Jazzinc 1/6 Batman 1989 Batmobile

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Maybe I am wrong, but I actually haven't heard any of the reviewers point out or mention anything about any divots/dimples or whatever on the car in any of these posted videos. I would think if the "blemishes" were so blatantly apparent and visible that the reviewers would be pointing it out first and foremost.
Yeah, no brand should be safe from criticism or vice versa with praise, they all receive it depending on the issue or what they've done well.

I don't see the point in making this a HT vs Jazzinc fanboy war when it's not even about that. People like me and Nick bought the Jazzinc Batmobile, not the Hot Toys, and that's for a reason. We talk about this particular issue because for some of us, these dents are a big eyesore in what is otherwise a masterpiece from Joost. I don't care if a particular paint is off or the bat emblems have weak magnets. I doubt many would be satisfied spending money on Inart's Aragorn with a dent in their face sculpt.

No one here on this forum is bashing Jazzinc or pointing out those injection mold sink defects out of spite or just for the sake of throwing in complaints last minute to mess with Jazzinc. In fact if there were just one or two dents, then whatever. But there's literally large vertical injection mold sinks right at the wheel well on both sides in addition to the other ones running down the body side.

None of this appeared in the prototype version shown off on the preorder page, which either didn't have the issue at all or it looks like they filled up the dents well enough before paint. We would have mentioned it sooner if they were there. But it is what it is now. For reference to any future vehicles, I'd easily skip out on features like the toy sound (do FB people actually like this?) or stuff like shin breakers and die-cast bat disk if it meant more time and money spent on the QC and ironing out the final mold.

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That's a much more extreme example than most I've seen so far. Wonder if it somehow got exacerbated through shipping or by different temperatures?
Not directly on his site, anything he puts on Specfiction will though. Only VAT is charged if you’re not in the states.

For this, U.S customers are only looking at $1,499 + whatever shipping we go with. I don’t believe we’ll see a customs fee? Has anyone dealt with that on his previous vehicles?
I was hit for a customs fee on the 2022 Batmobile. It was @$55-60 as I recall. This is the same price so should be in the same range.
Man I can't get over how much better that front view looks on the Jazzinc version. Makes me wonder what I ever saw in the HT.

I'm kind of confused why anyone is even continuing to talk about the indentations. They arent changing so just take it to leave it.

It's a valid critique, since folks had expected a flawless design on the chassis - can't fault anyone for that. That's money spent on a very expensive product, where there were certain expectations.

But, since Joost had already stated in this thread that they're unable to fix it any more going forward, it wouldn't make sense to keep demanding that they do it. That's just beating the wind (as unfortunate as it is).
Where are you getting these shipping costs from? Right now the only number for shipment to the U.S. that I can find is an estimate of $308 on their site, and that doesn't specify the shipment method. I'm pretty sure that's an outdated number from when this first launched and it assumed air shipment like all previous Batmobiles, but I could be wrong. I'm in Batch 2 and there are no shipping options associated with my order yet.

I'm going to go with the cheapest option for both of mine now. Last time I checked in August, the product page had expected shipping to the US at $250 (now $310) and that was assuming air freight like you said based on previous vehicles and because a cheaper option was never mentioned until recently. I was excited to hear about the possibility of a cheaper option but then disappointed to find out it meant the original expected cost was now for sea freight and that air freight would be ~$500.

So with the packaging being improved, I'm going with the cheapest option. I don't care at all to have it asap anymore. I'd rather save a few hundred dollars. Depending on how it turns out, that money saved can get me the dx Catwoman :lol
Where are you getting these shipping costs from? Right now the only number for shipment to the U.S. that I can find is an estimate of $308 on their site, and that doesn't specify the shipment method. I'm pretty sure that's an outdated number from when this first launched and it assumed air shipment like all previous Batmobiles, but I could be wrong. I'm in Batch 2 and there are no shipping options associated with my order yet.
No they actually sent an email with a breakdown of the shipping options. Not sure if it is batch related but there is a $500 dollar option that ships it via air from the factory and it will arrive in approx 7 business days.
No they actually sent an email with a breakdown of the shipping options. Not sure if it is batch related but there is a $500 dollar option that ships it via air from the factory and it will arrive in approx 7 business days.
I take it that you’re in the first batch? I’m in the 2nd batch and I haven’t received an email yet. Does it say how long the sea shipment delivery will take? Hopefully not too long. When we ordered these there was no discussion of it coming from China and the shipping estimates were for air freight from The Netherlands. At least it sounds like Joost has made sure that the sea shipment prices from China won’t exceed his initial estimates, so I guess I’ll be going that route. I would have paid the $300-ish price for air freight, but there’s NFW I’m paying $500 (33% of the purchase price!) for that option - that’s ridiculous.

