James Cameron's AVATAR discussion thread

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I would call it more bashing and arguing then discussing. No? Anyways.... Avatar = greatness. :rolleyes:

Nope. Fail. Avatar sucks. Worst movie ever made. Effects? Suck. Everything SUCKS. Avatar = WORST MOVIE EVER MADE IN THE HISTORY OF MOVIES.

That's bashing. No one has said anything like that. Stop getting all pissy when someone disagrees with you. This is a DISCUSSION forum. Period. Not a AVATR IZ GREST MOVEE EVARRR forum. Some like it, some dont. I love it. But find it filled with problems.
I just seen Avatar for the 1st time yesterday in IMAX 3D. I liked the film, it was great, not sure if it was the best of the year. I still liked Star Trek and Inglorious Bastards Better. Its still a great film though.
I just seen Avatar for the 1st time yesterday in IMAX 3D. I liked the film, it was great, not sure if it was the best of the year. I still liked Star Trek and Inglorious Bastards Better. Its still a great film though.

District 9 was the best movie of the year!!!:banana
I hope it wins plenty of Oscars at the Academy awards. I know it probably won't, mainly because it isn't really the type of movie that the geriatrics of the Academy don't go for.
Yea good film and why does this thread need to die the dvd isnt out yet.

Because by now everyone knows how predictable and unoriginal Avatar is. One of the reasons Hurt Locker is going to kick it's ass at the Academy Awards. Everything that is being said now has been said before. But it was still a great movie. I've seen it three times and I'm looking forward to it on Bluray.
Because by now everyone knows how predictable and unoriginal Avatar is. One of the reasons Hurt Locker is going to kick it's ass at the Academy Awards. Everything that is being said now has been said before. But it was still a great movie. I've seen it three times and I'm looking forward to it on Bluray.

look dude avatar wasnt original but what movie is hurt locker wasnt even that special.
Because by now everyone knows how predictable and unoriginal Avatar is. One of the reasons Hurt Locker is going to kick it's ass at the Academy Awards. Everything that is being said now has been said before. But it was still a great movie. I've seen it three times and I'm looking forward to it on Bluray.

Hurt Locker might not win--considering the move one of its producers pulled.
look dude avatar wasnt original but what movie is hurt locker wasnt even that special.

Yes it was. It had great characters, and intense scenes. Really intense scenes.

It was an emotional rollercoaster with a fantastic look at these characters. Mostly it was about James. A really interesting character.

Stop trying to turn everything that isnt Avatar into crap. Avatar is not crap. But it's not solid gold either. Its inbetween. Great popcorn flick. Total fun, and shows why going to the movies is still fun.

But thats it. Maybe I just think that movies that should win oscars should have some depth to them....be something more then just a popcorn action flick, or something. Oh well. You'll probably say "i dont care abouht ur opinion". And then the discussion ends, and nothing comes out of it.