IT. Abrams STAR TREK has IT in abundance and watching it brought back all of those wonderful feelings.
After last week's studio offering of WOLVERINE it's nice to completely clean the palette with uber-creative individuals who not only get IT, but more importantly give IT.
Go see STAR TREK if you're a fan-- but more importantly go see STAR TREK if you're not a fan. This is geek cinema at its best-- for the masses and not dumbed down.
JB, consider yourself served.![]()
OMFG! I had to contain myself from laughing hysterically before and during the sequence where Kirk parachuted into the atmosphere of Vulcan. Seriously, I was giggling so hard and it would not have been cool of me to laugh out loud -- no one else saw that they were going on a mission with someone in a RED SHIRT! Ok, a RED SUIT! And boom goes the dynamite, Red Suit bit it! Wanted to laugh my fraking ass off!
I was actually worried the action would be too much for a Trek flick... but they balanced it out really well. Much like the effects the action helped tell the story instead of cover up for a crappy movie.
All I know is that Pine and Quinto have a chemistry that I can't wait to see explored and expanded in several more films. Same with pretty much the rest of the cast. Urban as Bones is genius. And dare I say it... I like Pine as Kirk more than Shatner!He's cool and cocky without being dorky in any way.