I’m assuming this (the cost increase to ship from China in lieu of The Netherlands) was at some point a topic of discussion in one of Joost’s videos or in his Facebook group, but as a paid in full, returning customer (5th order) it would have been nice to get a heads up via direct email rather than have to find out through the grapevine. At the very least the shipping estimates on the website should be updated to include the air & sea options.
Very disingenuous, almost every hot toys product that releases gets criticized. Let’s not pretend that there aren’t A million comments bashing everything wrong with HT Batmobile.
It's not really. It's not just criticism about the vehicle, it's the attacks against the company, Joost, content creators being in bed with the companies and various other conspiracy theories.

At the end of the day, people are praising how awesome the HT version is despite the flaws. They aren't attacking HT for being a corrupt company trying to steal your money, baiting and switching etc. Why can't those who want the Jazz Inc just have it, and those who want the HT have theirs too? Is it a contest?
Very disingenuous, almost every hot toys product that releases gets criticized. Let’s not pretend that there aren’t A million comments bashing everything wrong with HT Batmobile.

No, it was only to illustrate my thought.
If you knew me better, you would know that I’ve always be indulgent with the HT version.
It’s a vehicle I’ve bought in 2013, always been one of my favorite item and still think it’s a great representation of the Batmobile with a lot of presence despite its flaws. Back to 2013, for 600 $ shipped it was an awesome deal.
I agree, not very fair to compare to a 1 500 $ item but same object, same scale, the comparison is inevitable…
Ok seriously, if you still want to address the ‘mold issues’, there are three options:
1) charge twice the price and take a dozen more hours of filling and sanding per vehicle. Add more layers primer, paint and finish and polish. Adding a few month to production. And have problems down the line with paint cracking
2) increase the price less (than twice the price) and make all separate parts for the side panel and accept bigger alignment or panel gap issues
3) hugely simplify the side mold in detail, curves and accuracy like hot toys chose to do.

Pick your poison. But people saying we were just being lazy or not paying attention kind of rubs me the wrong way. We have been working on this for almost 24 months with production and an incredible and unheard of amount of hand work going into these first batch pieces for almost 6 months. At a certain point there is a limit to what you can do. Especially since filler will always shrink a bit and increase the chances of paint cracking down the line. Also, with the semi gloss, black, you will see literally everything. With a certain light, you will always see any unevenness.

You cannot sand indefinitely because the wall thickness becomes too thin, combined with the heat from sanding creates its own kind of warping and waving in the material. There is just limited to what you can do on this budget.

To give you an idea of how much costs goes into this vehicle: I pay just one of my suppliers $855 per vehicle for his part of it only. So, imagine, adding all the suppliers, Warner Brothers costs, shipping cost, credit card costs, website costs. rent, overhead and then our salaries on top of that and you see how paper thin the margins are. Yet many armchair experts say this was an easy fix and an unnecessary thing to have happened that could’ve been easily prevented, and just shows callousness and laziness on our part.

I’ve said it before and I will say it again. If this is so easy, then why is no other 1/6 scale company making vehicles anymore?

Hot toys has not released an original design in over a decade. And, they make different choices in terms of complexity versus accuracy and size. There’s no such thing as a free lunch. That is the last I will say about this.
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Questions about the shipping..

Can someone post the breakdown? I wanna know what to expect 😳

And does the email say how long u have to pay off the shipping?

I have all the other jazzinc vehicles but this one seems to be different with shipping from what I’m reading

Edit: found the edit tab finally 🤣
Questions about the shipping..

Can someone post the breakdown? I wanna know what to expect 😳

And does the email say how long u have to pay off the shipping?

I have all the other jazzinc vehicles but this one seems to be different with shipping from what I’m reading

Edit: found the edit tab finally 🤣

Jazzinc likes to wait until about two weeks before your order is scheduled to ship so that they can give you the most current shipping rates. Someone higher on the list could tell you what shipping options they’d been given but that wouldn’t necessarily apply to your order or anyone else’s farther down the list. The best you can hope for is to get a ballpark estimate.

Jazzinc expects shipping to be paid off asap. But you might want to ask them if you could send a bit in beforehand.

I understand about the small indentations, the ones that don’t affect the overall shape to any real degree, but what about this one? If my car shows up with a dent as pictured, will you deem it fully replaceable? Or is this to be expected?

I don’t own oatmeal Batman. I clearly said the smaller indentations aren’t what I’m referring to, but the vertical ones that are actually warping the car. Will those be present on every unit? Thanks.