MaulFan said:
Looks good SL, I wish I could get a better idea of it, but I've never seen Robocop.
Seriously though, you should watch it. It's a much deeper movie than it appears to be. Quite emotional if you try to conceive how you would feel in the situation Robocop finds himself. Lot of human spirit and identity themes.
Basically, the Robocop in the film still was blocking the lower right face on the TV screen, the lower left of the female cop's face, and about 75% of the white paneling. I used earlier frames to get the detail and blended it back into the picture where I erased Robo and inserted the Hot Toys figure.
JohnyBoo said:
I tried using my Koto Leia with Jabba, it looks OK. I am waiting for my GG slave Leia to really look nice.
That looks really good. I think the GG Leia would be great, but you can't disconnect her from the base. Gentle Giant clarified that several months ago. Hopefully, that will change, but I doubt it.
Batty said:
Sadly, I know very little about Photoshop... Just the basics. I wouldn't mind if you guys started a tutorial thread to show us how you do it.
That actually might be a good idea. One of these days when I have a lot of time, I'll see about putting together a few tutorials. That would've been a great project for these past few days. I work in various public schools and live in Northeastern Pennsylvania, so that blizzard gave me a six-day vacation!!
At least I got quite a big amount of other Photoshop work done for Yodasnews, the SW fansite where I do graphic design work. I'm in the process of overhauling most of their graphics.
MaulFan said:
It took me 4 years of college and 6 years of playing to get what's in my brain, I'm open to specific questions, but a lot of it is instinctive, I don't even think about what things I do I just know to do em.
I agree. It can be VERY instinctual. I haven't had any formal training (my BS is in Secondary Education), but I learned everything through fearless tinkering, experimenting, using what I know of movie visual FX, and just learning how the tools interact and affect images.
The biggest thing is that you have to learn to have an eye for these images. You need to get an overall picture in your mind of what you want to achieve and then trained your eye and mind to break apart that vision into the layers that are the heart of Photoshop.